
Adeptus Mechanicus: Machine Spirit be Damned

What happens when a forge master dooms his entire sector by choosing the wrong side of the war. And in a last ditch effort uses forbidden technology that leave him lost in an unknown universe with nothing but his experience,knowledge and help from the gods that plaqued his previous universe . Follow the fabricator general as he plunges a new universe into chaos as he curves his legacy by the will of the Omnissiah But not all goes to plan…. ———————————————————— I’m not that great in synopsis but hope you enjoy the book anyway *And for those who knew the first synopsis it still applies I’m just experimenting a little. I don’t own warhammer or whatever universe this story ends up in lol(I will use the readers suggestion) 1.DC (in progress)

Chilled_Cronics · TV
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

2. Dancing with Chaos

Our mc,just picture any mechanicus character


And please ignore some of the obvious plot holes if you know the warhammer 40k lore,I'm just trying to set up a premise for our mc…


~~31st millennium ~~

-Horus pov-

I have seen many brave people in my life but never seen anyone brave enough to treat me in such a way.I don't know if it's too much pride has muddled this forge master or does he not care at all.

"Would you mind leaving your guards here,"gestured the forge master as he stepped into the elevator .

I simply nodded and joined the forge master giving a simple nod to my guards to secure the area in the mean time.

The skitarii forces simply milled about and dispersed in different corridors that seemed to stretch endlessly.

Clicks of gears could be heard as the elevator slowly made its way up for what felt like minutes before stopping in what resembled more of a workshop than a office. I guess expecting less from a member of the mechanicum would have been absurd.

"You seem to be a very busy person.."I simply state more to myself than anyone as I walk around observing the various blueprints and bits and parts neatly organized around the room.

"What else is there to do apart from enjoying the wonders of the Omnissiah.."replied the forge master as he connected to a port on one of the data pads.

Minutes later servitors entered through one of fortified doors,one more fortified than usual bringing in a command chair and a 7 meter wide ork table.

"I do apologize for the lack of funiture,you'll have to do with the command chair for the time being,but if it helps,this very command chair was once used by the Emporor himself,well that's what the mechanicum told me before they dumped a pile of "honorary relics" on my world."grumbled the forge master as he took a seat and connected himself to various ports.

Silence reigned for a few minutes as the forge master seemed not to care,more lost in whatever data he was skimming through.

"How did you manage to get real oak wood,"I ask feeling the table as it was rare to see it owned by someone not either in nobility or one with deep pockets and connections…

-Ignatius pov-

"I traded a modified las pistol for it,you'll be surprised what nobles would pay."I say as observe the war master seemingly lost in his own thought."But I suppose you visited for a reason?"

"Tell me forge master,are you satisfied."said the war master as he stood walking around the room only pausing to observe a blueprint that seemed to have caught his eye.

"Such a peculiar question,war master…."I will myself free, disconnecting from the nerve network as I stroll towards the view bay.

"I tend to think there is no such thing as full satisfaction but one has to play with the cards one has been dealt."I say as sneak a glance at the war master.

"But of course,all for the will of your Omnissiah yet the God emperor doesn't allow your institution the freedom to delve more in what you all love doing."said the war master in a voice low yet cold.

"Careful now warmaster,even on this planet,the walls have ears."I turn only to find the war master standing directly behind me.

How….,when did he manage to get behind me.My sensors should have picked it up.

"Maybe,but yet we are still here aren't we."said the war master as he leaned,as if talking to a child.

'This insolent mound of flesh.'I will my connection to the nerve network as multiple turrents pop out hidden compartments and aim at the warmaster.

But to my surprise the war master only smiled and stood beside me observing the vast scenery of factories bellowing smoke as they produce war machines.

"If I wanted you dead forge master,not even these toys of yours can stop me."said the warmaster with a hint of pride in his voice.

"Then you'll be happy to know those toys are outfitted with melts guns specifically made to burn through terminator armor."I say taking a leap back activating my spear.Thanks to the miniature fusion core I fitted to it,the blade of the spear is capable of producing enough heat that theoretically it should cut through his armor,if all else fails I'll run,no shame in a strategical retreat,but I'm curious..

