
Adam Black The Grand Sorcerer

A young kid who loves fiction and fanfiction is reborn in a Harry potter marvel and Pjo combined verse after dying. Crossover elements of all fiction. Discord link https://discord.gg/EKwh25

Imabethatguy12345 · Fantasy
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113 Chs

Chapter 5

I notice there slightly angry expressions and sighed

Adam- "just ignore him, morons like that are always stubborn, I pity whoever he's within the dorms, they' ll have to deal with his idiocy"

They calmed slightly.

Tracy- speaking of dorms what dorm to you plan on going to?"

I simply shrugged.

Adam- " I don't know, probably Ravenclaw, I know I'm not gonna be in Hufflepuff or Gryffindor, and I'm not the type to be in Slytherin. My answer is definitely gonna be Ravenclaw. I'll be surprised if it's anything but."

That started a heated discussion, I read my book while Rose silently watched and Ruby sleeping soundly in her lap.

???- "Hey guys!"

The voice said coming over to us.

we recognized the person instantly and gave out greetings.

Tracy, Daphne, Adam- "Blaise."

He noticed Rose.

Blaise-" whose she?"

Adams's eyes widened as if he forgot something.

Adam- "oh, that's right, Blaise let me introduce you to my friend Rose, Rose this another one of my friends Blaise."

Blaise- "Yo"

Rose- "hello"

the discussion continued onward till lunchtime, I and my friends bought more sweets than to feed on wearily in the average bashing story.

I silently wondered if I even need to eat, after all, I am immortal right!?"

I looked to my right and spotted rose staring at the cauldron cakes curiously and with a bit of hunger.

I gently reached out and brought out for her.

Adam- "go ahead, it's not like it'll bite or anything"

Rose hesitantly grabbed the cake and took a small bite, she glanced at me nervously before taking another an another then she shoved the whole thing in her mouth.

She looked like a cute little baby chipmunk.

Adam- "Adorable"

I had said the word without thinking, Rose had ducked her head in embarrassment before giving the other pile of cakes a longing look.

I suppressed the urge to glomp her. I gently reached over and pushed the cakes towards her in which she gave me a grateful yet nervous smile before chowing like no tomorrow.

I glared at the grinning looks my friends we're giving me.

Adam- "Don't. say. anything."

Blaise- "I have no idea what you mean"

Tracy- "This is so adorable, Adam's got a crush!"

My face turned red.

Adam- "I don't!"

Blaise- "Sure~"

Adam- "You shut up!"

My eyes widened and snapped towards Rose who was to busy eating her heart out to notice the exchanged

I let out a sigh of relief. before going back to glaring at the two, who's grin grew wider.

I looked back and saw her taking a bite of cake in her mouth her cheeks we're red in pleasure and her eyes were closed.

It should be against the law to be this cute, really. if this was an anime no doubt shed probably be the cutest chibi I've ever seen. I couldn't peel my eyes off of her.

Fortunately, a distraction had come in the form of a distraught depressed-looking Neville and q very bossy looking Hermione.


Adam- "How may we help you?"

Hermione- "Have you or anyone else here seen a toad? Neville had lost his."

Her tone was very busy and condescending, troublesome indeed.

Tracy- "Uh, no, we haven't"

Adam- "Wait let me try something"

I pull out my wand

Adam- "What name is your toad?"

Neville- "Urm, Trevor."

Adam- "Accio toad Trevor"

I waved my wand hand and a loud croak sounded before the compartment doors burst open revealing a toad flying into my hand. I then gave the town back towards Neville.

Adam- "Here you go"

Neville- "Thanks"

Adam-"no problem"

Hermione- "What spell is that that wasn't in one of the course books.

Daphne- "it's a summoning spell, it's not in there because it was only taught to fourth year's, this spell requires a decent amount of focus that most first years aren't capable of doing."

Hermione- "Really? but I thought you couldn't cast upper year's spells. I've tried a few simple spells just for practice and it's all worked for me. It was a big surprise when I got my letter, but I was very pleased. I mean Hogwarts is the greatest wizarding and witches school to exist.or at least that's what I've heard

I've also studied and memorized all the books by heart. I'm Hermione granger by the way, what's your name?"

I gave her a silent stare for a moment before I responded.

Adam- " Some of those spells similar to the ones I had just use require more magic than some first year's have, cant. quite pull them off oh and that's Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass Tracy, and Rose "

Rose eyed her wearily from under her crimson bangs

Adam- "And I'm Adam Malfoy"

Their reactions were unexpected but should have expected to tell you the truth.

Adam- "I'm guessing you met my idiot brother? don't worry I'm nothing like him.

Neville eased up slightly Hermione however still looked tensed as she eyed us wearily.

Hermione- "Malfoys are a dark family"

My eyebrows twitched before giving them a blank look void of any emotion.

Although my face was like that I couldn't stop the coldness from escaping my tone.

Adam- " Please leave"

Hermione- "Bu-"

Daphne- "I agree with Adam please leave Granger"

Tracy- "yeah please leave before he blows a fuse he really hates it when you call him dark just because of his family."

Hermione frowns

Blaise eyed my clenched fist

Blaise-" you really should go, the last person to compare him to his dark family ended up with broken ribs a busted Eye A knocked out tooth and a swollen cheek."

That did it, Hermione, took Neville before fleeing from the area faster than a chicken when headlights, vanishing in the distance.


Hermione will change over time.

Ron, however, is another story.

I don't really like Ron.

Imabethatguy12345creators' thoughts