
Ch. 25 - Professor Costanzo

"Don't say that. That sentence is ominous. Remember what happened last time when you said that?"

"Oh, you're right." (Valde)

"Well, we've got maybe twenty more minutes until class ends. What about brewing another batch of the cat vision potion? It sounds like a handy potion, and it doesn't hurt to stockpile a few."

Valde scratched his chin a few times, trying to think of a better idea. Since he couldn't think of any better idea, he agreed.

"This time, we should be able to brew it a lot quicker."

"I believe so as well." (Valde)

"Do you reckon that Ronald has finished yet?"

"No, he's probably on his third or fourth try now." (Valde)

"I was thinking along the same lines as well. I'm going to go retrieve the ingredients now."

"Ok." (Valde)

I later returned with all the ingredients to brew the cat vision potion, and we successfully concocted another batch of cat vision potions. After carefully pouring the potion into smaller glass vails, the bell sounded, and school was officially over for us.

Ronald ran over to us and hollered, "Let's go spar in the gym again! I challenge Valde first!"

"You guys can go, but I must now head to Professor Costanzo."

"Oh right, he gave you detention." (Ronald)

"Yep, he did."

"What a scummy person. You were in a coma and lost your vision in your left eye. Could the professor not show the slightest bit of sympathy?" (Ronald)

"It is what it is, and there is nothing we can do about it. Although it's unjust, I'm better off resolving it now than wait for it to become a bigger problem."

"I understand. Well, hopefully, you get out of it quick. Vale and I will be at the gym." (Ronald)

"See you guys later."

"See you." (Ronald)

"Later." (Valde)




Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Come in." (Professor Costanzo)

I slowly pushed open the door and walked into Professor Costanzo's office.

"Good. You are not late." (Professor Costanzo)

"I wouldn't dare to be late."

"Sit down, loosen up a little. There is no need to hold up personas here." (Professor Costanzo)

"Yes, professor."


"I know it's never a pleasant experience being given detention on your official first day of school, but do you know why I gave you detention?" (Professor Costanzo)

"Umm, because I missed the first day's homework?"

"No. The first day's homework was just to write a few sentences about what you think magic is. There is no harm in not doing it. At least, I don't care if you didn't do it. So, why do you think I gave you detention?" (Professor Costanzo)

"I... I don't know."

"That is fine." (Professor Costanzo)

"Azrail. When I look at you, I see a younger version of myself. I know you more than you think I know about you. I know you grew up in an orphanage, I know you lived a difficult life, I know you killed your bullies, and I know your grand ambitions." (Professor Costanzo)

I was immediately alerted by the professor's statements.

"No need to be on your guard, only the principal and a select few of his closest aides know." (Professor Costanzo)

"Was it the hat?"

"It was the hat." (Professor Costanzo)

"What happens to me now?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all." (Professor Costanzo)


"Again, because I see myself in you." (Professor Costanzo)

"I don't understand."

Professor Costanzo sat up and retrieved a few snacks from a pantry placed in the corner of his office.

"Do you want some cookies? They're pretty good." (Professor Costanzo)

"No, thank you."

"What about some milk?" (Professor Costanzo)

"No, thank you."

"Well, it's your loss, not mine." (Professor Costanzo)

Professor Costanzo sat back down in front of me.

"You see before I was known as the reaper of the battlefields, I was but a starving boy doing anything he could do to survive in a merciless world. I remember how I was treated, beaten, abused, and made use of to commit their dirty deeds. I wanted nothing less than to kill them all." (Professor Costanzo)

"Did you eventually kill them?"

"Yes, it was a liberating experience. But I felt empty afterward. Up until that point in my life, revenge was my everything. Though, after exacting revenge, I had lost the only thing that provided direction in my life. I felt like a lost sailor stranded at sea with no land in sight." (Professor Costanzo)

"What did you then do?"

"I spent the rest of my days doing nothing, just thinking about life and drinking in the tavern. That was until Principal Bonner found me. We were still young then. Bonner was a recent graduate who wanted to change the world, and I was but a lost soul looking for purpose. Bonner introduced a new purpose to my life, and I have followed him since." (Professor Costanzo)

"What is that purpose?"

"Our goal is to destroy the corrupt and rotten royalty who are leeching off the magical world." (Professor Costanzo)