
Adil & Dito

Adil and Dito are two students from different schools. Adil studied at Elementary School 2 Rawa Laut, Lampung, Indonesia. Meanwhile, Dito studied at Elementary School Al-Kautsar, Lampung, Indonesia. Adil and Dito met in a maths quiz competition at the elementary school level in Lampung Province. Adil and Dito is a dynamic friendship story at the beginning of the millennium, in 2005. The years when social media had not spread like raincoats in the rainy season. The years when traditional games still dominate life. Will Adil and Dito can be true friends until they graduate from school? What happens if Adil and Dito fall in love with the same woman?

Dito_Aditia · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 15. The Doubt

"Yes, Senpai. There is something that makes me doubt whether I can enter a State Junior High School or not, even though my father said I must enter the State," Adil replied.

"What makes you doubt, Dil? Try telling me. Maybe I can give you a solution," said Senpai Supriyono.

"I doubt that my school report cards and final exam scores will be good, Senpai. I'm afraid I won't be able to compete with other elementary school graduates," said Adil.

"Ooo..so that's what makes you doubt. Senpai understands," said his karate coach.

"So, what should I do, Senpai?"

"Before that, can I ask you something, Dil?"

"I can, Senpai," said Adil.

"Do you remember the first time you participated in karate training here, how did you feel? You were nervous and doubtful because you were afraid you couldn't follow the training material?"

"Remember, Senpai. I was nervous that time," recalled Adil.

"Then, what made you get up so that you didn't hesitate anymore?"

"I'm optimistic that I can follow the training material, Senpai," concluded Adil.

"The result is that you are gradually proficient in karate martial arts movements, right, Dil?"

"Yes, Senpai," said Adil.

"So now I ask, why don't you instil that optimism in yourself if you can study at a State Junior High School? Don't you want to make your parents proud?

"Hmm..." Adil was silent without a word. He seemed at a loss for words in response to the coach's words.

"Fair, nothing is impossible if you want to try and pray. From now on, be optimistic. SMP Negeri 4 Bandar Lampung is waiting for you to become one of its students," said Senpai Supriyono.

"Okay, Senpai. I will follow Senpai's advice. Thank you for giving me valuable motivation," said Adil.

Now, it's time for Adil to take off his special karate training clothes. He just washed his hands, feet and face, then went home. He is more comfortable bathing at home than in the school bathroom.

It was half-past 5 in the afternoon and 5 minutes later, the karate students left the courtyard of SMP Negeri 4 Bandar Lampung. Komang, Adil's friend also went home first, which was not far from here.

Adil stepped out of the school gate, towards the city transportation stop at the HOS Cokroaminoto traffic light intersection. If you want to go to Adil's house from SMP Negeri 4 Bandar Lampung, we have to take public transportation (angkot) 2 times.

First, we take an angkot that goes to Tanjung Karang-Sukarame from the HOS Cokroaminoto intersection. The colour of the bus is grey. Later on the trip, we get off at the T-junction near the Garuda Restaurant. That's just the first step.

Second, after we get off at the Garuda Restaurant, we cross the road to the front of the English Language Institute building called LIA. There, we took an angkot that went to Tanjung Karang-Langkapura. The colour of the angkot is dark red, with a blue bumper.

Don't forget, get off in front of Kodim 0410 Bandar Lampung City.

If the angkot travels at an average speed of 40 km/hour, while picking up and dropping off passengers, we will arrive in front of the 0410 Kodim within 15-20 minutes. With a note, the condition of the road is not jammed.

From the front of the Kodim, enter Jalan Sultan Badarudin. Not far to Adil's house, only 5 minutes by foot.

Adil arrived at his house at half-past six in the afternoon, 7 minutes past the time for the Maghrib prayer.

"Assalamu'alaikum," said Adil to his father who greeted and opened the gate.

"Wa'alaikumsalam, Dil. Come in," said his father.

Adil kissed his father's hand, then entered the house and went to his bedroom. He put down his bag, and then put the dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

Seeing Adil who had arrived home, his brother, Dewa, greeted him.

"are you just arrived, Dil?"


"How was your karate practice today? Isn't it fun?"

"That's fun, bro," said Adil.

"What move did you learn today, Dil?"

"Just focus on the blocking movement, bro. I've to take a bath first, bro. After that, we can continue our conversation," said Adil.

"Okay, Dil,"

At 6.10 pm, the Maghrib call (Adzan) to prayer resounded in the Bandar Lampung City area, Lampung Province today, April 10, 2005.

Mr Bambang, Adil's father, used to pray maghrib prayers at a mosque not far from his house, as did Dewa, Adil's older brother.

Adil often performs maghrib prayers at home, as his mother did. Most importantly, this family tries not to be negligent in carrying out the obligation to pray 5 times a day.

Doing homework (homework) given by the teacher at school becomes Adil's routine at night, starting at half past 7 in the evening until 8 in the evening.

However, tonight there was no homework from the school, so Adil focused on studying the sample book for the elementary school final exam practice questions.

"Today, there are so many events that I can take lessons from. Starting from being sad when my father left him, eating together in a friendly atmosphere, practising fun karate, to finding the spirit to be able to enter State Junior High School," thought Adil.

"So far, I mostly complain about the situation. I rarely thank God. Sometimes I still underestimate other people. I'm sorry, O Allah," thought Adil.

"So far I have never felt that I have no pocket money, late paying tuition fees, don't have a cellphone, or wear a bad school uniform," thought Adil, still evaluating himself.

"I know, I have many sins, Allah. Please guide this servant of yours to the straight path," said Adil.

In his state in the bedroom, Adil feels a situation that makes him have to thank Him again.

He was embarrassed when Mrs Lisna caught him playing with his cell phone in class, even though his friends were focusing on studying.

It is true what Mr Darno, the Counseling teacher at his school, said, what would happen if he kept breaking school rules.

What Galih said is true, a friend of his gang, who recently did not get along with him. Galih said, Adil couldn't keep his promise and preferred to be a karate friend. Adil thinks that he is still picky about making friends.

It is true what his father and mother said if they are not honest in their words, why live and live life. Honestly telling a bad daily math test score is nobler than lying behind the truth.

It is true what Senpai Supriyono said. Optimism is the key to rising from doubt.

The memory in Adil's mind is now filled with guilt from the accumulated mistakes he has made. The accumulation made him tired and without realizing it, he fell fast asleep in bed.

"Dil, what are you doing? Can I enter the room ?" said Dewa from in front of the door, but there was no response from Adil.