
Adopted Children

Adopted by a rich family and loves her very much, of course, it is a very happy thing for Andrea Mesya. Because since she was childhood, Mesya has lived in an orphanage. Of course, having a complete family is a dream for her. Mesya the little girl with big dreams, wants to be a doctor. Mesya requires a lot of money to achieve that dream. Until a married couple suddenly wanted to adopt her, it made Mesya feel like she had a glimmer of hope, what's more, the rich married couple promised her a decent life and education. Mesya hopes that life with her new family will be the beginning of a happy life. But unfortunately, all that did not materialize completely. The family loved her but in a different way. Mesya is even confronted with strange, suspicious events to the riddle of a serial murder that is so tense. Then what kind of love is meant differently?

Eva_Fingers · Horror
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68 Chs

Not A Cheap Girl!

David held Romi's shoulder, then gave a knife to Romi's chest crosswise.

"Keep this thing, and use it if anyone dares to disturb you!" said David firmly.

Immediately Romi heaved a sigh of relief. He thought David would cut him with a knife, but he didn't. Instead, David gave the knife to Romi.

"W-why did you give this knife to me?" Romi asked still looking scared.

"I don't want you to look weak! You are now Mesya's keeper," said David.

"Weak? Then why the knife? Do you, want me to kill people?" asked Romi.

David smiled faintly. "Believe me, after what happened, there will be many people who will bother you, especially you. Our family will always make sure those who disturb Mesya will die. But if you...?"

David furrowed his brows.

"You are not part of our family, and we letting you live will not protect you. So please take care of yourself, don't make Mesya sad to see you hurt," concluded David.

David's explanation is quite long, but unfortunately, Romi still doesn't understand.

'What is the meaning of saying, David?' Romi's mind.

"Okay, now keep that thing and go back, with Mesya." Said David again.

Then the man with an athletic body and handsome face immediately left Romi.

With slow steps and a questioning mind, Romi returned to Mesya.

"ROMI!" shouted Mesya as she ran to her best friend.

"Are you ok?" Mesya asked with a very worried face.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No, Mesya! I'm fine!" Romi said.

Mesya was silent for a moment, she felt very confused. It's always been like this, Mesya doesn't know what happened.

She was confused about what the point of her was to live, and was always treated with special privileges, but until this moment she still didn't know what the reason was.

When entering the classroom, all pairs of eyes turned back to Mesya and Romi.

They whispered to each other, talking about Mesya and Romi hugging in the cafeteria earlier.

Mesya looks very uncomfortable, they all already misunderstood.

In their view, Mesya was a cheap girl, who had grown up before her time.

"Mesya, have you done that often?" asked someone sitting behind her chair.

Mesya turned to the girl.

Her name is Juwita, she is the class president here.

"Juwita, Romi and I don't know—"

"Mesya, your behaviour let us all know that Mesya, a first-year junior high school student, is not a good girl!" Juwita sneered, smiling sarcastically at her.

"What do you mean?! Romi and I are like brothers! We've always been together since we were little!" said the Mesya.

"Oh, yes? But I don't think so!"

"What do you mean?"

"You don't have to be a hypocrite Mesya! I'm sure you're just a cheap girl who often misbehaves with rich uncles, so hugging your boyfriend in public is normal!" said Juwita who was initially accused.

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense! On what basis are you accusing me so lowly?!" Mesya protest.

Juwita smiled sarcastically again, since the first time she met Mesya, she didn't like Mesya anymore.

Mesya is very beautiful and becomes the centre of attention. Everyone in this school, Mesya, that cute girl with dimples is like a goddess.

Meanwhile, Juwita, who feels no less beautiful and intelligent than Mesya, is neglected.

Seeing Mesya who had hugged Romi could be the reason Juwita dropped Mesya.

"Why? Don't you like me telling the truth?" asked Juwita.

Mesya became furious because Juwita's accusations crossed the line. She just talks nonsense and accuses her which is not true.

Even because of her words, the whole class looked at Mesya, as if confirming Juwita's words.

"That's it, Sya, forget it. Let the crazy girl say whatever she wants," said Romi, who was trying to calm Mesya.

"But this is outrageous! I'm a member of the Davies family! Distinguished rich family! How can this girl talk nonsense that I'm a cheap girl who is paid for by a masher!" concluded the annoyed Mesya.

Meanwhile, Juwita was still smiling. The girl looks happy to see Mesya angry like this, and if Mesya gets provoked further, then Juwita can worsen Mesya's good image in front of her classmates.

"I can't believe it if they are your biological parents. It could be, are you just an adopted child or are you just claiming it!" said Juwita.

"SHUT UP!" Mesya snapped.

"Ooops... hahaha hahaha!"

Mesya immediately pushed Juwita's body, causing her to fall.

"Stop, Mesya! Please stop!" said Romi who tried to break up the fight.

The whole class looked back at Mesya.

"Hey! You can see, right! It turns out that this beautiful angel-faced girl is the devil! She pushed me! She's rude and very cheap!" shouted Juwita.

"Stop! You Slanderer! Don't talk recklessly!" Mesya snapped.

Then Mesya turned her back with a gasping breath looking at Juwita.

And just at that time, Mrs Lula, the head of their school came.

"HEY WHAT IS THIS?!" shouted the middle-aged woman.

"She pushed me, Mom! She bullied me! Only because I reminded her kindly that her behaviour in hugging her girlfriend in public was wrong!" Juwita explained with an alibi.

"Uh, no! It's all a lie, Mrs Lula!" Mesya looks very panicked.

"Is it true what you said?" Lula asked Juwita.

"Eh, she lied, Mom!" shouted Mesya,

"Shut up, Mesya! I asked Juwita, not you!" said Lula.

"But, Mrs Lula she's a lie!"

"Shut up, Mesya! Juwita, let's tell the truth!" Lula's orders.

Then with a face that seemed to be persecuted, Juwita told a story.

"So what I said was true, Mrs Lula! She was very rude, and she pushed me to the ground, otherwise, just ask them all questions!" said Juwita.

"Is it true, Mesya pushed Juwita down?!" Lula asked all the students in the class.

And they confirmed it because they did see that Mesya pushed Juwita. Even though they didn't understand the problem with the two of them before.

And even when Lula asked about Mesya hugging Romi, they also confirmed it, because many people saw it, and it's still a hot topic of conversation, even though again they don't know the real story behind it.

It only cornered Mesya even more.

Then they were brought to the principal's office.

"Oh, how's this?" Romi looks very confused, looks like they will get into trouble after this.

Moreover, he is also afraid that Mesya's family will scold him.

Because of this incident, Mesya was punished, cleaning the toilet alone.

While Juwita is not punished, because the girl is very good at acting.

So that makes Lula the headmaster believe in him.

To be continued