
the end

hello readers, thanks for actually reading my stuff, i would love to continue but i found out that they don't web novels don't take AI work so i can't get contracted. i use AI to make my idea come out better, but Seens they said no to that i guess i have to go with my Grammers error well i would learn and try to be better


i was about to give up when i had an Amazen idea another story, it was just rushing into my head, i learnt from this story Tho to always explain alot when and other stuff, so you guess follow on nicely.

the new novel im coming up with is going to be called "life worth living" going to have the same Plut with Kenji, deferent name and background, it just going to be better. 

By next week probably Wednesday the novel will be out, and i would be deleting this. 

it would be nice to have readers from ADAPT or DIE kind drop a comment when reading my new novel. thank you all.