
Adil & Dito

Adil and Dito are two students from different schools. Adil studied at Elementary School 2 Rawa Laut, Lampung, Indonesia. Meanwhile, Dito studied at Elementary School Al-Kautsar, Lampung, Indonesia. Adil and Dito met in a maths quiz competition at the elementary school level in Lampung Province. Adil and Dito is a dynamic friendship story at the beginning of the millennium, in 2005. The years when social media had not spread like raincoats in the rainy season. The years when traditional games still dominate life. Will Adil and Dito can be true friends until they graduate from school? What happens if Adil and Dito fall in love with the same woman?

Dito_Aditia · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 4. Let's prove it

"Well, the score has been announced at school, dad," Adil said.

"Adil, Mom and Dad just want to know the score. Why didn't you report it to us?"

"Sorry, Dad. Because my test score is bad, it was 50. I don't dare to report it for fear that Mom and Dad will be angry at me," Adil answered in a low voice.

A few seconds after the chat, the atmosphere became silent. His father, mother and brother looked at Adil with a dispirited look.

Adil just looked down languidly with a slightly trembling body. After each of them had finished taking rice, vegetables, and side dishes, the conversation continued again.

"Son, it would be nice if you were honest about your test results, the good or bad grades you got," his mother said.

"Hmm. I'm not angry if you are honest. But since you've already done this, I will give you sanctions," his father said.

"Father, Mother, how about we eat first? It's a pity if Adil gets scolded all the time. On top of that, he always does his homework from school," his brother defended.

With a pang in each other's hearts, tonight's dinner was different.

No laughter as usual. After he finished eating, his father looked back cynically at Adil.

"Especially for tomorrow, you won't be allowed to bring your cellphone to school. This is a punishment from Dady for you," his father said, walking away into the room.

"Don't take it to heart, son, about dad's attitude just now. Dady's intentions are good, He just wants you to be honest," his mother ordered.

"Yes, Mom. Am I always wrong in the eyes of others, Mom?" Adil asked.

"No, son. Be patient," his mother ordered while cleaning up the plates and spoons that had been used.

"Yes, ma'am. Adil apologizes," Adil said, he was still disappointed with the attitude of his father who gave him the punishment.

Sleep is not pleasant for Adil tonight, because the disappointment he feels lingers in his mind. It was difficult for him to close his eyes tightly.

His suffering today is complete, being punished by Lisna and Darno at school, being abandoned by her friends when she is going to Dinda's house, being deemed not to have permission from her parents when she comes home from Dinda's house, as well as her father's strong reprimand regarding the results of the Mathematics Daily Exams which made him unable to bring his cell phone to school tomorrow.

As a side effect, even though he woke up just as the Fajr call to prayer sounded, his eyes were still too heavy to look at the world, so the soft mattress pulled him back to dreamland.

Until 6 in the morning, the sound of knocking on the door and loud chants from his brother.

"Adil! Wake up! Wake up! Don't you need to go to school?"

"Oh my gosh, I woke up late," he thought.

Then he answered his brother's words, "Okay."

Adil who was in a hurry then rushed to take a shower and put his textbooks and stationery into his bag.

The red and white uniform is compulsory from Monday to Thursday.

At 6.15, the voice of Dewa came back from the living room. "Let's hurry. We're going to school."

Adil came out of his room ready to go to school.

After saying goodbye to his father and mother, Adil and Dewa went to their respective schools with their regular taxis waiting for them in front of the house.

They regularly take them to school every day.

On the way, Adil feels worried, he is afraid that he will be late for school again. He looked at the clock on his hand which showed 06:40, 20 minutes later the bell rang and the school gates were closed.

"Sir, can you drive a bit fast?" Adil asked Edo.

Arriving at school, Adil got off the vehicle and gave the money to Edo, the taxi driver.

There seen Darno, the most feared counselling teacher in the school, was taking steps to close the gate.

"Sir. Wait, please don't close it!" Adil said as he ran and entered the school.

"You're almost late again. Hurry up!" Darno said.

Adil rushed towards his class, 6B. Fortunately, his classmates were still lined up in front of the class, led by Angga as the class president.

Shortly after the rows were neat, one by one, the students started to enter the classroom after greeting Mrs Lisna. Adil was in the last place as he is the tallest compared to his friends.

"Adil, you were almost late again," Lisna said.

"Yes, ma'am. I am sorry," Adil said, curtly.

"Well. It's alright, come on in!" Lisa said.

Lisna was happy about Adil's change in attitude today. Therefore, he asked Adil to lead the recitation of the prayer before the first lesson began.

"Let's pray according to their respective religions and beliefs," Adil said loudly inviting all 6B students.

After that, the first lesson begins. Lampung Language course greeted the students.

Lisna began to write down the subject matter on the blackboard, using small white chalk.

"Adil, how did you go to Dinda's birthday yesterday?" Novan asked, his seatmate.

" I came when the party was about to end," Adil replied.

"Did Galih tell you the address of Dinda's house?"


"How come you get to know Dinda's address?" Nova asked, again.

"From Sir Cipto. He also gave me a ride to Dinda's house," Adil said.

"Oh, well. Thank God. You see, yesterday Galih was a little annoyed as he waited so long for you in the schoolyard," Novan said.

"Well, later, I will find Galih on break time," Adil said.

"It sounds good. So that you and he don't suspect each other,"

Hearing the chatter between Adil and Novan, Lisna stopped her writing.

She turned to face Adil and Novan who was sitting in the back row.

"Novan, Adil. What are you guys talking about?" Lisa asked.

"Hmm. Nothing, ma'am," Novan answered.

"Yes, ma'am. It's just about yesterday's activities when I came home from school," Adil said.

"You didn't take a note for the material that I wrote? How come you're still chatting," Lisna scolded.

"I've written it down, ma'am," Novan said.

"Definitely, ma'am," Adil said.

Lisna, who did not believe in Adil's and Novan's answers, decided to walk towards the second bench, to check their notebooks.

"What did you write down? It's empty, there's no writing yet," Lisna said.

"We just about to write it down, ma'am," Adil said.

"Yes, ma'am. I was just about to write," Novan said.

"So, what have you been up to? Now, you two come to the front of the class to explain the material that I wrote! I'm sitting here, watching," Lisna said.

"But, ma'am. We don't understand the material yet," Novan said.

"There's no excuse for the two of you now. Hurry up, go!" Lisna's orders.

Adil and Novan stood up from their seats, walked to the blackboard and took a moment to read the material that Lisna had written.

Despite being embarrassed at having to stand in front of their friends, the two remained calm.

"You only have 5 minutes to read my writing. After that, you will explain the material to your friends in this class!" Lisna ordered from the back row of seats.

Adil and Novan just nodded their heads, without a word on their lips.

Surprisingly, Adil and Novan did not feel burdened by Lisna's orders. On the other hand, both of them looked cheerful.

"Van, do you know what lesson I like the most?" Adil asked, whispering in Novan's left ear.

"No. What is it?" Novan said, whispering in Adil's right ear.

"Lampung language course," Adil replied, still whispering.

"Same here," Novan said, slowly.

"Let's answer the challenge from Mrs Lisna!" Adil invited.

"Okay. Let's prove it!" Novan said.