
Adaption to dragonball

Djin is a normal depressed man. The world that he lives in is a noisy and chaotic place that poisons, corrupts, and taints. In order to avoid its toxicity, like many others, he shuts himself in, drowning out all of the noise with vices such as drugs and different forms media. Any distraction he can get his hands on to safely remains in the safety of his home as much as possible. Before the man falls to sleep, intrusive self destructive thoughts get the best of him and he wishes that his current slumber is his last... Any thing to escape from his situation. Unluckily for him, he gets exactly what he wants. He leaves his world and moves on… The problem is, he moves on to doomed planet, Vegeta. *Disclaimer* (Before you begin to read, the is not the Dragon Ball Z. Some characters will be a lot more aggressive and sadistic than they were originally written, and some characters will be written more powerful. Some characters will be written more laid back while other will be written more analytical. What you know of that Drago Ball world does not apply here. Sometimes, in the story, you may realize that some things regarding plot points in the story happen sooner rather than later. This can be attributed to the butterfly-effect of the Mc coming into existence, or The fact that this is not the same universe that you have grown to love. But hopefully, my world will grow on you as well. Side note: You will not experience the main character spending 85 chapters doing nothing on a random planet where he learns to cultivate and makes into some random made up heavenly realm. You will also come to know that this is not a harem with chapter long sex scenes. This is also not the Goku show. Keep that in mind before commenting.)

TalentlessAuthor · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Forest Fires

Adaption to Dragonball Chapter 3: Only you can prevent forest fires

I was now free. No longer trapped on a floating rock… but free. Truly!

To not be able to have a hold of your senses… Sensory deprivation… Hell.

To have all senses return… Heaven.

"Haha!" I laughed with two fists raised in the air, shouting to the beautiful blue snowing sky.

"I can speak!!!" There was talking in space.

"I can hear!" There was no noise in space.

"*Sigh*" I then took a moment to deeply inhale.

"I can smell!" There was no scent in space.

I was a new man with the entire world in his hands. Relatively speaking.

With that, I crouched down, placing my palm on the ground grabbing a handful of dirt allowing it to slip through my fingers as snow landed upon my body. I needed to anchor myself to reality. Then, I clapped my hands together dusting them off while standing up once more.

Now was time to see what this planet had to offer.

Putting all my strength into my legs, I began to run.



Faster and faster!

Momentum rapidly started to build which caused the earth to split underneath my feet due to the pressure I had exuded, not even beginning to reach max speed.

I passed endless emerald forests with tons of wildlife, frozen fields null of anything, and vast oceans with beautiful and sometimes terrifying fish varying in size. Before I did anything, I took the time to look at my reflection, taking note of my appearance for the first time.

Moving my onyx-colored right and left Super Saiyan 2- like bangs to the top of my head, I had a perfect 180-degree hairline, which I thanked my luck for. I may have had hair like Raditz, but I'd be damned if I had the hairline to match.

I noticed that my right brow had a natural split towards a third of the way to the edge. I had lovely almond-shaped eyes that honestly made me excited for a moment. I looked as if I had created my custom-created character in an MMORPG.

My irises were large, beautiful, and almost radiated a pineapple color. They went against the Saiyan norm and distinguished me from the rest of my species. Under my bottom right eyelid was a black beauty mark a couple of centimeters off-centered to my eyebrow part.

My cheekbones were like little plums that you would find at the supermarket.

I had a button nose that had a crescent moon-like bridge. It wasn't too wide or too small. It complimented my facial structure perfectly.

I had a muscular and masculine jawline that balanced out some of my more feminine traits. I couldn't help but smile revealing my perfect teeth and dimpled cheeks.

Finishing being vain, I continued running, discovering that I could run at speeds that allowed me to succeed in sprinting atop the surface of the ocean as if I was a messiah.




I Jumped off of mountain tops, lept over islands, and flew over volcanoes.

While traveling in the sky, I managed to fly so swiftly, I crashed into prehistoric-looking birds turning them into a paste that painted my body.

Even with blood, entrails, and bugs all over my body, there was no need to worry. To clean, I would just dip in the ocean for a bit, hovering back up to dry myself with a blow dryer at the speed of sound.







5 Weeks later on Planet Ice

Finally, on a valid day and night cycle, I began to adapt quickly to this planet, Even going so far as to name it.

A couple of days after I had landed, I had realized that I wanted to make a home for myself using stone, and other materials that I found on the planet. Ki once again proved itself useful when It came to the customization of my house. I wasn't an architect, but I was an artist. I had created a couple of practice houses prior, but they didn't end up being structurally sound and all failed. In turn, I got fed up.

Eventually, I decided to come up with the ingenious idea to hollow out the side of a mountain, carving unique designs with a red Ki blade along the walls and pillars that I crafted.

