
Adachi to Shimamura: "Missing percentage"

Adachi and Shimamura always shared a special bond one that has never been questioned for any of the two, but some situations will make them question the nature of their feelings

Cristhian_Mosquera · Others
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2 Chs

Adachi's 48%. Part 2

Adachi to Shimamura: Missing percentage.


 Adachi's 48%




I've been carrying the anti-stress toy Shimamura gave me everywhere. She gave it to me and I want to use it as much as possible. I thought I'd have to carry it by hand but in the box in which it came there's a little note saying that it would compact if you do not use it enough. It's been 3 days since and now it fits perfectly in my pocket. I just would shove my hand in my pocket and use it there.


There's a big problem with the anti-stress toy Shimamura gave me. It reminds me of her; yeah that is the purpose of a gift, I guess. But my mind starts running and crashing everytime I touch the thing. But then again, Shimamura gave me this. I don't plan to leave it at home on a shelf gathering dust; to be honest some of the gifts are, but not this time! I'll show her how much I appreciate the gift!


"Excuse me"


"Oh yeah, what can I help…"


I bit my tongue! It hurts really bad. Is it really necessary for people to have such a strong mandible?, It helped me to come back to reality. Now for a moment I had forgotten I was at work. There was a lady in front of me.



"how can I help you?" I asked.


It feels like I've lost control of a vehicle, not that i know how to drive a car but... my bicycle yeah! As I was steering the wheel, for some reason it doesn't go where i want to. It also feels like i kept pedaling and the wind on my face tells me that I'm going way too fast for the brakes to seize the impact. This keeps me "crashing" to these situations.


-"I want…"



 The lady continued, but I couldn't bring myself to listen. My ears didn't want to hear anything; all I wanted to do was stare. At what exactly? Her hair. She had the same hair as Shimamura did in high school; it was  just the same exact hair.


"Excuse me, are you okay? Your face is red right now".


It feels like I've lost control of a vehicle, not that I know how to drive but… yeah! My bicycle, like if I was  steering the wheel but it doesn't go where I want it, but for some reason I keep spinning the pedals and the wind in my face tells me that I'm going too fast for the pedals to seize the impact.


"oh yeah… yeah I'm fine, could you repeat your order please?"



"Sure, I want…".


I honestly have no idea what she was saying. But still I was taking "notes" in the little notebook they gave us for situations like this.



"Yes, right away".



Again, I have no single idea what she asked for.



"Your face is really red; should I call someone?" Said the lady with a very concerned expression.



"I'm perfec-".



"HEY! Adachi-san, pay attention!" I heard one of my coworkers say; I snap back to reality. The lady now with a slightly embarrassed look hid her face using the menu. I also noticed I've thinking all of this while I was standing and staring at the lady, how embarrassing.


 I just want to be able to express myself I want to smile, laugh and scream "What is happening" but even if I did that wouldn't give me any answers  and that lead my emotions to keep leaking; causing these situations, honestly if I where the other person I don't see an in between in their reactions they are completely scared or like it in some ways.


Does Shimamura like it?


Everyone here noticed that I've been pretty distracted the past days. The reason was in my pocket. The lady's hair probably didn't even look like Shimamura's but in a moment my hand reached down to the toy, and I started seeing things .


Now I was trying to decipher my scribbles on the note, and somehow I got the order right.



That was a long day.


After a long day of work I'm heading home.  I texted Shimamura that I was on my way home; she replied "great" and I started walking along the street in the direction of our apartment. For some reason the way home feels shorter.


While walking in the busy streets, I could  just hear the people and cars, I could hear fragments of their conversations and the usual slurs of the drivers.


Anyways, I was walking while hearing the song of the streets, there was something that kept bothering me; it was the toy, I just couldn't stop thinking about it. But for a different reason now. For all of the strangers that surround me it's okay for them to have no meaning in my life. It's ok if they are never going to interact with me in any way. I can just let them pass and everything will be fine. But, the anti-stress toy!


"Uhh... AHH!".


It happened again. I lost control of my bicycle brain and eventually lost my balance. Everyone around me who sees me fall had a mix of reactions. I feel that my face grew warmer by the moment because it is clear that I am blushing; not because I made a scene in the middle of the street but because I unconsciously grab the toy as I am thinking about it: the main reason I fell. I stand up and keep walking as if nothing happened. In fact, there are just two types of reactions (I saw from the passers-by): the ones that felt some kind of sympathy and the ones that looked at me like a criminal.




I took the toy out of my pocket and appreciated how the lights of the street shine upon it.


"Does it really matter that much?"


I feel as if anytime Shimamura gives or does something for me my whole world crumbles and rebuilds itself again. I don't know if I should complain but I know it's unhealthy in some ways.


While falling another two or three times I managed to get home.


I open the door and the little girl greets me. She has a piece of bread in her mouth and a lion pijama. Of all the ones she appeared as, this one is more common than the others. (I think Shimamura called her the Lion Yashiro)


"Shimamura is in trouble," she said, almost smiling.



"WHAT!" I screamed while rushing inside the apartment. I didn't even take my shoes off.



I crossed the door frame to the dining room and:


"SHIMAMURA! WHAT... Are you doing?"


I screamed at the top of my lungs as I  entered but at the end I couldn't contain the same emotion.



What I saw was just stunning. I almost wanted to laugh. My mind grows all the more confused as seconds go by.


And I repeated: "Shimamura, what are you doing?"