
Adam's story

Free Book. Let's say that our relationship is too complex to explain in a few words, but if you are interested in snooping into other people's lives, then I would be happy to tell you about my life. Nice to meet you, my name is Adam and this is my story.

pedro_corti · Fantasy
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104 Chs


—Boy, stop listening on the stairs and go down!—The eyeless old man shouted—I have someone I want to introduce you to.

Adam obeyed and went downstairs, curious to find out who would be his assistant for the next few days. But when he went down, he found no one.

—Lower, giant!—Someone yelled from the desk.

Adam looked down to see the source of the scream and saw that on his desk there was a teddy bear in three dimensions: the teddy bear had a colorful flower shirt as clothes, he was not wearing pants and in one of his hands he had a bottle of alcohol. Seeing that his eyes met, the little bear added:

—Come, I'll take you to look for some booklets that may be useful to us.

Saying that, the door of the cave opened, showing the corridors of the 5th floor below. The little bear seemed to be in a hurry to get his mushrooms, so he ducked into the desk and swam across the floor to the hallways. Seeing that Adam did not move, the eyeless old man shouted:

—Go, hero! If you want to repay the favor you owe: Work hard and help the bear!

Adam, somewhat dazed by the sudden mission, followed the booklet waiting for him at the door. Once Adam was out, the booklet carried the boy up the stairs to Hexagon 3 on Floor 5.

There were no guards on this floor, and it was much more lonely than the middle floor, so this seemed like a good place to explain the situation, according to the bear.

Adam had to run to keep up with the booklet's speed, so he was somewhat shaken when he saw the booklet stop at the stairwell doors. Getting a break, Adam asked angrily about the run:

—Wasn't it a better idea to discuss the details in the cave? It's dangerous here!

—Yes, it's something dangerous, but not expensive—answered the bear with his drunken tone—Information is expensive and if the old man without eyes finds out everything, then next time he won't need me. Think, giant!

Adam was very upset to be scolded by a finger-sized bear, but he had to return the favor, so it was in Adam's best interest to listen to the bear's plan. The bear noticed that the boy was waiting and commented:

—The mission is easy, we have to enter a hexagon, look for a box and return, if we succeed: you get your booklets and I get my mushrooms.

—How is a box going to help us get booklets?—Adam asked doubtfully; he had been trying to negotiate with these creatures for years, but he never managed to get them to help him.

—What's inside the box will help us to negotiate with some booklets—the bear answered without wanting to explain much of the subject, apparently.

—Okay, let's get to the box—Adam said cheerfully.

—It's not that easy, the box is in a hexagon inhabited by a creature—commented the bear, looking at the boy's innocent look.

—Is it going to be dangerous?—Adam asked fearfully.

—No, no—said the bear, shaking his bottle and giving it a good drink—it would be if we weren't prepared, but already investigating in advance what room the box is in and what the creature is.

Adam took out his yellow book to ask his godfather about it, but he noticed that the bear didn't seem to want to say what kind of creature it was. In his place, the bear said to him:

—You just have to get a few things, to camouflage yourself from the creature.That's why we wait patiently on the stairs.

—What are we looking for?—Adam asked, there was nothing special about these stairs that could be used against a creature.

—Librarian skin, when I tell you, you ambush someone—said the bear entering the stairs; he seemed not to be joking.

—Wait, I'm not going to kill anyone!—Adam yelled, seeing the bear go into the stairs for real.

—Are you sure you don't want to kill anyone?—Asked the bear, reappearing at the door.

—Yes! Are you crazy!—Adam yelled at him angrily.

—There's another option, but it's not going to be pretty—said the bear, looking at the boy sadly and going back down the stairs towards one of the lower floors—We need the smell of a lunatic adult librarian. If we don't kill one, I think it'll be where we can mimic the scent.

Adam followed him cautiously, the bear seemed to have quite a distorted mind for him, so he didn't trust him much. But unfortunately, he didn't have much choice but to follow him.