In fairness, I didn't build my house out of necessity, but instead, I wanted luxury. Especially considering that shelter wasn't needed in my case. Even though this planet was probably extremely cold, I couldn't feel anything. This didn't stop me from making outfits out of burlap, which I created with materials that naturally accumulated throughout the forest. I wasn't an animal, after all. I was civilized and acted that way by making pants and a shirt.

Even so, I had been in temperatures that the majority of warm-blooded beings throughout the universe probably couldn't survive. The only thing that was felt on my skin was air on my back. Even though the worst of snowstorms and hailstorms took place on this planet, it made no difference to me realistically.

If I remained human upon arriving here, that would have been a different story, even with the clothes that I had made. I would have probably died from hypothermia within the first 3 minutes of setting foot on this ice planet, maximum. Now that I had the ability of adaptation, I was sure that no temperature would be able to bother me… not unless I were to be tossed directly into a sun… but even then, It would have been a matter of time before I adapted, gaining an even higher heat resistance.

On the topic of temperature, two weeks prior I had realized that the only way I could feel warmth was if I had a literal magma bath… and from firsthand experience, that idea had a terrible outcome. I had no worries in regards to endangering my body but instead feared the harsh sulfuric bombardment my nose would receive.

My sense of smell had increased tenfold since growing my nose back an equivalent of hundreds of times. What this meant was that each time I smelled magma, I smelled rancid air akin to boiled eggs and manure. It was intense, to say the least.

It was now week five of occupying this planet and I had honestly just avoided bathing as a whole. Not because I lacked personal hygiene, but because there was no need. I noticed that no matter how much physical movement I did, I never sweated. If there was no sweat, then there were no bacteria on my body. If there were no bacteria, then there was no smell. No matter how hard I worked, no matter the temperature, it was as if the glands for sweat had been removed.

This wasn't the only thing I noticed that was strange about my body. I noticed through training that no matter how much exercise I did… I never once felt hunger or thirst… nor had I felt them since my body had reconstructed itself on Vegeta's solar system. I wasn't a scientist. I had no explanation as to why things were the way they were. All I could do was infer and be thankful.



Week 7 On Planet Ice

I had met woodland creatures that I had lured in with nuts and berries from the forest. They had visited from time to time. I had even started to name a few of them and treated some like my pets, going so far as to speak to them as if they were people. They listened to me whine and vent about varying topics. They had no idea what I was saying but listened to me attentively, reading my body language and factual expressions… It was the thought that counted.



Week 10 On Planet Ice

Today, I was decorating my home as I usually do when I heard one of my animal friends In distress from afar.

"*gasp* Willison."

I instinctively knew that he was being attacked. Using my Ki, I pinpointed his location immediately and flew to him as fast as I could. Whatever thought was the apex would learn today that it wasn't.

Upon arrival, I saw a giant white bear with multiple layers of jagged wolf-like teeth that were perfect for tearing apart flesh. It had claws as thick as daggers and was currently pinning down a bloody battered and beaten Willson. If it weren't for the fact that I could sense the Ki coming off of the predator, I would have second-guessed myself. Too bad for it that compared to me, it was nothing.

Willison was A man-sized ferret with 4 pitch-black eyes, the horns of a stag, 6 legs, and a heart of gold. He was one of the first animals that I had an ongoing relationship with. The first time I fed him, he danced around with agility and elegance in a display of cheer. He was surprisingly light on his feet considering he was about a me-sized boulder in weight, which wasn't heavy to me in terms of lifting, but then again, I only knew my perspective.

I physically had evolved endlessly. My muscles were probably far more dense and refined than the average Saiyan's, so how I perceived things were heavily skewed.

This wasn't my own. There was no way for me to conceivably measure things considering I was a baby when I had arrived in this universe. Everything seemed large to me… Now though, I am bigger… Stronger, even.

How much bigger and stronger compared to someone else? I didn't know. I didn't know how tall I was, nor did I know how heavy things were. I could only guess that I was probably really heavy considering any chairs I made out of wood were crushed under my weight. The planet was denser so it had only made sense that the things on it were as well, from a logical standpoint. In rare situations where I would need to take measurements, I just had to make and use my own. At least, that was the way it was until I made my way to earth.

Increments aside,

I honestly didn't even know how old I was. Luckily like earth, there was one sun and one moon. This came in handy taking into account that depending on what my placement was in space, I could have been a lot older than I originally thought due to the way that time flowed. The days that I spent on this planet could have been a lot longer or even shorter than the earth's. I didn't know.

What I did know was that a bear was about to stick its fangs in the neck of Willison. I flew at it as fast as I could with a Spear kick to its face shattering and detaching its jaw upon impact, Which caused blood to shoot out of its face. Before it could react, I gave it a whirlwind kick, sending it hurling backward crashing through two trees crashing into the lake behind like a stone that had been skipped across a pond.



Week 13 On Planet Ice

Willison had been spending his time inside my home and was finally nursed back to health. He was a tough guy. Nothing in the world could take away his iron will. He even felt so grateful later on that he introduced me to his family.



