

Loui's father, accidentally throws Loui's underwear to the drain. Loui then informs his friend Nicholas that his mother (Jia) is getting married. Meanwhile, Gavin is conflicted on deciding to whether or not attend his dad's remarriage ceremony and approaches his girlfriend, Lu Lu, for advice. He later has dinner with his dad, Theodore and his future new stepmother Jia, but the dinner soon turns sour as the father and son quarrel. Loui ignores his mother when she advises him on his future education, and she is later scolded by Loui, leaving his mother in tears. Gavin moves out from his home and seeks his teacher for a relocation for his new school.


A morning when Loui wakes up and his dad is already a wake and sweeping there front house, he walk out from the house and saw he's dad and greet it and go straight to the faucet.



While brushing he's teeth he saw something under the faucet in the canal, he saw he's underwear and "shocked" while his questioning his dad why he found his underwear in the canal


"Why did you throw my underwear again?"

"It's not possible..."

"I might threw it away by mistake, when pouring away water."

"No, why are you throwing them out?"

His dad stop him for throwing his underwear from the trash.

"Wait, Why did you throw it away?"

"Such a waste"

"You can still wear it after some washing it."

"Then save it for yourself."


Loui go inside there house and get his stuff his dad look at the underwear regretful for what he did to his son underwear and just threw away the underwear and continue to sweep the floor while sweeping, Loui got his bag he went outside and said goodbye to his father.

"I'm going to class."

"Ok, come back early."

While He's Going outside from there house, Nicholas is already heading to Loui's front house and waiting for Loui just to walk outside for both of them go to school at the same time and while they're walking Nicholas ask a question and Loui answer and keep on talking while heading from school.

"You called me up last night, but hang up before finishing."

"What did you wanna say?"

"My mom is getting married."

"You have a mom?" -Shocked

"So you think my dad is an earthworm?"

"Who can give birth by himself?"

"No, don't joke with me. I'm serious!"

"I've known you since we were kids, but I've never seen your mom."


"Just last week, my mom spent a whole week at my house. don't you remember?"

"She usually parks in front of your house."

"She's your mom? why does she look younger than my nephew?"

They stop for a sec and Loui hit Nicholas in the head and challenging him for a fight after that they continue to walk, talk and teasing each other.

"You want to fight?"

"No way. My nephew was just born and already has a lot of forehead wrinkles."

"All babies are like that."

In the other hand Gavin is in there living room just sitting when his guard come and talk to him about his father wedding and while he's talking with his guard his pissed off with his dad and the guard is reminding him not to talk such harsh words about his dad and giving him some advice and he said enough and after that the guard just agree and will see him tomorrow.

"Your Current High School has a low college acceptance rate and a bad learning environment."

"When are you going tomorrow?"

"Did i say i was going?!!!"

"Your dad said this was an order; can't be disobeyed."

"Then tell him to send me tied up!."

"Why are you behaving this way? Your mom passed away a long time ago, and your dad is only around for forty years old."

"You can't expect him to stay single at this age forever."

"The thing that happen with my mom... I'll hate forever!"

"Gavin! Don't say those kind of things!

"If your dad hears you, your dead."

"About your mom, it was just an accident. even the forensic doctor proved it. Why are you still suspicious about him?"

Gavin put his hand up to shut up his guard because he didn't agree to what is saying.

"Alright, Don't say more. I have my thoughts."

"Then I'll pick you up tomorrow."

The guard live him and when the guard live he think to meet his girlfriend in a cafe and he called his girlfriend to meet up with him, after an our Gavin is already in the cafe having a coffee and eating some breads while waiting for his girlfriend (Lu Lu) and yet while lulu is at the door of the cafe she already saw Gavin she smile when Gavin took a bite of the bread and just throw it in the plate because he didn't like the taste of it, Lulu march right through in front of Gavin and sit down front of him while Gavin is just looking at him and when Lulu sit down he ask a question to Gavin.

"Why did you get so tan?"

"Recently, I've been going swimming often."

Lulu is a bit curious to Gavin's Answer, they both took a bit of a silent and Lu Lu is just staring at her and Gavin Start to Talk.

"My dad is getting married tomorrow."

"So fast?"

"Then, Are you going to the wedding?"

And Gavin take a deep breathe and ask Lulu.

"Do you think i should go or not?"

"Go! Why not?"

"You have to let her know that there is not only one person in charge of your household here, and she can't do whatever she wants."

"I really don't want to see them."

"You know what? When my mom is still alive, They were already together."

"So, You should know what i mean."

"Maybe, you are the one overthinking..."

Dinner time at Gavin's house, Every one is at the table eating Gavin's dad insist his new wife (Jia) to eat more and don't be shy Jia is about to grab some vegetables and Gavin took a force to steal it from her Gavin's dad (Theodore) and Jia is just look in silent for Gavin's behavior and while they're looking at each other Jia just smile at Theodore like saying it was nothing after Jia Smiled at Theodore, Theodore ask Gavin a Question.

