
aden's story: genshin impact

1 year after the covid incident. after returning from the hospital. I had decided to head inside and go to my room so I could do my exercises and take care of my health and well-being. after doing so I decided to do my thing and wash the rest of the day off so I could see what was going on in the news. as I entered back into my room I saw a strange object on the desk and a note next to my mouse. curious I decided to set my food and drink down on the desk and see who it is from while I enjoy what I had got from the hospital cafe. after reading the letter I put the object in my drawers that was until. the object had other plans.

aden_entertainment · Video Games
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UPDATE: 100% vaxed

Hey everyone Aden here.

I wanted to post this and say that I just got the 2nd dose of the vax. And I am now fully Vaxed and happy. And as for what the 2nd vax does, Well it makes your arm sore after it takes effect and it will also make you tired and sleepy like the 1st dose.

Not to mention that you will get a headache from having it, and from what I heard about the 2nd dose I had. Well, there is a rare chance that you can have shortness of breath and a sore stomach. And that is bad because I did not want that since I had already been in the emergency room 6 times (2014 to 2021).

So yeah, I am now 100% and ready to go back to doing the things I love. and I am also going to enjoy writing more stories in the future so look out for that.

Aden out.