Month 4 On Planet Ice



Willison died in a fight with a poisonous serpent.… and it hurt. I was depressed. I cried… I moved on, taking care of his family.



Month 7 On Planet Ice

I started to work out. It was unnecessary considering I was the strongest being on this planet… But it was my therapy.



Month 8 On Planet Ice




Year 5 On Planet Ice

I decided to dedicate my life to discovering a new martial art.




Year 20 On Planet Ice

Meditating on the roof of my home, which was a mountain peak, I, for the first time sensed a threat. I felt powerful Ki many times stronger than my own coming from the other side of the planet. Something was coming… Perhaps help? Perhaps danger.

When I arrived on this planet, The anime subscribed me to a school of belief on how things would work here, In DB. I was led to believe that Frieza ruled over a portion of the universe making him involved with the trade of resources, people, and planets. It only made sense that he had bought down many civilizations on his crusade to galactic conquest. From my understanding, it made sense he'd taken all of the people's technologies to incorporate them into his empire. It made sense, that he wanted everything under his control… His behavior was understandable. It's how I would have acted if I was morally bankrupt and sociopathic. But what didn't make sense was the state of the planet I was on. If I was a space emperor, why on earth would I have let a planet that was virtually free of charge remain vacant… I didn't know Ice's utility in terms of comparison to other planets, but it was definitely worthwhile.

In my earlier days here, I had discovered all different types of things. And from an entrepreneurial perspective, those things could have been traded, sold, or used for the benefit of Frieza's empire. There were ores, woods, meats, and water on this planet. Why wasn't this place used as the tool that it was?

I could only raise my hand to my temple in thought.

On the southern pole of Planet Ice

Two gray space pods parted the black murky skies revealing two rays of sunlight in the middle of a snowstorm.

"Now landing on Planet Ice." Said a gender-ambiguous mechanical robotic voice from within a pod.

"*Sigh* Finally made it, Cado. You can stop complaining now." Said a short blue-skinned heavyset man with a singular keratin horn that matched his complexion. He had strangely shaped elf ears.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Me? Complaint? Never… There were only complaints on your end if I remember correctly. You must be confused brother." Sneered the man named Cado sarcastically. He, of course, resided in the other space pod. He looked almost identical to the other man, but instead, where the other was blue, he was red. Where the other had one horn, he had two. Where Cado's lips were thick and plump, his brother's thin and almost non-existent.

They both wore unique armor sets that seemed to have the bizarre ability to stretch along with their wide bean bag-like bodies. They were outfitted with yellow shoulder pads, forearm protectors, and thick boots that were more like shin guards.

"Maybe, If you were more focused on making progress reports to Lord Frieza, you wouldn't have had to listen to my rants, Abo. Have you considered that?" He spat.

"Hm… maybe you're right… Ya know what? I like thinking about hypotheticals like this. My favorite hypothetical that I think about at least once a day is the one where I was born a single child… anyway."

"*Pft* Yeah, anyway. We should make this mission a quick one. Considering how this planet has a time distortion."

"What else did Lord Frieza mention about this mission?" Asked Abo.

"Besides the fact that we are supposed to be here looking for a black and white polka-dotted egg that was bigger than a plarent's, nothing much. He mentioned that apparently, Ice has laws of physics that work strangely. He didn't go into much detail so a day on your average system planet could be 200 here. The same could be said vice versa. I don't know, honestly."

"Hmm." Abo nodded, letting his brother continue.

"He also informed me that other races would not be able to survive the temperatures of this planet, hence why he sent us instead of the Ginyu Force or his two underlings. The wildlife that is here has evolved to withstand…

Oh. Lord informed me not to forget. He mentioned that he would eat our children alive if any specifics of our mission were to somehow slip through the cracks and become gossip within his domain, hence why any form of communication and tracking has been prohibited.

Except for my communication with our Lord himself for status reports and what have you." Cado stated nonchalantly.

"Ah. That sounds like something our Lord would say… Well, we better not say a word if we want our little ones and ourselves to remain alive." Stated Abo as he shrugged his arms.

"Regarding the creatures on this planet. Life forms here only reach a power level of 20,000. Consequently, the lack of our Scouter.

"Ah… Such foresight. No wonder he was able to make it this far. Anything that we come across should be utterly eviscerated."

"Yes. He is indeed a great man."

As they ended their conversation, their ships landed gently on the surface Ice.

Atmospheric pressure ejected their ships as they exited in unison. In front of their eyes was a desolate ice tundra.

"We should be directly on top of the egg. All we have to do now is dig under this sheet."Said Abo.

"Alright. Then we should get this over with as soon as possible and start-" Cabo stopped mid-sentence.

Why? Because as they exited, they noticed.

No grass. No bushes. No trees.

No insects. No rodents. No birds.

No life was seen in flight…

but the brothers were no longer in flight. They were grounded.

They were analyzing. They were also contemplating their next moves.

Two things were now in the view of the pair.

One: A raging thunderstorm with wild lightning striking randomly.

