
addicted to love

In August, freshmen entered the campus, a dance video quickly caught fire throughout the campus forum of Beijing University - the girl's hair is like a waterfall, a white dress standing on the ground, water sleeves dancing, shuffling, dancing light like a butterfly whirling, beautiful not like a real person. Not surprisingly, the title of school flower fell on the head of the Fu kite. But soon someone broke down to post: the school flower is an ice mountain beauty, in the end who can enter her eyes? ! Everyone invariably use the word "building to draw" to build buildings. - Lou Yu, the famous man of Beijing University, he was born dazzling, handsome enough, and the prince of the top family, no matter where is the existence of all eyes. But its character is cold and dispassionate, clear of heart, and because of this, some people argue under the post: How can ice and snow rub sparks? Later, no one knows that the love of two people is destined to go to the end. However, no one expected, love less than a year, Fu Kite broke up. After many years of reunion looked at the woman calmly walked by him, like strangers, Lou Yu tried to suppress violent emotions. Until that -- "You've got the wrong person." .. The voice is piercing straight through the heart. The calm moment that the man has disguised for many years falls apart. He suddenly pushes the woman against the wall and asks in a trembling voice: "Volkite." "Are you kidding me?" - Love with the wind, Kite kite, play with you, come back to me.

Daoist7XsYDz · Urban
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39 Chs

Is this, like, another favor?

Lou Yu Adam's apple rolled gently, "What's wrong?"


There Jiang Wan Wan heard this voice, snap the phone hung up, confirm her home baby kite kite safety, she does not want to talk to the big guy.


Fu Kite is worded to let two people talk, see the phone was suddenly hung up, her fingers slightly curled, shaking his head: "Nothing."


Lou Yu raised his eyebrows: "Let's go."


"Huh?" Fu Yuan looked at the yellow hair: "That man... Don't you have to take him to the hospital or the police station?"


"Don't worry, someone will take care of it."


Said, Lou Yu motioned her to give him the mobile phone, and then in front of her dial a phone.


"Sorry to me.It is our work mistake and improper management....." The bar management staff quickly appeared with people, lifted the yellow hair down, bent over and perturbed to apologize, guaranteeing that the management will be strengthened in the future, and the person will be pulled into the blacklist, never receive.


After dealing with this matter, Lou Yu left with Fu Kite, he like to think of it: "How a person to the bar?"


Fu Kite briefly explained the next, said he came back to help take the bag.


"I'll stay with you." He said lightly.


Go to the bar halfway need to go through the booth, Liang Ruibo and brothers play games are hi, inadvertently raised his head, the white and beautiful face of the Fu Kite flashed in the sight.


Liang Ruibo suddenly stood up.


A goddess?


He cast his eyes straight, then caught sight of a more familiar figure.




"Liang Dog, go on, what are you looking at?"




Did not get a response, everyone looked up in doubt, along his line of sight.


'Good heavens! A gasp went up from the crowd.


"Isn't Yue gone? "


"Old Liang! Isn't the beautiful woman next to Yu the girl in the picture you just showed us? ! Isn't it? "


"Wow, it's north, she's so white, she's prettier than the picture!"


"Lut brother really do not talk about it has been a talk of amazing, extreme ah, I really good jealousy." Someone's envious eyes.


"Do you want to say hello?" He state staring at the other side, proposed.


Liang Ruibo glanced at him: "If you want to die, go."


"Never mind."




Back to the bedroom at ten o 'clock at night, Fu Yuan returned the bag to Yan Siyu, by the way, let her check the things inside less.


Yan Siyu probably looked at the eyes, smiled and said that everything was there.


When she went to the dance floor, she found that she was still carrying a bag, so she went there to let the bartender temporarily keep it, there is no valuable objects, there is a U disk is more important, there are a lot of their professional information.


"Hard work baby, there is still hot water, you go to take a bath."


Fu Kite nodded, took a bath towel and pajamas into the bathroom, and then came out to see that they had fallen asleep, and gently turned off the light and went to bed.


