
Meeting Michael...

(Onyx POV) I had passed out last night after the predicament and woke up in a room painted purple and black? then Vincent comes in with a plate of French toast. yum. "Good morning sweetheart! how are you feeling? feeling up to going to school? Its okay if your not, I will call the school if you want?" I nod and say "I'm okay. I will be down in a few just let me get dressed. he nods at me and turned to leave. I get dressed in A black hoodie and a purple Skirt. then put on my boots. Grab my purple MP3 player and ear buds, and my backpack. eat the French toast and Then Vincent says I will drive you to school. Scott smiles at him and me and says " I will head to work now. so bye!" he kisses Vincent and pats my head and leaves. "Can I bring some of my friends home after school erm Dad?" He smiles a radiant.smile and says "Sure, kid, I will pick you all up! now lets go!"

Once I get there I say bye and head off to meet my friends at the entrance. I see Jay, Heath, and Lyra and a guy with brown hair and purple eyes. They see me and Say hi and introduce me to the new student. "I'm Michael Afton and you are?" I am stunned by his last name. I am Onyx Wolf but soon my Last name will also Be Afton?" He smiles "Oh so your the one I heard Uncle Vincent talk about to dad?" He smiles. I nod. Then we hear the bell for first hour.

(Time Skip to lunch) I was going to the art room when I see My friends trying to fight off the bullies. "Oh! Eric! Juliet! Oi! Bitches over here I yell after teleporting to behind them. My plan to get them to follow me works and I lead them to the roof and then I give them a scare by jumping off the balcony. and using my vampire ability to soften the fall. then I teleport behind them. and simply said. miss me? They turned with eyes wide open And panicked... and then I told them to never to bully someone again. They all agreed except for Eric and Juliet... But I knew it would happen. Then I erased the.memory of me scaring them and not the feeling of fearing me and their promise. I looked at Eric and Juliet and noticed I needed blood. So I grabbed a needle from my backpack and extracted some blood from them both. Then I emptied it into a small cup and drank it. Okay better now to see if my friends are alright!..I speed down the stairs and meet my friends who were beaten pretty bad all but Michael. who had witnessed them protecting them. I sigh ad say " You guys okay what happened!?!"