
Adored By The Alpha

When Cepheusz Oshiro finds himself acting his Alpha instinct and ravages the unfamiliar Omega he just saved from getting attacked by three men. Cepheusz Oshiro is a wealthy and dominant Alpha, known as a ruthless man in the business world, and has a lot of connections in the underworld. He only focuses on making money and he doesn't give a shit about anything else if it's not related to money but when he accidentally slept with the Omega named Cade Saint- a penniless university student, he couldn't help himself to think about the intense night he had spent with the Omega. Since meeting Cade Saint, he has been experiencing various emotions and to his surprise, he found himself not allowing the Omega to disappear from his sight for even a second.

blaat · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


Content Warning: The following contains attempted rape that may be harmful or traumatizing to some readers.


Cep trailed the corridor to his hotel room after he snuck out of his friend's birthday party. The party was a blast, full of Omegas and Alphas, and disgusting pheromones were everywhere, so after he talked to some essential personnel for business, he immediately got away from the venue and took a breather and never intended to go back to the party.

He was swiping the key card to the door of his room when he saw three men in suits attire, grabbing someone forcedly. They seemed to come from the same party.

He assumed the guy who was being dragged along was an Omega based on his figure and looks and one of the hotel staff because of the hotel uniform he was wearing. He also noticed the Omega at the party, serving drinks to the guesses, and judging by the actions, the Omega was trying to resist the three men, but the men aggressively kept trying to drag the Omega into the room across from him.

No one was in the corridor aside for him, the three men, and the abducted Omega.

"No, please! I don't want to! Let me go!" The Omega pleaded and cried, but the three men seemed not to care and were unfazed. Cep thought he had no business with them and stepping in between them would be just a waste of his precious time.

Cep casually opened his room's door as he still heard their voices. He was about to enter when he heard the Omega's desperate plea.

"Please! Save me! "


Cade was in disbelief when the man he was asking for help didn't budge at all, he didn't help him and he even acted as if he didn't exist there. How could someone so heartless and turned a blind eye to his bad situation? The man had a terrible attitude, but he shouldn't put blame on others or involved someone in his misfortune, Cade scolded himself.

"Stop resisting because even if you shout and beg for help. Nobody still wants to help you. Omega like you supposed to be obedient and come with us," the guy said who was gripping his arms while the other two guys were smirking and their eyes were staring at him lewdly as if they were stripping and violating him in their minds.

Cade felt the shiver crawling his skin as he was feeling disgusted and disturbed by these men.

That's right, he was only an Omega, a poor and recessive Omega who got discriminated against and looked down upon by the people everywhere and anywhere he went. That's why even if he would suddenly disappear one day, no one would ever know and remember his existence. Nobody cared about someone like him. Oh, there was one, his little brother would be the only one to look for someone like him.

"I don't want this! Let me go!" He protested, sensing what the men were trying to do with him.

He kept resisting and trying to get away from the hands of these men but he was only an Omega, he couldn't fight and the three men's sizes were twice compared to his. His strength was gone when he felt that his body started to feel hot.

What is this feeling? Cade asked himself. Coming to think of it, he was not feeling well since he got to the party.

The men successfully got Cade into the room and throw him on the bed harshly, he felt the cold and soft mattress against his back.

'No! I need to get out..' he said in his mind and was unable to voice out those words anymore as the unfamiliar feeling seeped through his body, it felt so hot and something part of him was twitching.

"We're you just acting hard to get, I thought you don't like this then why are you being quiet now?" the guy who was wearing a brown blazer, asked mockingly and smiled dirty at him.

"Your pheromones are leaking, do you want us to fuck you that badly Hmm?" The men crawled onto the bed, they were stripping at the same time approaching him.

Pheromones? What were they saying? Releasing pheromones would be impossible for him as he was not yet getting his first heat. His doctor told him that recessive Omegas like him had difficulties getting their heat for different reasons and some others never got their heat. When he turned 21 years old, he gave up hoping for his to heat come.

Cade was crying silently as he slowly accepted his fate at the hands of these men. The door was already locked and even if he would run over to the door, the men could outrun him and might beat him.

Cade sobbed when the men were already naked and ready to pound him and even though he was not sure that God was existing, he was still praying that someone would save him.

As the men's dirty hands reached out to touch him, they heard a knock on their door which caused them to stop and looked at each other, wondering who had knocked.

"Did someone order food?" Asked the guy in the middle of the two men.

The two guys were shaking their heads because they did not remember ordering food or anything else.

"I'll get the door," one of the men volunteered and went to the door.

"What is it?" The man asked as he was opening the door.


Cade, who had been crying, suddenly heard a loud bang, which caused him to stop crying and looked toward the door. He was taken aback; the man who had opened the door was now knocked out on the floor, and the man he had asked for help earlier stood at the door, looking in his direction, and their eyes met.


Cep kicked the guy who opened the door in the abdomen like it was nothing, and he may have kicked him hard enough that the guy collapsed with only one kick. Then he saw the Omega lying on the bed with the two men-- who were dumbfounded by the scene of him and their companion who was currently lying on the floor, unconscious.

