
Advancing My Race Endlessly

DrVolt · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Run In With Elves

When I woke up, I had that feeling of not wanting to leave your bed in the morning, however it was amplified by a thousand times. What the hell was this bed made of, that it was so soft?

I eventually rolled out of bed because I had things I needed to do today. I would need to upgrade my skills, I wanted the strength to travel the world. While I was one of the strongest people in my level group, in this city, I knew the world was wide. I was a frog in a well.

Putting on some clothes that they had already prepared for me, I went downstairs and asked for some breakfast. It was prepared quickly, and I then had a thought. I only had a little more than 100 AC left from all the stuff I've been doing, so I made a trip to the kitchen before heading out.

"Who is the chef here?" I asked when I walked in.

All of the servants pointed at a man. He was a round fellow, who wasn't very tall. His hat was real big though, but I wasn't going to comment on trying to compensate for anything.

"I am the chef, sir, my name is Tony. Was there something wrong with the food? Do you perhaps have a preference for your blood?" Tony said, shakily, he took his hat off and was twisting it nervously.

"No, Tony, you've done a great job. I wanted to help you out a bit, in my own way." I said, I then walked over, and held my hand out.

Tony was confused, but he soon caught on. He slowly put his hat into my hand, and I immediately upgraded it.

[50 AC has been spent to upgrade Chef's Hat.]

[Chef's Hat has been upgraded to Master Chef's Hat.]

'It makes the dishes change taste to match the preference of whoever eats it, while giving an increase to enlightenment for the wearer.'

I handed the hat back to Tony.

"I hope this helps you continue to make incredibly tasty food." I then turned and left the kitchen.

Behind me, I heard Tony.

"Thank you Sir Maximilian! I will do my best!"

Smiling, I left the mansion and headed to the gates. I was let through this time without any checks, the guards on duty today recognized me from yesterday.

'Priscilla must have spoken to the guards.'

As I walked through the forest, I began killing the creatures I came upon. Then I found something that caused me to raise my guard.

Elves. Three of them too. They were high in the trees, looking down at me, with their bows trained on my every step. I looked up at them, and they immediately fired when they realized I knew where they were.

"HEY STOP SHOOTING AT ME! I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT!" I yelled while dodging in between the trees. I meant it, I really didn't want to fight them! It had nothing to do with me being weaker than them, I just didn't see the point in fighting amongst sentient races. I had nothing to do with the territory battle the Undead and the Elves we engaged in.

In response, I received an arrow into my shoulder, however because I was hiding behind a tree form the three Elves it must mean: there was a fourth Elf. One I couldn't detect either.

He was stronger than me! He might either be the protector of these three Elves, or he was just a stronger Elf who was helping them level. Either way, I had to run.

In a fight, if you know you're going to lose, then run. Your life is always more important than your pride. I used Illusion Steps, and began sprinting in different directions. I was making my way towards gate, when another arrow pierced my calf. Gritting my teeth, I kept running, trying desperately to make it back to the city.

While running, I kept using my Illusion Steps to periodically create more clones, trying to throw the pursuers off my trail. It seems that fourth Elf had some way of seeing through my Illusions, and he kept going directly towards me. I directly upgraded my Detect Presence skill.

[100 AC has been spent to upgrade Detect Presence.]

[Direct Presence has been advanced to Scan.]

Immediately a name, and a health bar appeared behind a tree in front of me. I halted to a stop and fell backwards. A sword swung where my head would have been if not for me stopping. I quickly got to my feet, and the Elf who had come out from behind the tree had a confused look on her face.

She was confused how this weak Vampire had dodged her surprise attack, was it luck or something else?

Maximilian immediately used Blood Control on her, however:

[Blood Control failed! Targets level is more than 5 above user's.]

"Oh SHIT!"

I dodged the sword again, and threw my Dagger straight upwards. I had been controlling my own blood, to prevent my blood from flowing out, so I created needles and threw them at the confused Elf. Their eyes went wide again, as they barely dodged the needles.

I turned around to run again, however another arrow pierced my other calf. I could no longer power through and run, I could barely put any strength into my feet. I turned around, and was met with a sword piercing my chest. My vision then went dark.