
Advent Of A Destroyer

Razikel · Others
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Chapter 1: Birth of a Destroyer

Mount Kailash

As Lord Shiva, the Hindu God of Destruction, sat in his palace on Mount Kailash, he was suddenly awakened by a sudden burst of energy. It was of pure destruction. A new destroyer was born. Shiva used his power of time to see the future. Suddenly he smiled. The future he saw was happy and very unique. It was even a bit unclear to him. He was recognized as the strongest god below the primordial gods and the abstract themselves.


Perses, The titan god of destruction was sleeping when he was awakened by a raw force of destruction that was spreading through the world, He was aware that a destroyer had just been born, He laughed loudly making the beast and titan look at him. The titan king, Kronos asked him What is so funny. He simply answered A Destroyer has been born.

Shiva and Perses were not the only gods to feel it, The birth of a Destroyer. All High Divinits felt its birth, But no one knows where it was Because as always, Order and Choas will not let the gods do as they wish, Without consequences. consequences that they don't want to play with because True Death was one of the consequences of their actions.


Lord Bael was sitting in his office when he felt the burst of power. He knew who it was that had released it. He simply smiled. He didn't care to look for his wife or check on his child; he was a heartless bastard after all. He went to consult the First Bael. [The Demon God of Destruction]. Zekram Bael. He entered the throne room, where Zekram sat on his throne, looking at Bael when he walked in.

For what reason have you bothered me today, Bael?

My Lord, My third child has been born, a true demon.

Hm, raise it well. Now BE GONE.

With a swift wave of Zekram's hand, Bael was gone from the throne room, and back in the mansion, he went to the bedroom of Misla to see his child. He burst into the room, showing away any maid in his way.

Misla, where is my child?

Is that all you have to say?

Answer me, woman!

A maid came with a child wrapped in a blanket. He was a cute child. He had deep black eyes that seemed to swallow at what stared into them. Bael smiled. He was happy to have a new pawn in his game. He ordered Misla to raise the child until it was ready to be trained. After that, he left.

Misla Pov

I stared at the child in my arms, my Ashura Bael. My child, my hope and light, my little destroyer—I was a bad mother; I saw him as a way to get free from my husband. He was a super devil. It was already known through the underworld of the birth of A Demon of Destruction. I was sure of it. His energy at birth was spreading far and wide. I lost many friends to his birth, maids, servants, and friends. But it was worth it. I had my firstborn child in my arms. I couldn't be happier at this moment.

Ashura Pov

Hm. What the fuck is going on? The first thing I see is women exploding into dust, dissipating, and exploding like fucking balloons! Where am I? Who am I? I see the only woman left alive looking at me with love in her eyes. I think she is my mother. She is somehow familiar. She named me Ashura, Ashura Bael, Bael... BAEL. She is Misla, Sairaorg Bael's mother. My God, Ah, I am a devil; of course, his name would hurt. Sairaorg Bael was my idol. He was born without the power of destruction but still grew to be super strong! He was truly someone who showed the world that hard work can beat talent. I will be his older brother! I will give him lots of love! This is amazing. Wait, I was reborn? I died??. This makes no sense. Why would I be reborn? I was just your average shut-in gamer. eh, who cares? Let's make the best of it!


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