Two: A six-foot-two-inches silhouette with a pair of piercing yellow glowing eyes with a tail that swept the ground from left to right.

"Well… that's something that the Lord didn't account for." Said Cado.

"Agreed… How long has he been standing there for? The space pod didn't detect his power level." Abo whispered.

"I don't know… It looks like he was waiting for us to land."

"What do you think we should do?" Abo asked.

"*sigh* I was about to ask you that same thing."

"…" The twins stared at each other for a moment.

"Right… he looks to be a Saiyan, but I can't really tell with those yellow eyes of his."

"Yeah… but if he's a Saiyan, it might turn out to be a good thing. There's rarely any with a power level exceeding over 100,000. This one couldn't even be detected… Conceivable, He's no stronger than the wildest beast on this planet, so the chances of him being part of that minority of Saiyans are few to none. I think it'd be best if we tried to handle this with diplomacy first.

After all, the remainder of the dogs had been neutered. They obey Lord Frieza's every command." Spoke Ado in a hushed tone while the man continued to sway his tail.

Djin Observing

They were probably miles away, but I could hear them as clear as day. With each paragraph that escaped their mouths, I couldn't help but get increasingly nervous, Especially with roaring thunder in the background. I couldn't stop my tail from moving.

'Freiza sent them, huh? To pick up some type of egg to… The question is… what type of egg would have resided in the crust of this planet without my knowledge. And why would Frieza send two of his strongest troops to recover it.' I knew exactly who these two were. They were Abo and Kado. Two soldiers who were the equivalent of the Ginyu Force by themselves.

I knew this because even the most minuscule of detail involving Dragonball that I had studied and memorized previously was burned into my mind and couldn't be forgotten. Even after the amount of time that I had spent alone without any source of entertainment or the internet.

Things were this way since I realized that my body was different. Anything that healed or grew back became better, more efficient, and overall improved… My ears, my nose, and even my eyes, that were now capturing the two short men flying directly towards me.

As they approached, I grew tenser. The reason being, they were stronger than me individually… and not by a small margin.

Soon they were directly in front of me.

Abo was the first to speak.

"Saiyan… You're a Saiyan right?" I nodded my head in affirmation,

"I have questions that need to be answered." He said with an unwavering look in his eye. The two before me were small in stature but flew in the air to maintain eye contact with me. Honestly, their presence was quite intimidating. Facing them felt like being in the presence of two sapient waterfalls, but I managed and maintained my composure.

"What?" I asked bluntly, which I could tell threw them off by looking at the mild expression of dismay on their face. It was my fault. Not being able to socialize with people for so long had made me slightly barbaric. Understandably so. My best friends were wolfing and bears.

"I would suggest you watch your tone when speaking to your superiors… Do you understand?"

Asked Cato with extra authority in his voice.

"Uh… my apologies. I didn't mean to be rude. What is it that you wanted to ask?" I said to correct my tone. Not out of fear, but it was best to be polite when meeting strangers. It was common courtesy.

"Good… You're capable of etiquette." Abo spat, which made me regret my apology almost immediately as I squinted my eyes at them, removing my hand from my burlap pockets. Giving them reactions fed into their gigantic egos, which got me a little hot behind the ears.

'Who the fuck do these dickheads think they… never mind. Hear them out.'

I had been living like an animal. My instant reaction to disrespect was to inflict pain. I wasn't dealing with animals right now though. I was dealing with people.

"Yes… I'm capable of manners, but are you two capable of finishing your thoughts?"

I asked, returning their same smug smile.

"Yes. We are… but sometimes when a dog doesn't know its place, he must be taught… for the sake of this analogy, I'll use a monkey for this situation." Said Cado in annoyance. He and his brother tried to mask the fact that my words cut deeper than they cared to acknowledge. They were doing a terrible job, but they tried.


I rolled my eyes. 'Space racism. Of course.' I thought.

"I know my place… I know it well." I retorted.


"Can we get on with the interrogation?" I asked bluntly.

"Of course,"Said Abo.

"Since you're so eager, let us begin…

My first question is, what are you doing out of uniform?"

"My uniform… I don't have one. Nor have I ever received one."

"What do you mean, never received one?" He asked with heavy speculation in his voice.

"Well… I was sent to this planet as an infant to conquer." I said, coming up with a lie on the spot.

"An infant? That's not possible." Stated Abo, giving me a death glare.

Kado gave the same look but quickly made it disappear.

"Hold on brother. Let's humor the Saiyan… this could prove to be quite entertaining. Also, the planet has a time distortion, remember. It's not out of the realm of possibility. We should hear him out before we jump to any conclusions." Cado said resting his hand on his brother's shoulder pad.

"Hmm..." He crossed his arms in speculation which caused further tension within me.

"Let me get this straight… You have been on this planet since you were a child… correct?" He asked, prompting me to nod.

"Then where is your pod? Why are you not equipped with a Scouter, and why haven't you sent any communications towards the empire?"


