
The game of tag heating up

Lyner nodded his head appreciating the level of the students who were trying to create the so-called mercenary club.

Niel noticed that Lyner was contemplating something which gave him the opening he needed. Niel stepped in Lyner's range and unleashed a one-two combination. A Blindingly fast jab and then a perfectly timed cross. This attack of Niel was actually faster than Saya's sword, yet Lyner easily evaded and as if to mock Niel, Lyner took the same boxer's stance.


Instead of getting angry, Niel was actually smiling brighter than he ever had. Niel Rayheart had never given any effort to anything he did since no matter what he did, he would always succeed. So Niel was always bored beyond belief, the feeling of success was nothing to Niel since he always won. Yet now right here, standing in front of him was a person his natural talent can't simply surpass. Niel finally showed a true smile coming from his excitement a true vicious smile.