
Adam and the legends of 10 rings

basically a guy dies and have 5 wishes, watch as he makes a legend about himself around the known multiverse . 1st world - NARUTO 2nd world - one piece

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chapter - 2

Like this another year passed and Kumo is now doing really well in both economy and the quality and quantity of ninja. We succeed in our plans and all ninja coming out of the academy are mid to high chunnin level only thing they lack is now experience, we also successfully cultivated 5 Kage-level fighters in our ranks this year and I also decided to ask the Raikage to make a new 3 positions in the village to help in the village and country matters and they will directly report to him and the head of the country, this will also help in getting the next raikage as the position of raikage depends on the strongest person in the village unlike where it is biased and without connection, you cant become a Kage, yes you need something to become a raikage and that is results you brought. With that he and the had of the lightning nation agreed and the 3 ninjas were called the admirals and they were just below the kage and even the BOLT had to listen to them unless raikage says otherwise. The 3 admirals were me, A [A/N: 4th raikage] and killer B. with this we were basically the sannin but more power in the village affairs, we were all assigned a task, I was assigned the task of the village and ninja army, that include the academy, ninja shops, all food places and in charge of any infighting going between people/clans in the village, A was in charge of food/inventory, people, the safety of the village, missions and treaty's, killer B was in charge of a spy network, safety of the lightning nation and protection of all important nobles and the head of the nation and also in charge of common villages under the land of lightning. I also made and gave B the mosquito drones to spy on other nations. And due to the barrier, no spy was able to go into the village to get info[A/N: this also includes the white Zetsu's.] and no village has any information on us but due to my creation and B's mind, we were able to get information on them. This made all villages vary of us, that's good. Now we also got information on Danzo how he and his 2 advisors friends killed sakumo hatake, interfered in the matters on the head of the country, and killed the heir of the fire nation which is not a big NO in the country's and many more dark things done by Konoha in dark, we gave all this information quietly to the fire head making him not trust Konoha, but due to a coming war he didn't do anything but I think he is going to reduce the funding of the village and also giving missions to another village to see for a replacement just like the head of the wind country did to suna in the original series. Soon 2 months after that the 3rd great ninja war began and the spark was given by suna and Konoha war, now all the eyes of all countries are on the land of fire. After the war began I told the 3rd raikage not to just go to war now let the other country to decrease their resources, we will go to war if any country asks for help or they attack us, for now, we just increase the border petrol's and tell our spies to stay alert and give information and also deployed many mosquitoes drones to all villages to see for information they missed and due to their small size no one knows we were spying on there meetings. We got to know many things and also how the rock village was going to send an army of jounnin, chunnin about a 700 men/woman to invade the land of lightning, I immediately went to raikage along with A and B and told them about this as B was busy with training with 8 tails I took over his spy network for the time. I said I will go alone as all 3 admirals, me, A, and B are powerful enough to handle 2000 to 3000 experienced ninja, well A and B are I am way more powerful but I didn't want to show off a lot, and the 3rd raikage also mastered lightning release to the point he can do any lightning techniques without hand-signs and control other people lightning Jutsu. The 3rd raikage according to my estimation is now equal terms of kaido in body defense alone, he, A, and B I are way stronger than their cannon self. After going I intercepted them and I warned the rock ninja to return back but they laughed so I just used my rings to kill all of them I only spared 2 men, 1 woman. From the information, we have the man and woman are the son and daughter-in-law of, onoki the rock kage. And the 1 man I spared to inform the tsuchikage onoki what happened here and we cloud ninja are holding his son and his wife as captive and for more discussion contact the raikage, after that I went back to the village. Soon my name the demon of the ten rings spread to the entire world. Like this the war went on we made a peace treaty with the rock village, and the village hidden in the cloud and land of lightning rarely participated in the war and many civilian villages were protected and many farmers crops did not go to waste-reducing the cause of civilians tearing into bandits and due to the storage seal where the time doesn't affect the product the land of lightning brought a lot of food to help the people in case if there is any sudden need of food. There were also some other skirmishes here and there and the name of 3 admirals name spread all around the world making the 3 admirals equal to 3 sannin or greater. Due to this many new bloods joined the village and also we created a competition for all levels of ninja in the village and the top 5 will get techniques/Jutsu according to their future development and their chakra natures. With help of the mosquito bots, we were able to gather many technique's/jutsu from other nations. We also created the robot army that right now is only functional in the village and the capital. This is due to the rise in population and now the village hidden in clouds is the biggest village in the elemental nations. We also built anti-chakra cuffs for prisoners, that not only do not allow them to use any Jutsu/technique also suppress their natural strength, speed and reduce their natural responses. I along with the scientist of Kumo created an artificial bloodline, now Kumo has introduced 7 new bloodlines to the village.