
Adam's story

Free Book. Let's say that our relationship is too complex to explain in a few words, but if you are interested in snooping into other people's lives, then I would be happy to tell you about my life. Nice to meet you, my name is Adam and this is my story.

pedro_corti · Fantasy
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104 Chs


The party continued for a few hours and people began to get impatient, luckily the shelves were also rumored about the promotion, so the rumors could be true.

It was then that something very strange happened, some small portals began to open around hexagon 0 and some black creatures with white bags ran towards the librarians.

—Ha, ha, ha, the rumors were true—Achilles said with emotion, as he ran to get two bowls of food, he threw the food and ran back to where Adam was and handed him the bowl—Take this, protect yourself from the kick when they give you the book.

Adam looked at the food source with many doubts, but then he saw that several people began to steal the idea of ​​the teacher from him and looked for something to protect themselves, but they remained expectant of the strange black creatures that were getting closer.

—What are those things?—Adam asked.

—They are 'Sombrines'—Answered Achilles—They are rare, they live along the aisles of the shelves. In general, one has to try to run to catch them when one sees them. If you manage to grab it, they will give you a magic book and a kick. But this time they ran towards us to give us the book... and the kick.

As his teacher explained: the Sombrines were giving everyone a book that came out of their white bags, but then they wanted to kick you and didn't stop until they gave it to you. The key was to tire them out with some shield, once the Hatchets tire, you let them kick you and the creature disappears into thin air.

—Does it hurt when they kick you?—Adam asked with some fear, seeing all the librarians being kicked by the furry creature

—I've never seen one, but it doesn't seem like it, no one is complaining—Achilles answered, very excited to receive his first magical book—But just in case, it's better to tire them out.

Finally, it was Achilles' turn to receive the book from him. Adam, being so close, he could see that the black creature was up to the professor's knees; so they weren't very big. Their body was only hair, they had no eyes, no mouth, only black hair and the appearance of a very small human.

The Sombrines were quite adorable, they speak to you in a strange language and with a very high-pitched tone. However, once they gave you the book, their attitude turned 180 degrees and by all means they tried to kick you.

It was time for Adam's turn, Sombrin threw a book on the ground and ran to kick him. Adam didn't have time to see the book and only covered himself from the kicks that the strange furry creature tried to give him, after a while the creature had tried and Adam too. The sombrin managed to kick him and disappeared into the air. Luckily, he was a small, furry creature; so the kick didn't hurt almost at all.

Adam walked over to his magical book and carefully took it. The book was covered by metal chains and its cover seemed to be made of wood; on its spine was the inscription: 'Golden Vegetables' and inside there seemed to be a few yellow pages. Adam didn't open it, since magical books could be dangerous, and also because he couldn't read them; because it was one of the rules to enter the cave where he lived.

According to Adam's father, a magical book differed from a non-magical one by the abilities it gave the reader when reading it. Generally, one learned some rare power by reading a magical book. Therefore, librarians did not refer to special books as magical. Only the books that gave you some rare gift were magical.

After taking the book, Adam decided to leave the party that was being set up.

He was already very tired after the long day and according to his teacher there was no other gift for the librarians besides this magical book. In addition, the party was being somewhat boring, there were only a few old people and adults chatting while they ate, the few children that were left with one of his parents after picking up his magic book; so Adam had no one to play with at the party.