"Gavin, Why aren't you saying anything tonight?"

"Isn't Talking forbidden while eating?"

"Talk! You are allowed tonight."

Gavin stand up and talk like a respectful soldier to his father Jia is shocked but laugh in Gavin's Action and Gavin's dad look at Jia and Gavin after Gavin talk he sit back down and eat again.

"Yes, Commander, I have nothing to report."

While laughing Theodore give Jia a napkin to wipe her mouth Jia Apologize for her action after Jia wipe her mouth she took a piece of a dish stand up and put it on Gavin's Plate after she set down Theodore made Jia decide that Jia and his son(Loui) move to there house.

"Wipe your mouth; you've spit out some rice."

"My god, what happened with my dad's taste?

"I'm sorry."

Gavin Stop from eating and take a slow turn of his head on his dad while his turning his head Jia stop from smiling and notice that Gavin turned his head from his father but Jia Smiled again and tell Gavin That She has a son that has a same age and have a similar attitude with Gavin, Gavin is in Silent for a sec but he talk that when Jia's son (Loui) Come he is leaving the house.

"He tasted too many good things before, so now he wants to try some shit?"

"Gavin, eat some more."

"Oh right, move with your kid tomorrow."

"Gavin, I have a son of your same age and also a similar character."

"I think you two will get along well."

And his father is fine with it and insist that he leave now, Gavin didn't hesitate and stand up but Jia also stand up and just to stop Gavin from leaving and explain that his son is also want to live with her she convince Gavin not be mad at his dad and Gavin don't care and still leave the house the Jia And Theodore look at each other and Jia had nothing to do but to sit down again and eat with Theodore, Theodore don't want her to worry and just eat but a sec of that Theodore throw down his spoon with anger.

"He comes, I leave.

"Then go. Just leave now."


"Actually, my son doesn't move in and live with me."

"He likes his dad better and, actually, I never really thought about him moving in."

"Don't be mad at your dad."

"whatever he comes or not, I'm still leaving."

"Don't worry. Just Eat."

Meanwhile Loui's dad (Hans) is heading to his Lady friend and also Loui called an aunt Hans arrive at his friend eatery he put down the chairs that are at the top of the tables and the Lady come out of her small eatery that she placed in the streets she put down the pot of soup in her small stove and saw Hans, Hans is putting all the chair in there places and he sit down and her lady friend ask for his same as always ordered and when the lady gave Hans's meal they have a little talk.

"Let me give you a hand."

"No Need"

"Today, You came early. Go sit here."

"Same as always, yeah?"

"Where's Loui? Why is he not coming to eat?"

"Loui? He went to get medicine for his grandma today."

"This kid."

"He went without eating."

"He Doesn't have a time to eat."

"At the hospital, You'll miss the queue if you're late."

Loui is walking home from the hospital bought the medicine for her grandmother he was on way on there house when suddenly he look back and their is a car heading from him and he knew that car was to her mom, he continue to walk but the car stop and her mom run for him he called his son name and Loui stop from walking her mom is asking him a question but he refuse to listen but when her mom said that she will go inside there house if he didn't talk to her.

They're now both in the car Jia is starting to talk to Loui to convince Loui to transfer to a new school since his now almost go to college and since the education to current school where is Loui is going is have a bad education and she want him to go, to a private school but Loui refuse after Loui refusing Jia Explain Her That High school has no way out.

"Loui, I've thought about it."

"Your Current High School has a low college acceptance rate and a bad learning environment."

"I've contacted a private high school. Go there for two years."

"After your college entrance exam, I'll send you out of the country."

"I'm not going."

she reminds that no matter what happen she's still his mother and she wants to make it up for him cause she loves his son but his son dislike her she ask for a chance to his son his son leave him and strait home while she's in the car crying for his son's forgiveness.

"Loui, you can dislike me."

"You can think whatever you want about where I'm lacking as a mother."

"But you can't wrong yourself."

"Too lousy high school... There's no way out."

"My new husband son's is the same age as you."

"He's also at that private high school."

"How are you different from him?"

"I know."

"I didn't fulfill my duties as a mother."


"Right now, I want to make up for it."

"Mom loves you."

"Your still young, and I'm not still old yet."

"Why can't you give me a chance?"

"I'll give you a chance."

"Don't bother me anymore."


"And, Don't bring up that family in front of me again. I'm Annoyed."

"Loui! Loui!

Gavin go to his current private school his in the office of the school talking to the principal about him transferring to another school where Loui is going the principal is shocked about his decision about transferring but the principal has no choice but to transfer him they had a deal that as long he goes to school he don't care about the lacking of education.

"What? You want to transfer?"

"The school I'm at right now is too close at home."

"I've moved out, so it's its inconvenient."

"I do know a few school leaders near your brother-in-law."

"Then hurry up."

"But let's make this clear."

"If its not a key school, you can't go."

"Even though the conditions can't compare to your previous school, It can't be too lacking."

"As long i can go to class, it's okay."

"Other things don't matter. Just do whatever."