
Adam's story

Free Book. Let's say that our relationship is too complex to explain in a few words, but if you are interested in snooping into other people's lives, then I would be happy to tell you about my life. Nice to meet you, my name is Adam and this is my story.

pedro_corti · Fantasy
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104 Chs

048-The weight of infinity.

Adam ran hard up the spiral stairs; his mind seemed to be elsewhere, but his body had another mission: Run, Adam! Runs! And never stop running!

Finally, Adam reached the bottom, but the other side didn't open, instead, the girl's head with stars decorating her face came out, and he said in a very cute voice:

—You should calm down before you go...

Adam looked at the girl like she was crazy for a long time. Does he perhaps know what the boy had just been through? How could he ask him to calm down? Her heart screamed, but the fear in his mind told her to keep quiet and calm down.

The girl noticed that Adam seemed to calm down over time and continued in a very soothing voice:

—Very well, young librarians, try to honor your race: librarians are always calm until the end of their lives, emotions will only make you lose yourself in books.

Adam looked at the girl with fear, but her breathing was slowly returning to normal.

—Now listen carefully— the girl continued—when there is a door, you should go quietly, if the other shelves notice something strange: they will kill you.

Not giving Adam time to react to the shitty situation he'd gotten himself into. The door began to open as the girl gave Adam a kiss on the cheek and whispered in her ear:

—You're the boy who accompanied the hermit to infinity, I know you can do it... it's just another walk between the shelves

Adam found the aisle of bookshelves on another floor, he had never been here, but from the number of stairs he knew it was the middle 3rd floor. The boy wanted to run, but his mind stopped him, now he had to follow the current until he came out alive, if his body fought against it it would be torn apart until it became a book.

With nervous steps, Adam began to walk through the corridors surrounded by books; Never have these corridors, which seemed infinite, seemed so strange to them now. But little by little he was gaining confidence when he saw that nothing happened, and he managed to reach the stairs of the 3rd floor.

Adam had never found these marble stairs so strange as he walked down and away from hell; his heart was beating in overdrive and his breathing was coming faster and faster as he headed up the spiral stairs.

Today was the first time in his life that Adam realized how claustrophobic these stairs could be. Each step he took seemed like the stairway got narrower and narrower until it seemed like the walls were going to crush his body.

But as much as his childish mind deceived him, each step also brought him closer to his destiny. It was in these steps that Adam remembered the madness of the old man in rags: a single question, a single incorrect pose, they killed him; however, the tranquility that he had was so overwhelming that Adam thought that all that long way to reach the void was a simple walk on the corridors.

Adam for the first time in his life, at the tender age of 12, felt depressed, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't take the next step down the eternal cold marble stairs. But not because of the fear he was; but because of the question that his heart was answering; no matter how many robes he obtained, how many languages ​​he mastered and how many books he read: he could never accomplish what that old man accomplished barefoot and dressed in rags.