Cep walked towards the Omega who looked stunned by his presence. He felt relieved when the Omega appeared to be good physically since he was still fully dressed. However, his face looked messy, it was like his snots and tears were all over his face, he looked traumatized.

As for Cep, he didn't know why he was trying to save the Omega. The reason was completely unknown. He just found himself knocking on their room and pretending to be a superhero.

"What the fuck did you do?!" The second guy asked furiously and got up from the bed and attacked him with a fist, but Cep effortlessly dodged it and simply landed a kick on the guy's face, causing the man to lose his balance and fall to the floor, the man's nose started to bleed but tried to get up again to fight back. However, Cep kicked the guy's chest and abdomen before he could get up and made him unconscious like the first guy.

The last guy stood up and Cep thought the guy would attack him too, but the guy got scared of him and quickly escaped from the room, naked. He didn't bother to look and chase the guy.

Cep, the two unconscious men, and the Omega were only the ones left in the room. He fixed his eyes on the Omega, his eyes were slightly reddish and sullen probably because he had been crying but he still looked dazzling.

The Omega had an exceptional beauty, a small face with a tall nose and moderately thick lips, eyes that were almond-shaped that matched those long and thick eyes lashes, and attractive natural eyebrows that flew obliquely into the strands of his black hair beneath the corners his temples were.

"You okay?" When Cep saw the Omega's pitiful condition, he felt the need to ask him.

The omega was still stunned and slowly nodded his head twice in response.

Cep suddenly scented faint pheromones he had not noticed up to now. The pheromones were not strong so he was still fine. It was a good thing that he was a meticulous person and didn't forget to take a suppressant before coming to the party because he knew situations like these were inevitable.

Cep had to leave the room right away before the pheromones get strong.

"My job's done here, I'm leaving and it's up to you now to decide if you want to leave or stay in this room, " Cep said and he was about to take a step back when a pair of trembling hands grabbed his wrist and had him stop leaving.

"H-help me... M-my body feels so hot," The eyes of the Omega were begging and lips were shaking and his face was flustered. He looked in heat.

Cep hesitated. If he stayed in that room for another second, his rationality might give in to his Alpha instinct and he might attack the Omega, that was the last thing he wanted to happen.

Saving the Omega from getting r*ped made no sense if he would be the last person to lay a hand on him. That would make him a person who was not far from those people who tried to violate him.

The Omega still held on to his wrist and he was taken aback when the Omega suddenly grabbed his necktie making him slightly bent towards him as he felt a soft object pressed against his lips. He kissed him and clung to him, he was stunned for seconds but he was still in his right mind so he tried to push the Omega back, putting a distance between them.

"Fuck, you're in heat, Where's your heat suppressant?" Cep asked with a slight panic in his voice while looking around the room as if a suppressant would suddenly appear if he would just keep looking.

"I-I don't have it with me" The Omega answered, he was stuttering but he kept going anyway "I-I don't know, I've been feeling like this since earlier " he was panting heavily and his pheromones getting strong.

So this is heat? Cade thought he would never get his heat. He didn't experience something like this before, The feeling was so strange, it was so scary.

"Wait, I'll go look for a heat suppressant, stay here and wait for m--" Cep said but the Omega cut him off by grabbing his neck.

His tempting lips pressed against his lips once again, at that moment, Cep knew he couldn't hold it anymore as the Omega's pheromones started to affect him.

He tilted his head as he leaned in and kissed back the Omega, he rubbed his lips against him and he took his time licking, caressing, and sucking his lips with his tongue as he wanted to savor those sweet plumps.

The Omega's moans were like music to his ears. He greedily bit the Omega's bottom lip causing him to gasp and parted his lips, he took that opportunity to slide his tongue into his mouth.

He was sucking and nibbling the Omega's tongue while his right hand was starting to touch and caressed the Omega's slim waist while his other hand was on the latter's nape-- pulling him closer to his body and not letting him escape.

The Omega was at a loss, he didn't know what was he doing anymore when he clung to the stranger who saved him. His brain was melting, and the feeling of being touched was addicting. His body was burning with desire.

Cep knew that the Omega was not used for that kind of thing when he noticed the Omega's sloppy response to his kissing, the thought of it made him happy, he didn't know why he felt that way liked not knowing the reason why did he save the Omega. Maybe it was his conscience? No, that was not it. Rather, something deeper than conscience.

He was not someone to follow his Alpha instinct, he had strong willpower despite wanting to devour the Omega, he had a bit of sanity left so he drew out from the kiss again.

"Don't stop. I need more, more.." The Omega's watery eyes were begging, the face was flustered and lips were swollen and wet from the intense kiss they had. He looked so seductive and lewd, but the Omega was unaware of it because it was obvious the heat was completely engulfing his mind and body, making him intoxicated.

For the third time, the Omega kissed him again and the willpower he had been boasting about until now instantly disappeared as he found himself carrying the Omega to his room while their lips were locking

Well, fuck willpower.