The moon is hidden in the night, the dormitory is silent, quiet can hear the rustling wind outside.


Fu Kite closed his eyes, suddenly, the mobile phone beside the pillow shook twice.


ly: [ Junior girl ]


ly: "Is this helping you again?"




Eleven holiday came as scheduled, after returning home, there was nothing to do, he stayed in the dance room to practice dance, three days in a row is spent like this.


- Until the third night.


Open the door of the dance room, it was dark outside, and only Fu Yuan was a person in the big house, but she had already gotten used to it and entered the bathroom in the dark.


After taking a bath, Fu Kite went downstairs to the living room to find water to drink, and by the way to take the mobile phone that fell on the sofa.


It was past eight on the clock on the wall.


The phone lay alone on the sofa for a day, and when I opened it, I saw many unread messages on wechat, and two missed calls from Zhao Yunjin.


During the summer vacation, she worked as a part-time tutor for Zhao Yunjin's family. Later, she quit the job near the beginning of the semester because of the military training, the irregular class time and the dancing practice in the freshman year.


Calling now, in fact, she has some vague suspicions.


After returning wechat information, Fu Yu dialed the phone back.


"Hello, Kite? Zhao Yunjin was obviously very happy to receive the call and asked with a smile: "Were you busy just now?" Auntie called twice and you didn't get it."


Fu Yin said apologetically, "I'm sorry aunt, I was in the dance room all day today, what do you want to see me for?"


"Kite Kite, aunt is not polite to you, just say it." Zhao Yunjin glanced at the side of his own smelly boy, snorted, tone helpless: "This month I have given the smelly boy hired five tutors, he is good, is the other people all gas ran."


"All day long chanting to the kite kite teacher to teach, only the kite kite teacher taught him to learn into."


"Aunt know you are busy with school work, so did not dare to disturb you, this is not, now the eleven day holiday, the boy came again, I was really he can not do, just think of today to give you a call."


Zhao Yunjin said, glared at her son again, pulled down his old face and discussed with Fu Yu: "Should you come back to the kite?" I'll pay twice as much as I did before, so I'll be content to take one class a week."


Fu Yu recalled his class schedule and promised: "Good."


"Kite, are you free tomorrow?"




Zhao Yunjin smiled: "Then you come to aunt's home for dinner tomorrow noon, not only smelly boy, aunt also very miss you, by the way to discuss the class?"


"Well, trouble auntie." Fu Yuan mouth pressed a shallow smile, like happy in addition to practice dancing, she finally had something else to do.




The next day, Moon Lake Mansion.


Fu Kite according to the agreement to Zhao Yunjin home for dinner.


The little guy saw her even her favorite cartoon and rushed to the door: "Sister A Kite!"


Zhao Yunjin simply can not laugh: "Smelly boy wear shoes!"


"Sister Kite wears shoes." The little guy ignored his own mother, fart fart to Fu Kite take slippers, by the way whispered: "sister, I miss you, mother did not let me call you."


Fu Yuan laughed and patted him on the head: "Sister miss you too."


"How are you adjusting to the second grade?"


On the topic of learning, the little guy immediately wilted, he secretly touched the sleeve of the next kite: "Sister A Kite, can you not talk about this?"


"I was afraid my mother would explode."


Zhao Yunjin heard his words clearly and slapped him on the forehead, "Smelly boy, take your sister A Kite to wash your hands and prepare to eat!"


"Kite Kite, aunt today specially for you to cook a few of aunt's famous dishes, before you always refused to eat, today must have a good taste of aunt's craft."


Fu Yuan answered with a smile.


Xiaoyu's father is very busy, heard is also on a business trip all year round, this National Day stayed at home for two days, just left yesterday, so the table only Zhao Yunjin mother and son and Fu Kite three people, the atmosphere is harmonious and comfortable, Fu Kite mood is good, also very give face, eat more than usual.