"These are all valid questions… I think you should answer them to the best of your ability… You Saiyans mentally mature quicker than other races. You should have been able to read and understand the language inside your pod by the age of 3. 4 maximum… And yet, you remained here. Why?" Asked Cado.

"Well, for starters, my pod had some sort of malfunction on it. I crash-landed on this planet. Perhaps I must have had an older model… The crash was so destructive that I lost all the ship's functionality. It turned into a bed, virtually. Now, as for where it was, I destroyed it and my scouter."

"I'm guessing that you were an Oozaru when this happened." They both were tense. If looks could kill...

"No… That would have been impossible. There is no moon on this planet. I destroyed it by accident amid training. We Sayains are fighters from birth."




There was nothing but silence. Even the thunderstorms had stopped. The only thing that could be heard was the cool wind breeze.

"*Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap*"

"*clap clap*"

Slowly backed away… clapping. I knew… That something was going on. Something bad.

"Good… Good! You told me to hear him out brother and you were right. It was quite entertaining. You put on quite the show, Saiyan." Abo had a sinister smile on his face as I started to become more nervous. Kado tilted his head and smiled in indifference.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I was now tenser than ever.

'Did I say something? Did I slip up?' I tried to puzzle together the reason for the change in dynamic between me and the twins.

"It's just funny is all. If only you survive long enough. You would have made a great comedian… or even a lawyer." Said Cado.

They stopped flying and levitated, slowly descending till their feet were in the snow.

"Ya see. This would have probably turned out differently if you had just told us the truth, Sayian. Then maybe, you would have been able to come back with us in one piece… but no, you had to continually poke and nip at our intellect." Said Cado. I could see where this was going. I got into a combative stance.

"But your lies were just too damn subpar.

Exhibit A: There is no way that a Saiyan infant would be sent to a planet that doesn't have a moon. The entire purpose that Lord Frieza used your race was so that you could purge a planet of life so that it could be sold to the highest bidder. Why would he destroy his own planet that he intended on keeping?" Asked Ado

Exhibit B: You talked about your ship not being able to teach you anything because you accidentally destroyed it… Yet… Here you are, speaking Language. If you were a Saiyan with no prior education, you would be nothing more than an animal with the vocabulary of a toddler at best. But here we are. Communicating amongst one another." Stated Cado.

"For some reason, you don't want us to find your pod… Maybe you did destroy it. Maybe you lost it. Who knows… but what we know is that you will not be living another day." Established Cado.

The twins grabbed each other's hands tightly. Then, their power began to skyrocket.


They simultaneously screamed causing a neon purple vortex to surround them and spun faster and faster as they were enveloped by a mysterious pink light. Their form started to shift into one while their size increased as seconds passed.

As this happens… I began to feel endorphins released into my body. Adrenalin started to pump as all my senses started to become sharper. Honestly… this is the first time I witnessed such a sense of dread.

They continued to grow until they reached a size that doubled mine in height and triple mine in width. All I could do was stare slack-jawed. Their Ki quadrupled mine… no… their Ki was mine, but multiplied by 100. If I thought I could take them before, now, I was greatly mistaken. This was gonna be the first battle of my life… but… Why was it that all I could do was smile?

Was it because of my immortality? Was it because I was happy to have a decent challenge? I didn't know. What I did know is that I was ready for anything. I had been waiting to practice my self-made martial art.

At full speed, I flew directly at the fat bulbous man with my knee directly aimed at his head.

As I arrived centimeters from the man's face, all of my momentum had stopped. My eyes grew wide as I had realized that my knee had been stopped with one large finger. The mysterious light that was on him disappeared.

This was no longer Abor, nor Cado. This was their merged fusion, Aka

Aka was less than appealing to look at. He had purple skin, a weird spiked jaw, spiked shoulder, and biceps that were the size of my legs.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Aka. And-"

Before he finished his sentence, I had already winded my arm back, reading up for an attack.

"*Booom*" A punch directly aimed at the center of Aka's nose created the sound of a miniature explosion sung throughout the battlefield.

But even though I had him as hard as I could, virtually no damage was done, which caused the arrogant man to grin ear to ear.

With his other hand, he grabbed my waist, completely restraining me, allowing me no way to escape.

"I am your executioner." He finished his statement.

He then used his other hand to wrap the other upper portion of my body at speeds that I could see, but couldn't react to.


With just one hand, he had stopped me from using my upper body and stopped me from using my lower body with the other.

"Mmmm!" I was helpless. It was like I was inside of a snake's stomach. He then continued to talk.

"For residing on Emperor Frieza's scarred planet without permission. For disobeying a commanding officer. For attempting to attack sed officer. You have committed treason. For this reason, you are now being sentenced to death. Do you have any last words?"

He slowly and carefully started to reveal my face, making sure not to lose his grip on my body.

"Just this."

I got all the mucus from my lungs as Aka looked confused. He would have never predicted the utter disrespect that was about to proceed.

"*HAck Spit*"

Green slime flew from my mouth onto his face spreading like a gigantic repugnant web.

