
Cold as Rock

one other side...


A loud groan was heard all over the house along with alarm clock at 7AM in the morning.

He then tossed on the bed to find the clock to turn off. he then went to the bathroom to wash up and start for the day. he looked through the mirror to see his reflection. he saw how wasted he looks after an entire week of sleepless nights and last night he ended up getting drunk with his friends.

Arjun Oberoi, 29 years old man who is known around city m for being the cold as rock but still maintaining his coolness and young CEO of the Oberoi groups. A tall man of height 6'3 and well toned muscles which he manages to maintain even working for 16 hours a day.

He was passed on the position of CEO at the age of 26 by his father who just attends to the board meetings every once in a while. Aryan Oberoi, seeing his son's capabilities had to see what the company's future would look like with his work.

Although arjun was against his Father's decision he couldn't help but accept when forced by his grandfather Ajay Oberoi.

Arjun had to attend the meeting at the imperium today where his father would also join.

today's meeting was regarding the new project which was handled by Oberoi groups and imperium. they named it as NUCLEAR. the finance, architecture and programming was awarded to imperium and the rest would be Oberoi groups work. this project was handled by the country x to these companies as they were the leading in this country.

architecture and design outlines and ideas were discussed in last month's meeting and it will be finalized today. even though today was the final for finance and the workers department the architecture is nuclear decided to present the final today as there would be time for changes of they are required.

Arjun looked at the outlines last month and was impressed with the work. he wanted to know the architect of it, but was told the code name - DELTA RAPTOR.

officials at the imperium were given names of the dinosaurs as requested by the CEO of imperium.

Arjun found it funny as they were using dinosaurs names like kids but he didn't know that those people at imperium like to maintain their presence as low as possible. he was excited that he gets to meet this architect today.

little did he know that this architect would be the love of his life...

Arjun stays at his home which he brought 3 years ago as his mother Neha Oberoi was continuously ranting about his wedding. he had to escape from his mom to completely focus on improvements of Oberoi groups.

when he was done with his bath, wore his grey suit, looked at the clock as it was already 8:00.

As he was very particular with time he rushed out before he grabed his expresso.

he got into his white Mercedes Benz s - class which was his newest addition to his car collection.

Imperium was 45 minutes away from his place which is at emperor buildings. when he reached, he was greeted by Dhruv khurana and krish khanna. krish khanna is the assistant of Deep khurana. he's working for deep since 20 years and is one of the most trusted by khuranas.

Dhruv khurana is the 3 child of Deep khurana. Dhruv and Diya are actually twins and diya was the youngest by 1 minute 27 seconds. He si known as the playboy among the siblings. He is rumored of having a girlfriend sinr high school which indeed is true but a very few of friends and family knew.

Arjun and dhruv meet most of the time for the meetings, then grew closer and now are nice friends. in fact, Arjun got drunk last night and the main culprit behind it was dhruv.

when Arjun saw dhruv, his Headache grew more and had to scold him " how are you still smiling and active, as far as I remember you drank more than me!? "

dhruv found it funny. even though he still feels a little drunk he wants to meet the twin devil.

he can't just disclose this because diya is very much of a introvert and do NOT like her indentity going public. so he told " come on now, man up and act like you always do Mr. Arjun cool Oberoi, our father's can't know that we are attending this important meeting like this. by the way I may need your backup as I still feel a little drunk and I may say a word or few extra, you know! hehehe"

they then got into the elevator to reach 19 th floor where the official conference is to be held.