
Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

A chance to be extraordinary. A chance to be a pioneer. A chance to show the world what being a Hero really means. Aden Strong is whisked away from his normal life to one of the most terrifying universes, where alien invasion are a normal occurrence, Supervillains seeking to take over the world and powerful beings like Superman are not too out of place. With his Avatar System, watch as he turns the world over on it's head and shows them what it means to be a hero. So begins the Saga of Aden Strong: Avatar In DC. *Cover Pic ain't Mine. 30 advance chapters in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido.

Saintbarbido · TV
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317 Chs

Collision part 2

30 advance chapters in my Pat.reon. pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido.

Please gimme 🙏🙏 🙏🙏🙏 Your Powerstones People.


(Aden's P.O.V)

"And who the fuck are you supposed to be?"

With my patience at an all time low, I was bound to be rude.

Ikaris' face tightened. Then he did something unexpected, he bowed.

"Apologies for the unannounced intrusion. I am here on behalf of my..." he went silent, probably trying to find the right word.


I frowned. Okaaaay.

"And what does this boss of yours want with me?"

I questioned, pulling forward slightly. Was it Arishem specifically or just Ajak? So far though, Ikaris though had been polite, so I decided I would reciprocate. To be on the safe side, I tried to access his memories and found my telepathic capabilities blocked. Smart. Instantly, I was curious.

The only being that could actually block me had to be a celestial. So Arishem wanted to see me? Why? Let's lay down the facts. What do I know of Celestials They had been around for longer than anything else and possessed technology and cosmic power on a level that was, if I was being completely honest just a little bit higher than mine. I mean, they fucking crafted worlds. Earth had a frigging Celestial as the core of the planet.

Do you know how OP you had to be to do shit like that? Still, as stated earlier Ikaris had been polite. Maybe they actually did come in peace. From my interactions with The Ancient One and Xavier, the people here seemed a bit more reasonable than where I came from.

I got closer and finally stopped before him. He warily shifted his gaze towards Equity in my hand before looking up at me and nodding towards the Domo.

"He can sense me..."

Chaos said.

"Duh, you have the capacity to destroy an entire world on your own. It would be surprising if he didn't."

I answered in a low tone. By Ikaris' stiffened posture, I guess he still heard it. Enhanced senses. There wasn't even an effective air medium for my voice to reach his ears. Must be a perk granted by Cosmic energy.

"Be careful. They might seem amiable but trust me when I say, hostility can come from the most unlikely of places."

Before I could enquire more on that strange response, Ikaris was already turning around to board the ship.

"If you could kindly follow me."

I did as he requested, keeping a short distance between us.

I was already scanning the ship with my divine sense, storing the blueprints of the old and FTL capable craft inside my mind. It was very technologically advanced. Gaea would have a field day with this. A film of energy passed over me as I flew inside the Domo.

The instant I stepped through, my eyes fell on the entire group. Infront of them and wearing ostentatious clothing even by the Eternal's standards was a beautiful middle-aged woman, who radiated a certain kind of mom like warmth. Ajak.


She said.

"We are known as the Eternals."

I wasn't sure if the way they stood together was meant to be intentional but it ended up looking cool as fuck and cinematic.

"Hello, Eternals."

I waved lightly.

"Way to make an awesome first impression."

Chaos snorted.

"Shut up. Besides, when are you ever this chatty?"

He said nothing.

"You can call me...Avatar." I shrugged.

"It's the name that the only mortals who know of me found fit to describe what I am."

"And what exactly is that?"

A tall woman, dressed in a white outfit with golden accents inscribed on it's form asked. She had a certain intensity that I immediately found myself liking. Diana wasn't the only who had an attraction to beautiful and strong individuals of the opposite gender. Though it's Kori for me all the way. I'm guessing she is Thena.

"A mystery. You're welcome to figure it out if you want."

I answered. Thena narrowed her eyes at me. Dangerously.

"Apologies, I realize we haven't properly introduced ourselves."

Ajak cut in. I turned my attention back to her.

"From the left, we have Gilgamesh...," she described them one by one. Gilgamesh was a huge muscular dude in a blue costume of the same make as his fellow Eternals. He nodded amicably at me.

Then after that there was a small girl with a cheeky look on her face, Sprite. I...am going to ensure that she and Breeze are Kept far away from each other. Fuck, I miss Breeze. The next Eternal was a male with a blank expression on his face. He looked as if he wanted to be anywhere else other than there. Druig. Out of everyone else, something told me he was the most dangerous.

A notion that was immediately broken when I laid my eyes on the next Eternal. She was pretty in that girl next door sort of way. However that was not the most outstanding thing about her. Her cosmic energy contained something very strange and familiar. Something I could almost touch upon.

"Aah... you're staring."

Chaos pointed out unhelpfully.

"I know."

My response at seemingly no one only further increased the looks of bewilderment and confusion the Eternals were staring at me with.

"Sorry." I told Sersi.

"For some reason, I can't stop staring at you."

