
Ch. 27 - Hard Candy

"Phew. I finally finished all my homework."

"Great, do you want to compare our answers?" (Valde)

"Yeah sure. How about you Ronald, are you close to finishing yet?"

"Almost. I just started Professor Costanzo's homework." (Ronald)

"Ok. Valde, how about we do something else in the meantime while we wait for Ronald to finish?"

"Fine." (Valde)

"We'll be back in around twenty minutes Ronald."




"Why you got to antagonize Ronald man?"

"What do you mean?" (Valde)

"I know what you're doing, purposely trying to piss him off. Why?"

"So that he can better learn himself." (Valde)

"You sure? Cause it sure didn't feel like that."

"Whatever." (Valde)

"Hey, we both know Ronald is not the best when it comes to academics. There's no need to beat him up over it."

"What are you implying?" (Valde)

"I'm just asking you to go lighter on Ronald. We just mended our cracked relationship, and you shouldn't be straining it right now."

"...fine." (Valde)

"So, what did you want to do anyway?" (Valde)

"Honestly, I don't know. Do you have any ideas?"

"No, nothing substantial." (Valde)

"How about we get some snacks from the cafeteria. I could use a small bite right now."

"That's not a bad idea, let's do that." (Valde)

The sun had settled, and the moon was already hanging in the night sky. The night was still young, and the academy was still bustling with life. Entering the cafeteria, we found that there were a handful of other students. Some, like us, came to get a snack or two. A few others were working on their homework in the cafeteria.

"Wow, I didn't expect to see so many sweets that I'm familiar with here."

"What do you mean?" (Valde)

"Well, I thought with the whole magic thing, I'll only see magical candies n' stuff here. I didn't expect to see snacks I could get at my local convenience store here."

As Valde was unwrapping a chocolate bar, he replied, "You know that the magical world isn't completely isolated from the common world, right? Pure isolationism never works. I'll have you know that there's a lot of trade between the two worlds. Plus, the common world has always dominated the magical world when it comes culinary prowess, so it's common to see common world food here in the magical world." (Valde)

"Wow. I didn't know that."

"Well, now you do." (Valde)

"Let's bring some back for Ronald."

"Sure." (Valde)

"Since you've known him for longer, do you know what he likes?"

"Hard candy. He likes eating hard candy." (Valde)

"Let's go get some hard candy then."




"We're back with some snacks from the cafeteria. Have you finished your homework yet?"

"Perfect timing, I just finished." (Ronald)

"Great. We brought some hard candy for you."

"Wow. Thank you so much. How did you know that I like eating hard candy?" (Ronald)

"I didn't. Valde did."

"Azrail, didn't we agree that you wouldn't say that." (Valde)

"I never said I agreed."

"Bu---" (Valde)

"No need to about blush it. You're making this more embarrassing for all of us."

"Fuck you." (Valde)

"Yeah, you too. Let's compare our answers now."

Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I got busy with IRL stuff.

MyNameIsPeytoncreators' thoughts
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