
Married to the Prince Season 1 Episode 14


Episode 14

Written by Adelaide Clara Asamoah.

(5 Years Later=Mr Raul's mansion).

The old man waa preparing himself since it was bright say and he was preparing himself to travel to London. He had his guards pack his things in his car because he was in a hurry to get to the palace to pick up Majid since he was taking him along. He was in anger although he couldn't complain, because of the matters with Meho. He left his properties with his son Rishab. And when he was accompanied outside with his employees, Meho got to the house immediately and fell at his feet.

'' Sir,please... don't leave yet ''.

'' Meho,you again? ''.

'' Please, forgive Bhavna for the way she treated you the last time you came to our house ''.

'' You should have spoke to her calmly, for her to understand our agreement you useless man. Now what do you want from me? ''.

'' Bhavna is in labour sir. I called the midwife, they are all with her in our house right now...please, come and see your future wife before leaving ''.

'' Do Bhavna is about to give birth to my wife(laughs and celebrates). Okay... you all,let's go together ''.

(They leave together).

(Meho's house).

There was a loud cry of a baby on the compound and people clapped inside the room. In the room,four women were with Bhavna. Three were her friends and the other one was the midwife. She held the baby in her arms and slowly got to Bhavna's side. Bhavna was so weak and was sweating, but her joy was proof, that her wish had finally come true.

'' Congratulations Bhavna. It is a girl. An angel in fact ''. The midwife said and handed the baby to Bhavna.

'' Oh my baby, welcome to the world. Thank you Lord ''.

'' Everyone is going to be so happy about this news Bhavna... congratulations again my friend ''.

'' Thank you ''.

'' Give her to me,let me wash her body and bring her for you to breastfed ''.

(The midwife took the baby and took her aside, closer to a basin of water to wash her).

'' I wonder where Meho has gone. He will never change, even though his wife has given birth ''.

'' Bhavna, what are you going to do now? ''.

'' I don't know where he has gone to. All I want is to hold my baby in my arms ''.

(Suddenly, Meho and Mr Raul arrived in the house and entered the room with two guards).

'' You vile creature,what are you doing here? ''. Bhavna said in pain and anger.

'' Where's my daughter? ''. Meho looked around.

'' Midwife!!! Give me my baby! Please! Don't give the baby to Meho. Bring my baby to me,fast!!! ''.

(The midwife handed the babu back to Bhavna and she held her tightly).

'' What is wrong with you Bhavna?! Are you not going to allow me carry my own daughter? ''.

'' Not until that monster get out of the place. I can't believe this Meho..you are as heartless as Mr Raul,how can you sell your own child to him even when she was not born yet? ''.

'' Shut up..shut up Bhavna, I did it for our future!!! ''.

'' Get out Mr Raul... leave. And forget about the deal you had with Meho, because my daughter will never be yours...you greedy bastard!!! ''.

'' An agreement is an agreement Bhavna. Meho already signed the deal on paper. With his finger prints. I have fed tour family for the past five years because of that deal ''.

'' I am going to pay you until the last penny. But I will never give my daughter to you. Read my lips ''.

'' We shall see about that Bhavna. Thank your stars now that I am traveling to London. But this is not the end,you have stepped on a lion's tail and it will definitely devour you ''.

'' Well,we will see about that Mr Raul, I hope you leave this place and never come back! ''.

'' Oh,I will surely come back Bhavna, I will be coming and going, but a time will come,when I finally come here and stay for good,and take your daughter way from you forever! ''. He looked at Meho's face with detest and left the room with his guard.

'' Are you satisfied now Bhavna... you can keep your beloved daughter to yourself. Never bring her even a little closer to me ''. Meho warned.

(Bhavna was in disbelieve).

'' Else, you will regret it! ''. He added and left the room.

'' Don't listen to that drunkard Bhavna. He doesn't know what he's saying. I think he has being drinking and listening to Mr Raul just too much ''. Dharma said.

'' My baby... ''. Bhavna caressed her baby with a smile. '' Rishi... I have fulfilled my dreams. Her name would be called Rishi ''...

(At the Royal Palace).