I felt like slapping myself the second I said that. Poor choice of words.

"Ya think?"

Chaos chuckled. I ignored him. Something was definitely fucking with my mind enough for me to notice the strange behavior. I had been unfocused and said weird shit ever since waking up.

Ikaris stepped forward a bit aggressively. Awe, that's cute.

"Whoa, calm down Hotshot, it's not what you think."

I raised my hands up.

"Hotshot? No one talks like that anymore."

Chaos was quick to interject.

"Fuck you."

I threw back.

"Ooooh sick insult. I am sooo offended right now."

Just ignore him.

Ajak shook her head at him and he stepped back.

"You know what would be good? If you said 'good doggy' to him."

Chaos' penchant for causing well...chaos leered it's ugly head. It was getting easier to ignore him. That's a lie.

"Your power," I motioned at Sersi.

"What is it?"

She seemed unsure for a second before answering. At least she didn't look to Ajak for direction. I can see why the older Eternal chooses her as her replacement in the future. It's in the little things.

"Matter manipulation."

She answered.

My mind instantly started running in thought.

"Why did I feel such...a crazy connection to that?"

"I'll explain it later. Right now you're being impolite."

There was a lot Chaos was keeping from me. And I had a feeling it was going to change everything.

I listened as Ajak finished introducing the last three. Phastos who was the resident genius. There gotta be one of those by necessity. The Avengers had Tony, The Justice League had Bats, though there were smarter heroes in their roster and so on.

Then there was, Ikaris. The strongest Eternal (load of crap. Sersi could own his ass if she wanted to and I also suspected Thena was the better fighter). The others seemed willing to act cordial with me but Ikaris, there was this...hidden aggression aimed towards me. I picked up on it almost immediately despite the earlier politeness.

"Perhaps he's jealous. You did look like you were hitting on his girl."

Chaos had a point though I would die before agreeing. Seriously, those years I was stuck inside Energia must have starved him for conversation and now he was trying to make up for all that lost time.

And finally, Thena.

"You're skilled." I commented. "Very."

"Is he seriously trying to hit on Thena?"

Sprite whispered at Gilgamesh.

"His funeral."

The large man answered.

Thena on her part ran her eyes up and down my form.

"I love your sword."

I smiled tightly as Chaos laughed inside my mind.

"The only compliment she gives you and it's not even aimed at you, but your weapon."

"I'll take that."

Then my mood changed. I had already wasted more than enough time. I looked at Ajak, the clear leader even reading by their placement. She was in the middle of the pack.

"Now that we have the niceties out of the way, could you please tell me what you came all this way for?"

Their whole demeanor changed as well. They stood on the ready. Cautious but confident. The same sort of confidence The Ancient One had displayed.

Ajak breathed in.

"As I am sure you already know, we are not from around here. We hail from a world called Olympia."

She stepped to the side showing me the projection of a star map and a magnificent planet.

"Our creator, Arishem the leader of the Celestials, tasked us with Shepherding humanity by protecting them from alien creatures called the Deviants. Hell bent in destroying budding intelligent life in planets across the Universe, they attack en masse. The only solution being us."

The image showed a young Earth and civilizations from the past. Then the images shifted to show an image of a creature that was like a huge dog with tentacles and spiked across its body.

A Deviant.

The projection continued with the Eternals standing above the corpse of the Deviants.

I listened as Ajak shamelessly lied. How she could bear the lie for more than 5000 years was crazy and impressive.

"The worst part is that the others have no idea their lives are a lie. Being dishonest about their mission is one thing but having your whole existence based on a falsehood is crossing the line."

Chaos spoke through my mind. He was right.

I could see how the rest deferred to her, respected her, loved her. It was the same way Yaotl, Michael and Vaatu would follow me to death and back. They were her family and she was purposefully placing her fear for Arishem before her love for them. She had the choice to change things for the better across thousands of years but didn't. Instead, she wasted their time and lives on a senseless mission that brought more pain than good to the world.

'But it's her duty or it's why they were created'. Those were just excuses that stank of the same pre ordained bullshit that saw me clashing and eventually Killing the fates. Was I biased? Yes. Yes I was. So I would give her a choice.

"Let's call her out on her bullshit then."

I told Chaos.

"Oh I love the sound of that. I can tell that things are just about to get chaotic."

The resulting cackling reminded me of the Joker, insane, cruel and gleeful. There's the Chaos I know.

I couldn't create a mental link with her mind but that didn't steal options from me. I tapped into the air and sent words that terrified her straight to her ears in a low volume that only she could hear. Except for our budget Superman of course. By Ikaris' stiffening, he heard them as well.

"I know the truth Ajak. You are no saviours. You're just Arishem's thugs. I think it's time you tell your family what you have been hiding from them all this time. Tell them the truth, or I will."

The words made Ajak towards me in panic. Fear driving her to make a rash decision.

"Kill him! he's planning to attack!"

Ikaris was already in motion. I felt his body slam into mine, then I smashed through the walls of the Domo as we both flew outside.