Utter shock was written all over his face as my spit started to drip down the side of his mouth.

"Oops. Looks like ya got a little something right there."


"What can I say? I'm an uncivilized monkey. I guess it's a good thing you had control over my other end because I can promise you, that would have been far worse." I said facetiously. Snorting as I was trying my hardest not to chuckle.


He yelled with Ki empowered vocal cords which burst my eardrums causing blood to shoot out. On the bright side, they took only 2 seconds to heal, coming back stronger.


"*HAck Spit*"

This time, he had his mouth wide open. If his mouth was a dartboard, I would have gotten a bullseye as my spit coated his enlarged tongue and even got his tonsils.

It was then, his grip loosened. He let me go completely.

I dropped to the ground and my knees. I could no longer hold it in.

"Hahhahahahhahhahhahha." I started to die of laughter. I laughed so hard that tears began to pour down my face.

Aka on the other hand was shaking.

"Ahaha! I'm sorry! You had your mouth opened so wide, I thought you wanted more."

"Sa… Sa..." Aka then dropped to his knees with his head hung down.

"Bleh!!!" He began to vomit intensely and violently while I jumped back, trying to gain my composure.

"Bleh!!!" He puked inside out like an assault rifle allowing me to see… and smell everything had been eating.

I saw strange pieces of tentacles, bugs, bits, and pieces of candy… with the wrapper still on.

"You vile Saiyan. I promise, I'm gonna… I'm goNnA-"

"How did it taste? To taste all that delicious salty goodness?"

"Bleh!!!!" he threw up again.

"Fuck you!"

"Well. I hope you learned your lesson… if you want to get disrespectful, I can do it to"

I then clapped my hands together focusing my Ki, shaping and sharpening it, until it formed a bloody red curved scimitar sword. Then, I formed another. Ki control was very important to me. Without it, I would have probably still been an Oozaur. Without it, I would have never been able to make my ki swords.

Holding them by their hilt, I swayed them back and forth which caused a unique afterimage effect. My swords had so much of my condensed ki that they actually looked metallic and had weight to them. Then, before Aka could gain his composure, I charged at full speed once more.


"AHHHH!" I sliced away at his back while he was turned away causing orange blood to gush, splattering on my clothes while also leaving behind two-inch-wide gashes going from his shoulder blade to his butt.

"I'll kill you!" His power level skyrocketed once more while I began to retreat.

"Someone is grumpy… Do I need to feed you some more?" I said… then instantly regretted it.

One moment, he was about a mile away from me, next, my leg was in his hand.

He gripped so hard that in one moment, my bones were solid. In the next, they were turned into dust. My muscles were gummy, the next moment, they were liquid. My skin burst open like a water-balloon, splattering my blood all over the snow and the body of Aka

"Uggghhh!" I fought through the pain, attempting to stab him directly in the eyes, but that's what he had anticipated. He coated his hand in a layer of condensed Ki making a glove to catch my sharp blade.

Even though the Ki mittens protected him for a moment, he gashed his hand terribly as he shattered both my blades. This was the difference in our Ki control…

Problem was, he was so enraged that he probably couldn't feel the pain.

"Rarrhhhh!!!" Holding me in place, he lifted me above his head by my floppy leg, then slammed me with all his strength. Bracing myself for impact, I made sure to coat my arms in ki to protect myself, but no amount of protection would save me from a power level that was probably in the high 8 million. My arms shattered on impact.

Then, I was slammed again, shattering my skull.

This disoriented me, but from my mouth, I focused all of my Ki, then, blasted a red beam of concentrated energy. It was so concentrated that electricity started to pulsate off of it.

'Cobra Lighting.' I thought.

Then, I released my attack.

"Ahhh!" I screamed in pain.

The attack struck the enraged Aka directly in the face, Flinging him into the air so high that the clouds parted. The bad news was, he still had a death grip on my leg, so as I shot him, my leg was torn off of my body making a bloody mess.

But, as soon as it was torn off, It had started to grow anew. First, my bone started to grow back in a huge puff of steam, then my muscles and blood vessels, Then finally my skin. What wasn't growing back was my paint leg though… which kinda made me sad. Luckily, I had extra pairs at home.

The bone in my arms started to mold back together. My skull started to mend itself.

With all that I had experienced with the fight, I had gained more strength. I was still weaker than Aka in terms of power, but I knew, the longer this fight continued, the more it would shift towards my favor.

After I had finished healing, Like clockwork, I heard 8 sonic booms in the distance. Quickly, I clapped my hands together forming Ki blades once more.

Flying directly towards Aka at unparalleled speed, I coated my body with ki forming a red aura around myself. But I didn't stop there. I condensed and condensed until that aura made a thin Ki shield around my body. After that formed, made another, then, a final one. This last coat was the most difficult to form. I construed the final coat in a way that allowed it to have deadly protruding spikes. With my preparations, I looked like a humanoid mace heading directly toward Aka.

