
Adam's story

Free Book. Let's say that our relationship is too complex to explain in a few words, but if you are interested in snooping into other people's lives, then I would be happy to tell you about my life. Nice to meet you, my name is Adam and this is my story.

pedro_corti · Fantasy
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104 Chs

020-The great discovery of my life...

Achilles proceeded to offer the two students a green book, while saying:

—All-day today we will spend endlessly reading the first page of the book, then we will write down the words of the book, and then I will ask you to come to a conclusion. The two books tell the same story, what changes is the language they use. So always pay attention.

The teacher began to read aloud the first page of the red book, then he read aloud the yellow one, and finally, he read aloud the words of the green book. Just as he had said in all three languages, the first page says exactly the same thing. The story is about a young hero and the first page was his introduction to him.

—Well—Achilles said with a smile after finishing the reading— If you open the drawer under your desks you should be able to find various instruments to study with. If you run out of any, just open the drawer again and the missing item will reappear.

Adam paid attention and opened a drawer under his desk, where he could find pencils, pens, ink, empty papers, rulers, and a lot of other instruments. The most interesting thing is that everything was perfectly organized; which made it something very aesthetic insight.

—Now we're going to play a game—Achilles begins to give instructions—Each one must take a piece of paper and write down the words on the first page of the book, but the rule is that they should not be repeated. Whoever writes down the most words wins. And one more thing: Take the pencil. Don't use ink!

Adam nodded and began to copy the words from the book. Only a few words managed to remember their meaning thanks to reading, but the vast majority of them did not remember them and he did not know if he was writing them twice.

After much trying to remember, Adam realized that there were very few words that he could write compared to his classmates. It was then that thought crossed Adam's head and as if he were a eureka, Adam started writing like crazy.

It seemed that Adam had discovered a great secret that would lead him to victory:

Each distinct word in the book was made up of very short mini-words that could be written in a single trace. The most interesting thing: is that those mini-words were always repeated. It is as if there is a limited amount of these mini-words.

And depending on the order in which one places the mini-words, one could create a different word. So the key was not to remember the meaning of the word, but the key was to see if the mini-word repeated its order with one that was already written. Without knowing what it was, Adam had rediscovered: The Characters.

Finally, the time given by the professor finished and by the results Adam realized the sad reality. Adam was the last one, the other two boys somehow managed to write almost more than three times what he wrote.

—All three are winners, congratulations!—Achilles said with a smile on his face—You all wrote a lot of words, and it seems like none of you repeated your words. What was the conclusion they reached after doing all this?

Both Bianca and Franco remained silent for a while, thinking, but they didn't know very well what to answer, they just had to make sure they weren't repeated; For them, the existence of characters was obvious. But Adam took his time to elaborate on his 'revolutionary' discovery about the big idea of ​​mini-words.

—Yes, indeed Adam— Achilles said when he noticed the boy's explanation—Those mini-words are what we call characters and in total there are 30 of them. All words in all languages ​​are made up of those 30 characters, and what changes is their sequence to say the same word... Generally.

—So if I remember these 30 characters, I get my black robe—Adam said excitedly.

—I wish—said Achilles wryly—but you're closer and that's what matters. In the following weeks, we will learn what these mysterious 30 characters are and what they are called. For homework, they have to review their book until they find the 30 characters, if there is something that is not, also write it down. They can take school supplies from under their desks home.