
Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

A chance to be extraordinary. A chance to be a pioneer. A chance to show the world what being a Hero really means. Aden Strong is whisked away from his normal life to one of the most terrifying universes, where alien invasion are a normal occurrence, Supervillains seeking to take over the world and powerful beings like Superman are not too out of place. With his Avatar System, watch as he turns the world over on it's head and shows them what it means to be a hero. So begins the Saga of Aden Strong: Avatar In DC. *Cover Pic ain't Mine. 30 advance chapters in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido.

Saintbarbido · TV
Not enough ratings
317 Chs

Damaged Bonds

Please gimme 🙏🙏🙏🙏 your Powerstones, people!!!!!

30 advance chapters in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido.

What did you guys think of the Morbius vs Milo fight? The movie was meh...but real nifty abilities The Living Vampire has right? I wonder if I could write a fic about that... Any suggestions?


(Aden's P.O.V)

Our feet made synchronized steps through the hallway. M'gann had been left behind with the Bio-ship to carry out some maintenance on her. Due to the fact that I personally knew nothing about the structure and make up of a Martian bio-ship, I proceeded to my room. Connor also decided to do the same. Luckily, we had gotten some take out before arriving at the base so I wasn't feeling hungry.


I said while turning the knob to my door. Connor's hand grabbed my arm before I could push the door open. I stared at him over my shoulder and raised an eyebrow in question. Connor's blue eyes were stern as he looked at me.

"We need to talk."

His tone was clipped and hard.

"Okay. I don't know what I did to get the Batman treatment but I'm down for a quick chat."

He pulled back his hand and looked apologetic.

"I'm…sorry. I just have a few questions."

I hadn't missed the way he had looked at me in the Tower. His nose had scrunched up and I had instantly felt like slapping myself for forgetting the clone had superior senses. Which meant he more than likely smelled the acrid scent of Klarion's blood that stubbornly clung to my hoodie. I was burning the thing by the way.

That had left me grinding my teeth and readying an excuse but luckily he hadn't called me out infront of everybody. Especially after the talk between Aqualad, Kid Flash, Robin and I. The suspicion would be back and that would set me back by a lot. I wasn't sure this was much better though. Him confronting me while we were just us two meant, he would be keen to read my heart rate and with no one else around, the chances of misdirecting his pointed questions were less.

All that said though, I didn't like his attitude. I'm a pretty easy-going guy, all things considered. But letting Connor come onto me like that rubbed me the wrong way. I forced myself to calm down though. Superboy was still in essence, a child. Which meant his emotional range was still growing. More times than not, taking the high road when it came to him was easier than winning an argument.

"Ask your questions. Don't expect me to answer them all though."

His jaw clenched and he crossed his hands on his chest. 

"Why did I smell blood on you? I find it suspicious that apart from Abracadabra, who was knocked out at the very start of the fight, this Klarion guy you told us about was conveniently gone before we arrived. What did you Aden?"

"You're thinking I killed him huh?"

I went straight to the heart of the matter. Connor looked thrown off by my straightforwardness.

"Look Connor, we've had a rough evening. So I'm only going to say this once, I didn't kill Klarion."

He looked unsure bit still didn't back down. "Infact I couldn't kill Klarion and I had to result to some very lethal attacks just to stay alive. That's why the scent of his blood is stuck to my hoodie. Otherwise if I had held back against someone on Dr.Fate's level - I wouldn't be standing here. you guys would have come across my dead corpse, instead."

Connor looked away and frowned.

"Right. Why did Fate hold you back then? When we teleported, you didn't teleport out with us. What was the deal with that? You told the rest that he messed up the incantation but I don't buy it."

I sighed. This was going to drag out and I needed a shower.

"Ok we're done here. Let's talk more in the morning, Superboy."

I made to leave but he gripped my shoulder. 

"What are you hiding Aden?"

Ok I was now pissed. I rounded up on the half Kryptonian.

"You know what, I can't believe that you out of all people has the nerve to suspect me of anything. When you came out of the pod, who was the one person who didn't judge you for your fucking attitude? Who was it that had your back the most? Me. That's who! But I guess that respect and care goes one way doesn't it Connor? At least the big guy is considerate to his friends."

That struck a nerve. His face scrunched up in anger and he punched the wall next to me.

"Don't fucking talk to me like you know everything about me. You know nothing!"

He roared. I looked at him unimpressed. The hand inside my hoodie was tightened into a fist and I wanted nothing more than to bury it on Connor's face.

There was a gentle whoosh as M'gann rounded up the Connor and stared at us. 

"Ummh guys, is everything ok?"

She timidly asked. The tension between Connor and I was palpable.

"We're done here."

I swallowed the anger, turned and opened the door to my room.