To my surprise, Aka had made his preparations as well. He had used his Ki to form two gigantic spiked fists. I then came up with an idea. I started to spin as if I was a top from the bey blade anime to get more power and to exert more pressure through more range of motion. Moments passed, then we had finally collided in the sky.

A gigantic shock wave made its way across the entirety of the planet.

Upon impact, all of my shields diminished as if Aka was water and my ki was toilet paper. I was sent crashing to the planet below me with broken ribs, a broken neck, and lungs filled with blood as if I was a meteorite.

But that didn't mean that my efforts didn't have any fruit.

The exact moment we had collided, I had aimed my two swords at Aka's shoulders, piercing them, destroying his shoulder pads, and limiting the use of his arms. The constructs on his hand were now gone and what remained were two bloody paws.

Hitting the ground, I started to cough blood as it felt extremely uncomfortable allowing the liquid to stay there.

I did not need to breathe. I had lived in space. But to feel as if you were drowning didn't feel like a fun time to me.

As I was coughing, I sensed Aka crashing directly above my location. I could sense my Ki on him which told me that the blades were still embedded in his shoulders. He was coming down like a terrifying javelin that was launched by a railgun.

'Fuck.' I couldn't move. My spine had broken again, paralyzing me.

With my evolved eye mixed with adrenaline that was pumping throughout, I had to watch as Aka came crashing down upon me. I watched as his feet touched my chest… switching from gentle, to smothering, to crushing, to obliterating.

I watched in slow motion as my skin and pectoral muscles began to split and tear apart, reviling chunks of destroyed bone that scattered into the air. Aka, finally stomping on my littoral lungs with his filthy disgusting boots, popping them like a stress ball under a hydraulic press. Then finally splitting me in half piercing me like a kebab.

It didn't stop there. With his amount of force, we began to dig deeper… and deeper into the planet reaching hundreds of thousands of feet into the ground.


His attack caused Planet Ice to start caving in on itself. Volcanoes could be heard erupting in the far distance. Tsunamis and earthquakes began to consume the land… Then, there was Aka.

"Ha...HAHAHAHA!" He laughed while moving my key blades

"You see this, filthy Saiyan?! This is what happens to those who disobey our mighty Emperor! This is what happens to beings like you!"

We were in a crater as far as the eye could see. I had been bisected by Aka's previous attack. My bottom half was completely missing. I was all bloody and injured. To him, I probably looked as if I was on my deathbed living my final moments.

He came out of this battle with far more he bargained for. I gave him scars that would have lasted him for the rest of his life. No matter how much he wanted to, Aka would never forget this battle.

My eyelids were heavy… and so was my breathing which caused Aka to feel pity for his opponent.

"You… This is what disgusting vile disrespectful trash like you deserves… no… you deserve worse than this. I understand why Frieza wiped out you monkeys… you're plainly less evolved than other races in the galaxy. " He looked at me with hatred in his eyes while I looked at him with indifference.

"Ah… you probably didn't know that bit of information yet… hehe. I guess it doesn't matter."

I looked him in his eyes as he grinned.

"You probably don't know this, but… the remainder of the Saiyans are a pale reflection of what you barbaric blood-hungry baboons once were… the only thing that's left from your great monarch is a depressed little prince. How does it feel to know that your prince is nothing more than Frieza's dog? HUH?" He gloated and smiled from ear to ear. But I gave him no reaction. It was what he wanted.


"No reply?"

"Closer…" I whispered.

"If this is a plea for your life… it's far too late for that. The moment you decided to do what you did… The moment you decided this was a game… was the moment I decided it was over." He peered down at my dying body with malice.

"Please… just this." The wounded man heard me begging…

His hatred then turned into sorrow for a brief moment.

Quickly shaking those emotions off… he decided to listen to what I had to say.

"*sigh* these are your last words… make them count."

He said with a serious tone.

"what is the egg… why did Frieza want it," I said with a hushed tone.

"Is that it?"

"that's all… I just want to know… I'm dying… it doesn't matter."

"Fair enough… Lord Frieza never told us the reason… but we can speculate… It's a weapon. I don't know what kind, but it is a benefit that will increase potentially. It could even multiply the Frieza force… That's what I believe."




"Is there anything else you wanna ask monkey?"

"yes… is the shdakddhkah?"

"What?" Aka then got closer.

"I can't hear you. Speak up…"

" i s-s-said, is the..shuhfbamkjfieop?" I said trailing off into the unintelligible.

"Repeat yourself one last time before you pass on." Aka crouched down in front of me to the point that we were eye to eye… face to face. Inches apart.

"What did you-" as he had his mouth open.

"*HAck Spit*"

"That's what I said"

Shock flush Aka's face. He couldn't conceive what just happened.

"Hehehehe. Awe… you look angry *cough cough cough*" Blood shot out of my mouth getting more on to Aka's.

Before I could do anything else, rage consumed Aka.


Left hook.


Right hook.


Left hook.


Right hook.