The royal family had gathered outside the palace. Queen mother held Prince Majid's hand and a big car arrived in front of the palace. Queen Sheena bent down and gave Majid a big kiss on his forehead. Mr Raul got out of the car in his suit and tie and spectacles. Queen Sheena wept when she saw two guards carrying Prince Majid into the car. She had delivered a baby girl for the king.

Prince Lakshmi. The king took Mr Raul aside.

'' Your highness... this is the end of the road now. I should be getting to Delhi airport now,else I might miss my flight ''.

'' Okay good. I have given you this responsibility Raul. Do not disappoint me. You know,that is the crowned Prince of Ujani. Make sure he always remember where he comes from,so he does not forget for values. Please, he is the future king and I would prefer him to learn more about life....okay? ''.

'' Yes your highness... trust me. Everything would be okay ''

'' He is spending 20 years there with you. Take care,as soon as the 20 years ends,he should come back to his fatherland and take responsibility for his royal duties... may the gods be with you ''.

(Queen mother embraced her grandson tightly and asked Mr Raul never to remove the elephant necklace from his neck, and the departed finally).

(Queen Dorah's chamber).

She was standing at her window and looking down at the large compound and saw the royals entering the palace. Her maids were busily dressing Prince Faruk up after bathing him. She looked through the window with a lot of hatred and anger. She dropped the curtain and turned to the maidens.

'' For five years. For five good years we have being trying to kill Majid, but no...that necklace and the Queen mother and Sheena has always protected him. Now,they have finally convinced the king to take him away ''.

'' Your highness, I think it would be better to leave this work to Prince Faruk when he grows up and is old enough to fight for his rights ''.

'' In what way? ''.

'' I mean,you have fought a good fight. You have done all you could to get Faruk his rightful place in this kingdom, but the Queen mother and Sheena stood in your way for so long. So I think we should just install thirst to be king in Prince Faruk ''. Savitri said.

'' Mmmm...I think you are right. Give him to me. (She carried Faruk and he looked at her and gave her an innocent smile). My son,you may not be the crowned Prince today,but you will be king tomorrow. If I don't get my revenge on what they did to my family, then what do I gain from this stupid marriage? ''.

'' Your highness... do we have to wait until Prince Majid returns? ''.

'' Relax Avni. Right now,I don't have a competition yet,since Sheena gave birth to a girl. But,I have heard so much about that foreign country they are taking Majid to. That country has lots of spoilt brats. Now come to think of it,what if Majid comes back years later and he is not interested in the throne? ''.

'' Your highness.. how is that possible? He had being made the crowned Prince, and he will have to take over his royal duties ''.

'' I have a perfect idea. To make Majid stay in that country forever without coming back here again. And when that happens, the king will have only one son left..Faruk. And he will have no other choice, but to hand the throne to my son!!! ''.

'' How will you do that tour highness, can we help? ''.

'' You don't have to know everything I plan...you two may leave now ''.

(The maidens left).

(Queen mother's chamber).

The old queen mother was older than ever,she was blind and couldn't see anymore. She sat on Queen mother's bed with her golden stick and her face upward. Queen Sheena couldn't stop her tears as she was already missing Prince Majid. Queen mother and the old queen couldn't stop making fan of her. She had princess Lakshmi on her laps who was fast asleep and was very proud she could be an excellent mother to both she and Prince Majid.

'' We knew this was the best decision to make for him Sheena. Now that he is gone, he is left out of danger ''.

'' Don't be a 100% sure about it Gayatri. Don't be so soft on spiritual things okay. Spiritual matters does not care whether you are here or there. If an evil spirit wants to haunt you, it doesn't care whether you hang in the sky. It will still follow you there ''. The old queen said.

'' Oh my God,mother, you are already scaring me. What is all this? So,are you telling me that it was a bad idea to take Majid away? ''.

'' I am not exactly complaining about his departure. It is actually good. My son,Shaker's father also left the kingdom to a foreign country to learn more about life. And that is what also encouraged many people to be traveling. I am only saying that,I would be very happy if Majid was having some protection ''.