"I didn't picture you as a suicidal man war master…,speak your mind,don't waste my time."I threaten the war master.

"I offer you one thing,the freedom to continue your research without the imperium or the mechanicum watching over you."

"Such trivial things have never bothered me,who is to stop me from doing my research in secret here?"I scoff at the war master,this is just illogical.

"What if I give you Devios?"The war master says as he turns..


I can't help but let out a laugh that I didn't even know my mechanical voice box could release.I heaved at the very thought of burying that bolt machine myself maybe even turn him into a servitor with enough conscience to know who it is without the will to disobey.

Various scenarios play through my mind but I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a cough.

A yes,I shouldn't let my mind wonder….

"Now can we discuss in a less stressful setting."argued the war master pointing at the turrents.

"Ahh yes.."I merely gesture with my hand and the turrents recede back to their compartments. "Finer details as they say"I say smiling but it must have been of putting as even the war master seemed uncomfortable.


Spirit of fire,

Prime this weapon,

And blast the foe,

From the Omnissiah's sight….


~9 solar years after the eventful meeting~

'Damn Horus,damn his false promises damn his accursed gods."Ignatius tried to stable himself as the bunker shook,steadily making his way down to a secret chamber housing battle titans he had saved for such a situation.

Above shells from the imperium battleships bomberded leveling everything that wasn't under the protection of the void shield.skitari forces under Ignatius command held their ground under constant attack from attacks from ultra marines,and loyalist mechanicum forces that saw it fit they should take part in the liberation of his planet.

Servitors and skitari forces rushed in different positions to either man or deliver ammunition,despite the dire situation none showed any sense of fear.

With hurried steps Ignatius finally entered the room housing the titans.He had ordered their deployment 4 hrs ago when the loyalist first deployed their warhounds yet he didn't get any feedback,he personally sent a couple of tech priests to check on the situation but he had yet to receive word.So taking initiative he gathered a couple of skitari vanguard and went to check on the delay.

Immediately after entering Ignatius found the scene out of place. Yes he could see the titans but no one was present in the room,no sign of any source of life.Ignatius commanded the skitari guards to spread out in a protective circle ment to cover every angle of the chamber.

Tensions were high as the guards cleared their sector ready to gun down anything that moved.Lights flickered a result of rounds hitting the void shields causing all power to be briefly directed to the void generators.

Ignatious activated a sensor module he fitted a couple of years back after the incident with Horus showed him he needed a more powerful one. 'There' a blip appeared briefly on Ignatius sensor hud and he immediately turned and opened fire on the figure hiding behind a steel beam at the far end of the room

The skitari followed the forge masters lead and used their arc weapons to reduce the beam to molten lava.Silence filled the chambers for soul crushing minutes until finally Ignatius gestured for one of the skitarii to check the status of what was behind the beam.

Even though no more hostile enemies were being picked up by the sensors,he new that whatever happened down here couldn't have been done by one person.

The skitarii came back dragging a half melted body bearing an unknown symbol,with a quick scan he ran the image through his database.


"How did this upstarts manage to get in here without anyone knowing."Ignatius yelled as he ripped off the inquisition symbol from the very dead inquisitor.

"Search this whole room,find any survivors."I order getting a bad feeling.


An ear splitting explosion rang out ,,the chamber shook with such force he was sure the reinforced metal hatch would fall right down.

Getting his bearing quickly he knew something has gone very wrong,if his guess was correct then....

"Connect me to the magos in charge of the void generators…"Ignatius yelled through the serve network but all his effort was met with static.

Without a single word the forge master turned and ran as fast as his bionic legs could carry him.He already knew at this point the titans were subbotaged and had no chance of being put back online any time soon.

He reached the elevator that should take him up to his chambers where he was commanding the defense effort for the past 2 years .

'Damnit work,,,'Ignatius slammed his mechanical hand on the elevator control panel but it only let out sparks.

