

In the heart of the kingdom of Eldoria, under the shroud of an ink-black night, the birth of a princess marked both a beginning and an end. A child of rare mystique, her arrival stirred whispers among the courtiers and sent ripples of unease through the castle's stone walls. The night she entered the world, the sky seemed to hold its breath. A veil of mist draped over the kingdom, softening the edges of the castle walls, and muffling the sounds of the bustling town below. Inside the royal chambers, the air was thick with anticipation and fear, for the queen—the rare beauty, a commoner loved by the people—lay silent and pale upon the velvet sheets.


 The midwives whispered of a presence in the birthing chamber that night, a shadowy Specter lingering just beyond the flickering candlelight. They spoke of an eerie chill that gripped the room, of whispered incantations carried by the wind that howled against the castle's ancient stones. When the first cries of the newborn princess shattered the hushed stillness, they echoed through the castle like a haunting melody. But the joy was short-lived, for the queen's life slipped away with each labored breath. Her final whisper, a gentle caress against her daughter's ear, was lost she perished in the very act of bringing forth life.


The child, wrapped in swaddling cloth of the softest silk, was a wonder to behold. With skin the rich hue of roasted coffee beans, hair as dark as the midnight sky, and eyes that gleamed like molten silver, she bore the markings of both royalty and enigma, but in a kingdom steeped in tradition and superstition, her silver eyes were seen not as a blessing, but the pure definition of a curse. For generations, the people of Eldoria had held fast to the belief that silver eyes foretold of calamity, desolation, and misfortune and were seen as a huge abomination. They whispered tales of ancient prophecies, of a time when such eyes would herald the kingdom's downfall. But the king, her father, saw beyond the superstitions that gripped his court.


 Ignoring the protests of his advisors and the murmurs of the masses, he cradled his daughter in his arms and vowed to protect her at any cost. The princess was hidden in the depths of the royal chambers away from prying eyes, whispered speculations, and a world that already judged her. The kingdom slept, unaware of the fragile life that had slipped into its midst, unaware of the storm that brewed on the horizon. For in the heart of Eldoria, a princess with silver eyes had been born, a princess whose destiny would weave a tapestry of mystery and intrigue, whose very existence would challenge the beliefs of an entire kingdom, and whose true power lay waiting to be awaken

It had already been a few days since the queen died but the people of Eldoria spoke of the tragic queen, of the curse that had stolen her life, and of the child with eyes like liquid silver—a harbinger of doom, they whispered.

Two months later...

The king, heart heavy with grief and determination, cradled the infant princess in his arms. His eyes, the color of stormy seas, glistened with unshed tears as he made a solemn vow. "Adira," he murmured, bestowing upon her a name that carried the weight of both love and loss. When it had only been two weeks since the birth of the princess the security at the palace was already at its peak yet day after day and night after night assassins began making their way into the palace for one reason.

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