'' Oh,if it's for protection, then relax mother. My boy has all the protection he may need. And the next time he comes here,he would already be a man. And,he will soon take his father's place as king ''.

(20 Years Later=At the Temple).



It was very early at morning when the bright sun was taking its time to shine and most of the women in the kingdom had gathered at the temple as usual to give their offerings. The stairs to the was many and she walked slowly, climbing the stairs one after the other. Her long white shorts and veil was covered on her neck. She hated covering her face with a veil because she said it blinded her view.

She slowly got to the entrance of the temple and her lips was widened in a smile. Her small beautiful white teeth showed and she got to where're the temple bell was. She loved the temple bell so much. She loved ringing the bell for so long even though the priests had always warned her that it was supposed to be rang only once by everyone when entering. She looked at her left and her right, and when she saw no one looking, she hit the church bell like a thousand time, and they turned their faces to look at her,they frowned at her. Because they knew it was that troublesome girl,she quickly ran into the temple with laughter.

And she lighted her lantern of tray and flowers and went to offer thanks to lord Hanuman. When she got to the priest to take her sweets,she saw that the queue was too long for her,and she didn't have time to wait. She needed to take an offering to her mother.

She got to one woman who as forth in line and scrolled her eyes around to see whether someone was watching them. And she intentionally fainted on the woman. There was confusion and the priest Chanakher couldn't do anything because once he was seated on the ground, he couldn't stand up until everything was over. People brought water and sprinkled on her face.



'' Rishi? Rishi... get up! ''.

(She slowly opened her eyes and coughed).

'' Are you okay? ''. One of the women asked..

'' W..well....

'' I think we should let her take her sweets and go home to rest,she look sick ''. Another woman said.

'' Yes yes,you are right. She should take her sweet. Come child, get up ''.

(Two women held her hand and she got up and got to the priest and knelt down and stretched her hand).

'' Rishi, did you have to pretend and faint ''. Priest Chanakher said and laughed.

(She smiled lightly).

'' Make the sweets two priest, one for me,and one for mother ''.

'' But everyone is supposed to take one dear ''.

'' Yes,but I came in place of my mother as well. Please make it fast. Do it for your Rishi... please? ''.

'' Hmmm...okay ''. The priest gave her two sweets and she got to her feet and got outside.

She raised her head and saw the bell again and laughed. She raised her hand to ring it again and heard a loud calling.

'' Rishi!!! ''.

(She turned, and it was her best friend, her partner in crime and her sister. A beat friend is more than a sister, and she turned her back. The passing wind blew her hair up and back and Rishi's angelic face showed. Her colour was a bit dark and her hair was the longest, among all the young ladies. Her long pointed nose and eyes that pierced through the soul. She hated wearing ear rings and she smiled. Her best friend walked up the stairs. And held her hands down).

'' We have to go now Rishi... remember our plan yesterday? ''.

'' Yes yes yes. But come on..let's run fast else, if one of the priest sees me,they will force me to clean up the temple ''.

'' Okay, on your marks,get set..and run!!! ''. Kushi shouted and they run down the stairs together then took to their heels.

(One of the priests sees them running away).

'' Rishi!!! Rishi come back here now...Urrrggghh! This naughty girl,that was not how her mother was. Now look. Bhavna always used to clean the temple, but this one? No! I will write her name down and give her such a punishment, she will never forget ''. The priest said.

(The royal Palace).

The palace had completely changed. Mr Raul had brought beautiful colours of paints from London as ordered by the king. And other foreign goods like chandelier, television and other stuff to decorate the palace. They had painted the palace. They had painted the palace and even created a swimming pool. They had never seen anything like that,bit it was requested by Prince Majid who was still in London and had threatened not to come to the kingdom until all this foreign things were not provided in the palace. He had gotten used to the foreign air,foreign friends and ladies. For years,20the palace was now getting a renovation. Everyone was busy here and there. Mr Raul sent the foreign stuff by messengers but he himself was in London, preparing himself to finally come back to his kingdom. As the preparation was going on, the Queens had also invited jewellery sellers and saree makers to select a beautiful necklace and materials for the welcoming party.

(Prince Faruk's Chamber)....

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