
Adopted by a Family of Assassins

Yuki Mitsumu is 20 years old college student from Philippines his major is Business Management and his a half Filipino and half Japanese, his a big fan of anime and his most favorite anime is Hunter x Hunter, One day while his walking home from school he got hit by Truck-Kun in the middle of the road and when he woke up he got reincarnated and what's more he woke up as an orphan and after Five years he got adopted by the Nyx Family. The Nyx Family is famous for being the second strongest family in the whole Cepheus Empire after the Imperial Family and what's scares him the most when he found out that it's a family of Assassins "what are they planning to do with a five year old like me? and why did they adopt me in the first place if the Nyx Family has 5 sons and all of them are well trained assassins and famous for their own talent." This is when the Adventure begins!!!.

Achlys_Shadow · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Ch. 4: North Border

'It's already been two days since Arius became my youngest son and I'm sure my letter that I right two days ago is already in their hands by now~' said by the Duke while looking at Arius that is eating it's breakfast

(I'm going to melt if he continue looking at me like that) Arius said while trying to focus on his food

_ _ _ _ _North Border_ _ _ _ _

"Young Master there's a letter from the Duke!!"

"A letter from Father?" said by the Young Master while looking confuse

"Alright thank you, you may go back to your position"

the Young Master which is the third son Neo immediately rush to the tent where his brothers are resting

"Oi!! there's a letter from Father!!" said by the third son Neo

"That's weird Father never write a letter if it's not important" said by the Second son Lucas

"Then it must be important, right?" said by the Twins which is the Fourth Alexander and Fifth son Alistair

"Give it to me I'll read it" said by the First son Kallisto

the third son Neo immediately hand over the letter to the First son Kallisto.

"Are you guys ready to hear it?" said by the First son

"Yes!! Big Brother Kallisto" answered by the Second son, Third son and the Twin




"What's wrong big brother?" ask by Lucas

"Um..... I don't know if you guys will be happy about the content of the letter so I'll just get straight to the point" said by Kallisto

"Father adopted a SON"

"WHAT!?!?!?" said by his younger brothers

"Father.... a-a.... adopted a Son!?!?" said by Neo

"Why!?!?" said by Lucas

"Yeah.... and he also want us to train the kid how to assassinate once we get back to the estate which is next year" said by Kallisto

"What!?!?!?" said by the other four

"Wait how old is the kid?" ask by Alexander

"He was five"

"Father is also going to teach the kid how to use sword" said by Kallisto

"Tch! what now?" said by Neo

"I'm sure Father has his reasons for adopting him, right?" said by Lucas

"Right, let's believe that Father has his reasons for adopting that kid" said by Kallisto

"He's probably cute right?" said by Alexander and Alistair

"Who knows??" said by the three

"Alright... let's talk about this thoroughly la-" said by Kallisto but he suddenly stop talking because one of their soldier suddenly came inside the tent to report something

"YOUNG MASTERS!!!!..... WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! AN ARMY OF GIANT ORCS APPEAR!!!" said by the soldier while panting and catching it's breath

"WHAT!!!" said by Kallisto

"AHHHHH!!!!! HELP THEIR TRYING TO DESTROY THE BORDER!!!" said by the soldier outside

"Alright we have no choice but to stop them no matter what"

the five Young Masters immediately came out of the tent and Kallisto gave tasks to his brothers and immediately help the soldiers to fight the Giant Orcs.

"First Lucas tell the soldier that Giant Orcs are not easy to take down so I want you to order the soldiers to make some wounds on the Orcs legs and feet since it's their weakness once their legs are wounded enough that's when I'll take care of the rest, for you Neo I want you to assist the other soldiers that is fighting with the other monsters and lastly for you two Alexander and Alistair I want you two to heal does soldier that is wounded that's all now Go!!!" said by Kallisto

but.... no matter what they do... Giant Orcs and normal Orcs keep coming without end, it last long for three days and tree nights, after the fight... hundreds of soldiers died.....

"We have to find out why the Giant Orcs suddenly appear....." said by Kallisto with anger and coldness in his voice

To be continue.....

New Character(s)

First Son

Name: Kallisto Nyx

Age: 22

Height: 190cm

Appearance: Red Long Hair, White Skin, Golden Eyes and Handsome

Characteristic: Cold, Narcissist, Kind and Perfectionist

Hobby: Reading, Assassinating, Torturing, Painting and Hunting

Second Son

Name: Lucas Nyx

Age: 20

Height: 184cm

Appearance: White Short Hair, White Skin, Golden Eyes and Handsome

Characteristic: Warm, Kind, Perfectionist and Mature

Hobby: Reading, Assassinating and Swordsmanship training

Third Son

Name: Neo Nyx

Age: 18

Height: 183cm

Appearance: Black Short Hair, White Skin, Golden Eyes and Mature

Characteristic: Warm, Kind and Mature

Hobby: Reading, Torturing and Archery

Fourth Son

Name: Alexander Nyx

Age: 16

Height: 172cm

Appearance: Black Long Hair, White Skin, Golden Eyes and Cute

Characteristic: Cold, Mature, Kind and Smart

Hobby: Reading, Torturing and Studying Spells

Fifth Son

Name: Alistair Nyx

Age: 16

Height: 170cm

Appearance: Black Long Hair, White Skin, Golden Eyes and Cute

Characteristic: Warm, Childish, Kind and Smart

Hobby: Reading, Assassinating and Studying Spells

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