
Adam: The Emperor of Blood

Adam, a 10-year-old kid, was just enjoying life when an incident caused him to control blood, but it wasn't all good. The incident killed his parents, leaving him all alone. 9 years later, now grown up a bit, Adam and his friends find out about a secret society made up of super-powered individuals. It's kill or be killed in this world, and Adam was willing to kill. Follow Adam's journey as he is thrown into a new world where he strives to become the strongest, becoming known as "The Emperor of Blood." And what is this apocalypse that keeps getting mentioned? ___ Warning: Traumatic scenes, and gore Note: Adam will be somewhat overpowered, but he won't be beating people left and right. At least not at the start, and with some exceptions. Release schedules: 1 chap per day I really hope you guys enjoy this novel.

duspo · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

Back at the precinct, a few hours had passed since John and Don found Adam and the kid's dead parents.

"John, I think I'm gonna ask to take a 2-week vacation," Don said as he grabbed his precious donuts.

"I might too. Maybe take the family to Hawaii. They've been wanting to go there anyway."

"So, did they find anything else at the crime scene?" Don asked.

"Yeah, but the investigators are calling this case an anomaly. A gun was definitely fired, and there were bullet holes on the wall, floor, and ceiling, but none of the corpses showed signs of being shot."

"Maybe the kid got shot? Or maybe the shooter just had bad aim."

"Kid had no injuries. Not one. And do you really think the shooter would miss that many times? From what they showed me when they checked the gun, there were no bullets left."

"I'm definitely taking a vacation," responded Don.

"Oh and the mom, and dad? An autopsy report showed that they had no blood in their bodies. They were sucked dry, along with the intruder who supposedly broke into their house."


In an interrogation room, Adam was sitting down and drinking a water bottle that one of the officers had given him.

The door suddenly opened, startling Adam and causing him to choke on the water.

"Whoah, you ok there, bud?"

Adam coughed and nodded, putting the bottle down. "Yeah, I'm good!"

"That's good." The man closed the door and sat down across from Adam, opening a folder and reading it. "Your name is Adam, right? Adam Odol."

"Yup, that's me," Adam replied cheerfully.

"Good, good. I'm detective Paul Barnes, but you can just call me Paul. Now I'm here to ask you questions so we can ascertain what exactly happened at your house, Adam. Do you have any questions?"


"Ok, this is just procedure. Are you religious, Adam? You know your name is actually biblical?" Paul pointed out, chuckling to himself.

"No. I sometimes went to church with my grandparents when our family was visiting, but me and my parents aren't religious."

"That's understandable. Now I'm going to have you say the oath of truth. Adam, once you say this, you cannot lie, got that?"


"Ok, put your hand on your heart and repeat after me: I solemnly affirm that the evidence that I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

Adam did what he was told and repeated what Paul said. "I solemnly affirm that the evidence that I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

"Great, now we can get started."

Paul asked Adam a few questions. Simple ones just to release the tension, like what his age was and what he liked doing. After that, it was time to ask the real questions.

"I have lots of questions, but this is one I personally want to know. Do you know what happened to your parents?" Paul asked.

Adam nodded. "Yeah, they fell asleep while I was taking out the bad guy, so I brought them upstairs to their bedroom so they could rest."

Paul wrote down something in his notebook. "Adam, you're only 10. You mean to tell me that you carried your parents up the stairs and then put them on the bed? How did you do it?"

Adam shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I just did it.

Nodding, Paul wrote down a few more things. "So you say you took out the bad guy. This bad guy wasn't normal. He had a gun. How come you weren't shot?"

"I was shot," Adam replied. "But I'm bulletproof, so I was ok."

"Adam, I have a hard time believing this. I think I have a more plausible explanation. You caught the bad guy by surprise. Most likely, a hit to the head, which disorientated him. He then started shooting, explaining the empty magazine of the gun, but he couldn't properly aim, making him miss. While this is happening, you killed him with something that we have still yet to figure out."

"Detective Paul, you're wrong. The bad guy did start shooting, but he didn't even shoot that much. He only shot a few times, but then I knocked him out," Adam said, correcting him.

"Then explain the empty magazine."

"Oh, I was the one who fired the rest of the bullets."

"That's impossible. We checked all of the bodies, and none of them had been shot."

"Detective Paul, you're so funny. I didn't shoot the bad guy. I shot myself."

"Didn't we say you couldn't lie? Where are the bullet holes then if you shot yourself?"

"Detective, I told you. I'm bulletproof." Adam smiled.

"Then why did you shoot yourself?"

"Because I wanted to test out how bulletproof I was."

"Well, how did it go?" Paul asked, deciding to humor Adam's fantasy.

"I'm pretty bulletproof," Adam said.

Paul shook his head as he wrote down more notes. "Look, your parents just died. I know you're probably shaken up, and your mind is making up things, but I need you to tell the truth."

"I'm not lying!" Adam pouted. "If you want, you could shoot me and see."

"Haha, real funny. I'm not shooting a child. Now it's clear that this isn't going anywhere, so let's move onto the next question. How come the bad guy and your parents were drained of their blood?" Paul asked.

"I don't know. The bad guy and mommy and daddy were all dirty, so I cleaned them up."

Adam's answer didn't really answer Paul's question, but he decided to move on.

"Why were you covered in blood when Officer John and Don found you?"

"I told you. I cleaned the place up. Mommy always told me that everything had to be clean."

"Last question, and then I'll give you a can of coke. What did you use to kill the man?"

"I already told you this!" Adam said, annoyed. "I used my fists and punched him with my super-duper strong punch."

Paul sighed. This was clearly not the answer he was looking for. Was he supposed to believe that a 10-year-old kid beat up someone to the point that their corpse was unrecognizable and looked closer to a pile of flesh than a human?

"Thanks for answering Adam, this will help the investigation. We've contacted your grandparents, and you'll be living with them from now on. I'm going to leave and grab you that coke," Paul said as he stood up and left the room.

Paul went to the vending machine, getting a can of coke.

"You get anything, Paul?"

"Nothing, John. The kid's traumatized or something making up stories in his head. Saying how he's bulletproof." Paul reached down to grab the can of coke.


Many detectives investigated the Odol house massacre, but none of them could solve the case. It was an anomaly. As time passed, it became a local urban legend that a vampire was the one who caused the whole thing. It was apparent why. All the victims had their bodies sucked of blood.

After 9 years, the case still remained unsolved, and Adam was now a grown man.