Left hook.


Right hook.






With every punch, Aka dug me deeper into the ground. He could no longer contain his anger. He was blinded by rage to the point his pupils disappeared.

He hit me with his full strength.

In the beginning, my skull broke over and over again. My eyeballs popped like grapes, and my nose had disintegrated... But unfortunately for Aka, he was blinded by rage.

This meant that his tunnel vision was so narrow that he didn't even notice that my body had grown back after his first few hundred punches. Every time that Aka would break me, I would grow back stronger right under his nose.

He kept punching me for 4 entire hours… Within those four hours… my strengths had increased to new levels. A level to where I couldn't even feel the effects of his punches.

He was hurting himself more than he was hurting me.


Left hook.


Right hook.

Then… the entourage of punches stopped.


He had finally snapped out of it. I laid back with my arms behind my head to get more comfortable.

"What happened!! Your body! You were cut in half!"

Sweat had started to pour down Aka's facet. I couldn't tell if it was from exhaustion, fear, or heat. We had dug to the center of Planet Ice. Magma was flowing in from all around us.

Whatever race Aka was, they had evolved to the point where temperatures weren't anything to them… well it wasn't anything to me either, but I was a special case.


He started to shake. He could barely move his arms. His hands were so stripped of flesh that you could see his bone.

"W-what are you! How are you fine after all that I did to you."I then jumped to my feet.

"Simple…*clap*" I clapped forming my Ki blades that were far denser, and sharper than ever before due to the Zenkai boost that I had received.

"I'm an immortal."

"Impossible!" Then with one quick swipe, I beheaded Aki as if his neck was made out of butter. I was tired of our game. This caused him to defuse back into a headless Abo and Cado.

Their bodies were twitching and convulsing. Their legs spasmed and made it look as if they were trying to run away… It was a fucked up sight that I no longer wanted to look at, so I quickly stripped Cado of his armor and put it on to myself as my clothes had been destroyed through combat.

Then, with a large leap, I jumped out of the crater.






I only had a little bit of time before the planet destabilized. I had things to do before that happened. ! was to find that egg that they were talking about. It was better in my hand than anyone else's. Two, I needed to find the space pod that my first two victims arrived on.







30 minutes later

I had finally discovered the egg that Aka was talking about. After digging with my bare hand, I ended up in an underground cave with A strange egg rotting in the ground. It was all white like an overgrown chicken egg… That was until I touched it.

"Ah! What the hell?" My hand was stuck to the egg as if it had been super glued on. Then, I started to feel a searing pain as if my hand was being melted off. At first, I thought it was my mind playing tricks.

Then, I felt as if my Ki was being drained from my body into the egg as if my arm was a conduit for power transference. Out of sheer curiosity, I allowed for the process to continue until I realized the skin on my arm was disintegrating. It was like the egg was a virus… no.. a beast that was attempting to digest me for its growth.

It was then that I tried to rip away for the strange object… but It had already consumed what it needed. It started to shift color as if a phantom started to paint the object before me.

Moments passed before the egg finally finished its metamorphosis. After feeding in me, It ended up all black with golden polka dots all over it like a pokemon egg.

After my arm regenerated to its prime. I poked at the egg and realized it was safe to touch. Lifting it, I held it tightly in my arms. As I held it… for a moment… I felt as if it was still consuming me on a microscopic level, but due to my healing, all that I felt was a slight itching sensation. It didn't bother me, so I left with it close to my chest.

Getting into Ado's pod, I realized when looking at the interface… I had no idea how in the hell I was going to operate this thing. All the letters just looked like squiggly lines.

'God fucking damn it.'

I slammed my fist down on the control panel not realizing that my strengths had made gigantic leaps in terms of my physique. I was in an entirely new world of power.

"Well shit." Stepping out of the pod, I saw the world that I had lived on started to tear itself down. It was on the verge of destruction.

I looked up in the sky that was now blood red, then looked back down at my egg.

"Well… if you could survive on this planet, you could probably survive in space… Please don't die, little guy."I could only wonder what it would become.

'A dragon… or a serpent maybe. Perhaps a being like Merium."

The possibilities were endless.




In space

'Where is he… he should be somewhere around here." King Kai said while looking from his left to his right. Then, he looked upwards… the downward which caused his jaw to drop.

'Who the hell did that to Ice!' He said as he saw the fiery destruction of a planet within his territory.

Then, within the next 10 seconds, He watched a man from a distance in Frieza empire armor.

'This can't be good.' Frustration was now overworking his brain.

He then teleported in front of the man that was rapidly escaping.

[Hey!!!! You stop right there!]

He said, activating his telepathy. Once he did, the tall man that looked to be holding some type of egg stopped on a dime with wide eyes as if he was scared half to death.

[Tell me… What the hell happened! Why is that planet exploding!] He said taking an authoritative stance, putting his hand on his hips.

The man who King Kai had scared almost half to death was none other than Djin, who had just made enemies with one of the most powerful men in the universe.