Connor started but I cut him off. I had had enough of his bullshit.

"Goodnight. To both of you."

I closed the door behind me and let out a sigh at how dramatic my life had recently gotten. I hate drama. It all feels so unnecessary. My first thought if I was in Connor's shoes would have been to exercise the policy of 'minding my own fucking business.' If the issue had been too delicate to just leave as it was, my approach would not have been as aggressive and out of line. Connor had damaged our friendship a little and the problem with me, is that I'm rarely the first to reach out and patch things first. I sighed, things would definitely be awkward in the cave for a few days. 

In a way, I could understand where he was coming from with all the suspicion. This Connor was different from the one on the screen. Due to Superman appropriately taking him under his wing, some of the Big Blue's principles were rubbing off him. Chief among them being the no killing rule. And had Superman gotten the same scent of blood, his first move would have been to confront me about it. Connor was just emulating his new mentor. But just because I understood where he was coming from did not mean, it wasn't any less annoying. 

So fuck him and everyone else. What I needed was to keep my eyes on the objective. I wouldn't be sticking around here that long anyway. I took a much needed shower and come back feeling fresh and with an organized mentality. If Conner's attitude was an indication, most of the team would get angsty and start investigating me upon the slightest slip up. Which meant I had to move out the 'things' I had hidden in my room to somewhere else secure. 

Unfortunately the list of contacts I had decided to make in the underworld were painfully short. Meaning I had no reputation to help me broker deals with these nefarious characters. That meant I couldn't contact The Calculator, if it was actually him, just yet. 

Which left me with only one other choice. Lucifer. I could stash my things with him for the time being while also carrying out the missions he wanted to give me, which I could use to build a reputation in the underworld. But something told me not to leave the Meta-trigger or Kobra-venom with anyone else but me. So I needed another idea. The tasks he wanted me to do for him were beneficial to me however so I wouldn't bail on that. Luckily, Batman wouldn't be too suspicious about my L.A outings as opposed to going anywhere else. 

But first, before I made contact with the Devil, I needed to ensure that I could survive anything he could throw at me. And I also needed to have another identity separate from my Maelstrom one. Which meant I couldn't use my air bending because Batman would simply compare my outings with the time the incidences took place and figure out that it was me. 

It was time to learn Fire bending. Which meant, I needed to complete the advancement into Air bending Grandmaster. Time to grind the shit out of my Sonic Subskill and get it to the level it needed to be.

In the meantime, in one of the documents from Galiel's safe, there was a storage unit where he kept his relics from his numerous world travel that I could use to hide the Meta-trigger and the vial of Kobra-venom. The jewelry, I would leave for the time being and sell in Metropolis. The cash would have to stay in my room. It was easier explaining it away than the rest of the stuff.

(General P.O.V)

"Klarion lost? That is… unexpected."

One of the members of the light spoke up. 

"Yes. It seems we underestimated the children."

Another added.

"Particularly this…aerokinetic boy. Could he be a protege of Red Tornado? Their abilities are similar."

This time, it was a woman's voice.

"Doubtful, " a deeper voice countered. "Red Tornado has never had a Protege all these years. The chances of him deciding to pick one now are slim."

"Maybe or maybe not. One thing that is clear, is that the boy poses a threat to us."

Another voice spoke up, his tone was crisp, concise and oozing with charm.

"I never pegged you for a coward Luthor. Surely he is but a child. Although his abilities are impressive. He is no Kryptonian to warrant this level of caution."

The woman said.

The deeper voice from earlier chuckled.

"Bold of you to insult Luthor. However, I'd advise you to exercise some level of grace as befitting your station, Your Majesty. Luthor, is no fool and he certainly is not a coward. He must have a point. Let's hear him out first."

Luthor cleared his throat.

"As I was saying, the boy seems to know of us. By now, Batman and by extension the League suspect the existence of an anti-thesis to The Justice League so he could have acquired the information that way. What concerns me the most was how he knew Klarion was a member."

There was a brief silence.

"That is a course for concern."

The Deeper voice from earlier added. He seemed to hold a position as the head of the meeting.

"The boy…he had a run in with a few of my…operatives during the Roquette mission. This is one more time, he has stood against our goals. I propose we deal with him."


Suddenly, in response to Ra's Al Ghul's words, Klarion refused. His voice was dripping with acid and a manic hate. Despite none of the members of the Light actually being present in the same room, a grim foreboding feeling came upon everyone.

"He's mine! You hear that? Miiiine! I will make that little shit suffer for the insult he gave to me!! If any of you touch him before I do, you shall know despair!"

There was a roar from Klarion's screen and with a click the screen went off.

"Well that was as productive a talk as any."

Luthor added as an afterthought.