
Adrift In The Fray

Daiki Yamaguchi is a 17 year old high school failure. His only wants are to waste life partying with friends, but his desires quickly change after a fateful night. Being summoned to another world and granted the title of a 'heaven sent' warrior to save a kingdom known as "Dreburgh" from total destruction, he wonders if he can really do it. This is the beginning of a life that he never would have imagined living in.

Reaperr_27 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter VI

Shivers are sent down my spine as watch the scar finish. It's now permanently a part of me. I stare at it, this mark, what does it mean? I look back up at the girl, and she seems to be calm again. I appear calm, but I am anything but that. I'm in an unfamiliar place that looks nothing like home, and I have this scar on the back of my left hand now. I completely disoriented. As I start to walk to a window letting in some sunlight, the girl decides to speak up.

"I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Renia Hatsumi. And what is your name, savior?"

Savoir? The hell? What is she talking about? I'm not one of those, nor have I ever been. I don't understand.

"Savoir? Hold on... And daughter of a king? Where the hell am I?"

Renia seems surprised by my somewhat hostile questions. But in my defense, it's only natural to be that way when in unfamiliar territory. Renia quickly responds though.

"Please sir, calm down! We mean no harm to you. You were chosen to save my home, Dreburgh."


I was chosen? Does that have anything to do with the flame I saw before I came here? Does that have anything to do with the scar I have now? Fuck! There's so many questions, and so little answers. However, I believe some of those questions are about to be answered. 

"Yes, you were chosen. Only the strongest and most worthy are brought here by the prophecy."

"Prophecy? I... I want to go home. I don't want to be here."

Why the hell was I brought here? According to Renia, it was prophesied that I would be summoned here. But is it specifically me, or just someone who meets the requirements? I need to know, but from how Renia was acting before and how she is describing it to me. It seems that she doesn't even know. However, she seems to be acting a lot more calm after my hand scarred. I take another look at the scar before I look back at Renia, who looks... Sad?

"Listen. I'm not trying to be rude. But I want the know what the hell is happening."

"I understand savoir. May I ask if your name before I say anything?"


Well, that came out cold. I didn't mean for it to, but I might as well roll with it. Judging by Renia's look, she doesn't seem to happy at my hostility.

"Sir, I know you must be confused, but please, we are in great need of you."

"How so?"

I am curious. Why did she... No, they need me? What do these people need from me? Renia gives me a look of concern, what the hell is she afraid of? God damnit, what is happening?

"If have any more questions, you'll need to talk to talk father... I mean the king."

Her dad is the king of this place? Am I talking to a princess? I rub my forehead, confused. Kings and Kingdoms, savoirs and princesses. Am I in the past? Or some kind of foreign place, or maybe it's another world entirely? Man, who am I kidding, that can't be. I chuckle to myself, just the thought of that happening is funny. That's something out of a manga for anime. That doesn't happen, right? I glance over at Renia, who's giving me a weird look.

I walk over to a window, but Renia walks up and stops me. She has a worried look on her face. I put my hand out and she moves back. The fuck? What's gotten in her? What did I do? I look her in the eyes, but she starts blushing. I narrow my eyes at her, why is she blushing? She turns her back to me and whispers something that's just out of my hearing. She give me a quick glance over her shoulder and walks back over to the desk she was doing something at.

As I was about to walk over to her to make sure nothings wrong, there's a knock at the door. I am by head over to the door and Renia jumps at the knocking.

"Miss Hatsumi! Open the door!"

The hell? Who's that? I shoot a look at Renia and she gives one back. She slowly makes her way to the door, keeping her eyes on me. Am I a hostage, or is the hostage? I don't know what the fuck is happening right now. But Renia gets to the door and opens it, and guards rush into the room. All of them in amour and armed with weapons. They all form a circle around me, their weapons pointed at me.

"Hey now, let's talk this out."

They stare at me, they look like I've just committed a crime.

"Renia. Help me out here will you?"

She just stands behind them. Man, the hell is going this her mind? I didn't do anything wrong! I get brought her against my will and the first thing that happens is me being held at a swords edge, this is bullshit!


Oh no... The fuck is this. I'm not dealing with this. It's like I'm being arrested, I'm not going back to my old self am I? Damnit... Damnit! I look at Renia again, and she has a ashamed look on her face. Is that what the bird was that she went out? A cry for help, or was it a warning to the people who are surrounding me right now? Shit, I need a way out... But how? Oh yeah, the window! I'll get out that way. But how am I going to get there? If I can just...

"I'm not asking again! What's your name?"

I look at the guard, and he hesitates from doing something. He thrust this sword at me and I barely dodge it. When did I get these reflexes? I ain't complaining but holy shit! The man looks as stunned as me, but I take advantage of this moment. I knock the sword out of his and and jump up. I place my foot on his and and push off of it. Doing a flip and and landing on the outside of the circle. Like seriously, when did I learn to do this stuff?

They all look astonished, so doesn't Renia. I'm not going to lie, I am a little myself. I didn't expect myself to do that. The window is to my left a bit, and the guards are getting back to there senses. It's now or never. I make a dash for the window and Renia calls out to me.


However, her cries don't matter to me, as I'm pretty sure she just had tried to get me killed. What a way to treat your "savoir". I jump up and slam my shoulder into the window, breaking the glass. I look back and see Renia running to the window I just jumped though. She quickly fades away as I fall. Is this the way I die? Jumping out of a window? If so, it's a pretty cool but also lame way to go. I turn around and... Oh shit is that a tree!