
Adam, the lone

In a world of secrets, there are many unknowns and many ignorants. A lone boy who suffers with schizoid personality disorder (SPD) carries the role of the mc on his capable shoulders. He believes not in myths not knowing the blood of a mythical beast flows in his veins. He seeks no attention but attention keeps finding him. He seeks no love but love keeps coming by. Misfortune befalls him and forces him to get involved in his world. He has to survive against life. A life filled with secrets. Join Adam on journey to freedom, to be free of life.

Penhouse2_0 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter fifteen

"OKAY STUDENTS!" Mr. Brown shouts. "Now that everything is settled.... let's ride."

After about an hour and a few minutes, they arrive at Phora High. A big school painted white and the edges of the doors, windows, and other similar things painted gold.

They are in the parking lot. Students start to exeunt from their buses. Since it is late, some students instantly start to form their groups and head on their way home. The more privileged go for their cars, and other vehicles. A modicum of them is getting picked by their parents. Adam, who is part of the latter, set sail for the car. Up ahead to his right, an ash four-seated pickup truck is parked. A man and a woman are seated in it. A few meters away, he stops in his tracks as he hears:

"Adam!?" With his back turned to the voice he responds.

"Yes, Miss Rose?"

"Are you forgetting something?"

"No." He responds.

The woman in the pickup scurries out and heads to Adam. She appears to be in her late thirties. Looks fit. Her dark shoulder-length hair floats in the passing wind and her dark eyes stare at the two.

"Is there a problem Madam?" She asks.

"Yes, there is! Due to your failure as parents, it is up to us to straighten up your ward."

"Well, I beg your pardon!" She erupts advancing towards Rose.

"Woaw...woaw!" A tall, built man exclaims getting out of the truck. He moves on to hold his wife by the shoulders. "Joan, remember...just take in a deeeeep breath." He says in a calming manner. "Then bring it alllll out." She follows and does so. "That's it. Again."

"Tsk. Disgusting. A family of outlanders." Hearing this, Joan tries to set herself free but her husband holds her tighter.

"It's not worth it Joan. Erm... Rose, I apologize for whatever my boy did. Can you find it in your sweetheart to forgive him?"

"At least someone is decent. I'm sorry...erm..."

"Arthur." He fills in with a smile.

"Yes, Arthur, but an audience has already been arranged with the dean. Now Adam, come. I will lead the way."

Adam follows like a hopeless sheep headed for slaughter. His face, still blank, unfazed. They enter the school's doors. Immediately they go out of sight:

"Argh!" Arthur reacts to the pain as he lets go of Joan. She turns to him only to see him looking down at his two shaking red burning palms.

"Oh no...oh dear!" She cries placing her two hands on her mouth in that 'omg' way. "Why didn't you let go?"

"So that you can rip out her throat!? Just don't worry I will be fine in five minutes. This isn't the first you know?"

"Okay, just focus on healing for now." She says with a shaking voice. Suddenly, tears start to stream down.

"Joan I said I will be fine. Quit your sulking. You are making this too much of a big deal."

"It's not that. It's just... it's just...our son Arthur, are my a bad parent? I mean... it's my fault he turned out like this. It is all my fault. If I hadn't...if I hadn't..."

"Shush... Come here." He opens his arms as wide as an eagle's wings and hugs her. "The fault is mine, honey. If anything I am the bad husband and parent for pressuring you and accepting this fate for our son. So stop your sulking and smile. Everything will be fine." He strokes her hair gently.

"So it wasn't my fault? And our son will smile one day?"

"Exactly, you did nothing wrong. And his beautiful smile, we will see it, someday."

"Okay. Good. At least you admitted it was all your fault." She says pulling away and cleaning her tears.

"Hey... hey... hey now hold your horses there. It wasn't entirely my fault you know. So don't go pinning it on me, ma'am."

"Well since you are the irresponsible father.."

They both start to argue.

Meanwhile, Adam and Rose are in the school. They take the stairs. Take a right and up ahead there is a door with the title, 'Dean'. They get there, Adam standing behind Rose. She knocks.

"Come in!" A deep voice answers calmly.

She opens and they head in. Seated behind the desk is a bald man in glasses. For a person possibly in his fifties, he looks quite brawn.

He talks with all solemnity, "Miss Rose... Mr. White." They nod in response. "Huff... Mr. Rose please leave us and close the door behind you. Thanks to your earlier elaboration, I understand the magnitude of the situation."

"Yes... Excuse me then." She leaves.

"Now..." He says with a furious tone. "...take a seat."

"Yes, uncle." He responds and complies.

"I said don't call me that in school! So...care to explain yourself?"

"What for? This same thing happens every time. I tell the truth but still get punished for it so that you look good. So why don't we skip..."


"We all know Miss Rose is standing outside. I can vividly see her shadow below the door. 'Imbecile' you just shouted so she will hear something to gossip about."

He brings his tone lower. "Huff... Why even bother? You and your schizoid. It's about time I told your parents to do something about it. Listen, Adam, I can't keep protecting you forever. Learn to keep your mouth shut. Next time, who you speak 'truthfully' to might decide your future. If your parents had left you alone you might just be able to protect yourself in such cases or at least smile."

"Hm...what do you mean?"

"Huh...! That piqued your interest huh? I will rather not get on your father's bad side so just forget I said anything. Just get out of here already."

Adam gets up to leave. He gets to the door. He holds the doorknob.

"And Adam, before I forget, tomorrow as punishment clean the library after school. Old man Paul needs a break from all this driving and cleaning." As if not hearing his words, he opens the door and leaves.