
Adam, the lone

In a world of secrets, there are many unknowns and many ignorants. A lone boy who suffers with schizoid personality disorder (SPD) carries the role of the mc on his capable shoulders. He believes not in myths not knowing the blood of a mythical beast flows in his veins. He seeks no attention but attention keeps finding him. He seeks no love but love keeps coming by. Misfortune befalls him and forces him to get involved in his world. He has to survive against life. A life filled with secrets. Join Adam on journey to freedom, to be free of life.

Penhouse2_0 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter seven

The sun has set and it is dark. A full moon shining bright in the cloudless sky. The moon graces all with illumination as the countless light sources in Phora city are doing.

Julia's Dam, an apartment building located in the city is where Adam and his family live, specifically on the last floor of this five-floor apartment. Each floor has three bedrooms, a washroom, a kitchen, a living room, and a dining room.

Adam is sitting in his room by the window. He is looking at the moon with all concentration without even blinking.

'I wonder why.' He thinks to himself. 'Earlier in the parking lot, I heard mother sobbing with guilt that is the reason I am like this. Uncle also said a similar thing. Could it... '

*Knock* *Knock*

"It is open."

With the given permission, the door is opened. A young girl is revealed. She is nearly seven years old. She has Joan's dark shoulder-length hair.

"BIG BROTHER!" She calls out running at and throwing herself at him. She wraps her arms around his neck and starts to squeeze. "Submit! Sub...mit!"

Like a lifeless unconcerned piece of wood, Adam lets out with a stifled tone, "Stop... Zoe. I told you...I am not...your punching bag."


"I have already." She finally lets go and Adam drops rushing for air. "Huff... What kind of martial arts school teaches little juveniles how to kill."


"ARGH!" Adam reacts as Zoe delivers a kick to his guts.


"I am right here you don't have to shout. But you are, it is obvious."

Again *POW* she kicks him in the guts.

"Hmph! Mom says dinner is ready." She announces and storms out.

"Huff... I know already. Heard her telling you." He says to himself. He gets up and ambles out.

Moments later he arrives at the dining table. The whole family, that is, his parents and sister are seated. He takes his seat as well by his sister and they both face their parents.

They share a short grace and then start feasting.

"Pass me the salt will you sweety." Joan asks Zoe.

"Fine..." She responds with a sigh as she picks and hands it to her.

"Be more respectful!" Arthur lets out. "Anyway, how was your piano class?"

"It...it was fine. Ha-ha-ha."

"Are you sure? You didn't skip it for martial arts class, right? You know it is piano before fighting, right?"

"Yeah...yeah. You know I wouldn't do that. Ha-ha-ha."

Adam sitting there quietly munching on his food. He keeps giving Zoe the side-eye but she doesn't seem to notice. He thinks to himself :

'She is lying. Ever since I can remember, I have heightened senses compared to normal people. It was quite hard to get used to. Right now, Zoe's heart rate elevated, that is proof she is lying. Also that broken laughter of hers, she does it whenever she lies.' He scrolls his eyes to examine Arthur. 'Not calling for clearance. Not even looking up at her face and just eating whiles throwing questions. Don't want to scare her huh?'

"Thank you for the meal." Adam announces as he gets up to leave.

"But you barely ate." The concerned mother says.

"I'm good."

He proceeds with his thoughts. 'Idiotic father. What you are doing is worse. Letting her guilt consume her in her fear is worse than you scolding.'He strolls off back into his room.

Meanwhile, in a residence at the PP's Estate, the house numbered 7, another family of five enjoys their dinner. The parents, two daughters, and a son are present.

The son has all that gothic appearance painted all over. He is dressed in black, wearing black makeup, and his hair dyed to be extra dark. The parents both appear to be in their late thirties, both have black hair and wear rings with doves on them.

"Maria, you did well on your report today." The woman speaks.

"Thank you, mother." She replies with a smile.

"Cyril?" She turns to her son. "Cyril I'm calling you!"


"Really, you are the oldest child and observe your conduct for yourself. What do you expect your little siblings to learn from you!"

"Don't care."

*Sigh* "Listen, Cyril, I always say this but I will say it again anyway, we will continue loving you because you are family. Nothing is going to change that. But you have got to start loving yourself and do something with your life. You are a Caster, learn some spells, and just do something worthwhile."

"What your mom said." His father steps in. "As casters, the females are the superior ones but that shouldn't stop you from becoming great."

"Awww. Those were some great words, Louis."

"Yeah, learned from the best, Hannah." He responds smiling and staring into his wife's eyes.

"You done?" Cyril interrupts their moment.

"Y...you shouldn't b...be like that to mom and dad." The young girl seated by Maria says in a very low tone and shyness almost impossible to hear. Just like Maria, she is curvy and busty. And her shyness just makes her adorable.

"Huh...? What's that you said, Mary?" Cyril asks with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

Again in that low shy voice, she speaks. "I...I said don't b..."

"Shut your trap!" Cyril snaps.

"HEY THERE BOY!" Louis steps in swiftly.

"Tsk! F*ck this all." Cyril echoes and storms out of the house. His father makes an attempt to go after him but Hannah holds him and shakes her head.

"Well, that was something." Maria says. "Hey Mary, don't be so down. It's his fault for not seeing how great of a sister you are. Brighten up will ya." She nods in response and fakes a shaky smile. "That's my twin. Now keep that smile up."

"Hannah, are you sure I shouldn't go after him? It has gotten quite dangerous in the neighbourhood nowadays. "

"He will be fine. You worry too much. We are in an estate. There will be guards around even if anything should happen."

Time pass by shortly. It is now very late and Cyril still hasn't returned. Hannah and Louis lie in their bed tossing and turning. Their fear and guilt wouldn't let them be.

"Hannah is now a good time? "

"I thought you would never ask. Let's go."

Meanwhile, in an alley, a dark alley, Cyril is encountered by four big strong looking men all fitted with knives and bats.

"You are one of his boys, ain't ya?" One of the armed men demands.