With impatience he unfurled his mechanical appendages and began to scale the vast walls but paused to say a slight prayer to apologize to the machine spirit for his cruel actions

Meanwhile,previous positions considered safe were being leveled by concentrated fire from both enemy titans and the battleships that currently controlled the airspace as the void shield no longer provided protection

Bolt fire and plasma shots from both sides filled the horizon as baneblade and leman Russ tanks tried to storm the heretic positions but were immediately reduced to hulks of fire.Even without the void shield,the forge master has transformed his citadel in a way it would take the blood of millions to breach it.

With a heave of effort Ignatius finally made it up to his chambers and called in a servo skull that he uses to connect to the nerve network.But this isn't any normal servo skull but one made out of his old rival Devios.After the deal with Horus he delivered the vermin to him within 3 months and after, he was more happy to help the warmaster in his civil war.

Connecting to the network,his feed was immediately filled with reports of falling positions and malfunctioning equipment.It seemed the inquisition infiltrators had managed to do more damage than he thought.Sectors made to withstand endless onslaught were now falling in mere charges.

'Ahhhhhhhh' a shock ram through Ignatius that left him paralyzed,unable to move.He tried to disconnect from the servo skull but to no avail but a voice deep in the cybernetic seemed to chuckle.

Out of the darkness came out a female inquisitor pointing her weapon at the forge masters head.That's when it all clicked.

'This bastartd even in death is a pain,Devios some how had managed to gain enough will to either leak information to the imperium on how to sneak in undetected or he aided them by not relaying report directly.'Ignatius thought as he eyed the inquisitor walking closer seemingly chanting something .

"The crime is your foul existence!the sentence is death heretic!!"yelled the inquisitor as she pulled the trigger.

Time slowed as my brain worked overtime using all of my will power to call over my spear.It quickly flew over cutting through air in sonic speeds ,passing through the inquisitor shoulder and maneuvering it to directly sever my connection with the servo skull allowing me to turn my head last second but it was already to late as it took out half my mechanical jaw

Oil dropped as servos that used to move my mouth to mimic jaw movements weaned and sputtered.If I was still a normal human this may have been enough to kill me,but I long abandoned the weakness of flesh..

"Ahhhhh" the inquisitor yelled in pain as he tried to reach for her bolt gun still being held by her severed hand.

"YOU VERMIN!!!!!!!!"I yelled pinning the inquisitor down with my bionic leg not minding how I pierced straight through her torso..

She let out a pained scream and in a fit of defiance said, "Kill me if you want heretic,my mission is complete"

Anger like no other filled me,as all my plans,all this years lost following a glorified cry baby that died and all his forces either turned tail and run or began raiding their very Allies.

"You think you've won not yet..,"I pick up the fallen inquisitor who let out a pained squirm as I entered the fortified room directly adjacent to my work area.

I walked up to a cube artifact that after countless experimentation found could be used for various purposes and one of it if sequenced correctly could explode with enough energy to wipe an entire star system.

I knew my time was up and I rather take this whole lot with me.

I throw the still barely conscious inquisitor to the side and got to work.

I do what I must,

With my care I repair you,

With sacred oil I appease you,

My hands move with speed wholely concentrated on the task

Be quiet ,good spirits,

And accept my benediction

Grant my weapon durability,so that it may serve you

The cube began glowing emitting huge amounts of lights as it began to hover.

Battle seemed to seize for a fraction of a second before commanders began ordering strikes on the spire but it was too late

As I serve you

Swallow the light,and spit out de....

A bright light covered the sector visible even from terra itself.

Various expeditions were sent to investigate the status of the reclamation crusade army which had stopped sending reports but all the found was a black hole ..

Nothing was left and the imperium simply passed off the event as a heroic sacrifice from the imperium troops who prevented further tragedy by destroying the system star causing a super nova explosion..

Many found this explanation inconsistent but what else could they say happened…



Forgive any grammatical errors ,

2400 words,I’m cooked though I’m sure almost a quarter of it can be considered filler,but thanks to all reading the book,I still welcome any thoughts and ideas..

Chilled_Cronicscreators' thoughts