
Actions Before Thinking

Once Upon a Time...there is a young Werewolf named Imran Cavalli who sacrifices himself to save his father from being executed by the Werewolf King, Edmundo Lorizio. He must prove himself worthy of being the Ferox Naabaahii Kingdom's Luna and learn to live with a mate who does not care for him. What will become of Imran Cavalli and his critical marriage to the Alpha King? Maybe this story can't have a happily ever after.

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Actions Before Thinking

Once Upon A Time... We're talking like 1000 years into the future. A massive continental drift has occurred, and Earth is a Pangaea again. The world became one, and all of the countries around the globe connected themselves under the Continental Alliance Agreement. Everyone renamed this enormous piece of land the United World of Irene. The world becomes less toxic, so supernatural species begin coming out of their hiding places and allowing their existence to be known. Since then, humans and legendary creatures have lived amongst each other peacefully.

Out of all mystical creatures, Werewolves are the most reserved. They mainly kept to themselves and their packs. You rarely see a Werewolf residing in a human community. Only rogue or packless wolves would seek residence outside the Werewolves' dominating territory.

The majority of the Werewolves' population resides on what used to be the west coast of North America in the Kingdom of Ferox Naabaahii. Currently, the Kingdom is ruled by the Werewolf Alpha King of the Gargantuan Pride, Edmundo Lorizio.

The Kingdom of Ferox Naabaahii is divided into four divisions, each led by a Chief Pack Leader. The Gargantuan Pride is the largest and strongest clan and is known to produce many fierce wolf warriors. Therefore, their pack is the leader of all the other wolf packs.

The Ethereal Manes are peaceful and authentic. This pack retained most of the traditional wolf rituals and is considered to be most in tune with Mother Earth. The Greyclaw Banes are wise and scholarly. They have few warriors but many scholars who are more applicable today than in the past.

But most importantly are the Defiant Warriors, also known as the second-largest domain in the Kingdom. They reside near the waters and are considered the Kingdom's most efficient and structured pack. The Defiant Warriors Clan is the most potent pack after the Gargantuan Pride. They are also considered the most prominent threat to the new King.

The leader of the Defiant Warriors Pack is an Alpha Wolf named Robert Cavalli, but he goes by Chief Robert Cavalli because they want to avoid addressing any other wolf as 'Alpha' but the King. It's to ensure they honor their King's authority, so the leader of the more miniature packs is awarded the title of Chief or Chieftess.

Chief Robert Cavalli has a son with his late wife, Chieftess Violet Cavalli, and they named him Imran.

One day, eighteen years later, Imran returned from his job interview to find his dad not home. Imran had gotten the job he applied for and wanted to share the good news with his dad. He's officially a Delta of the pack.

A Werewolf pack's system is divided into four classes. Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omega. Alphas or the Chief/Chieftess are the pack's leaders; they usually rule in pairs. Betas are the pack's warriors, and their job is to provide security and protection to everyone. Deltas are the average working-class wolf members who aren't leaders or warriors. In the olden days, deltas were considered hunters, but time has changed. Werewolves have evolved enough to have supermarkets and convenience stores, so there's no need for hunters' position to exist in a wolf domain. Lastly, Omegas are the pups or children, and they are called Omegas because they are young and dependent. A kid is considered an Omega of the pack from the moment they are born until the day they obtain responsibilities like a paying job. After that, they are considered Deltas.

Imran rushes to the Defiant Warriors Pack's headquarters and finds his dad alone in his office. His dad must've been in a meeting with the Beta Officers.

"Dad, I got the job!" Imran runs into his dad's office.

But as soon as his dad looks at him, Imran knows something is wrong.

"That's great, Imran. I'm happy for you," Chief Robert gives his son a melancholy smile.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Imran came to stand in front of his dad.

"Imran, I need to tell you something. Come sit with me," Robert ushers his son into a seat.

"What happened, dad? Are you ok? Did something happen to our pack?" Imran doesn't have a role in the pack's maintenance, so he wouldn't know if something terrible has manifested.

"It's not the pack. It's me."

"Dad, you're scaring me."

Robert pulls Imran into a close hug. "Imran, do you remember that business trip I took to the Gargantuan Pride a few months ago,"

"Yea, you said you were meeting with other Pack Ambassadors." Pack Ambassadors are representative wolfs appointed by the Alpha and Luna of each pack.

"Well, I was meeting with other representatives but not for business. The truth was I was forced to attend a meeting held by the King's Uncle, Tobias Lorizio." Robert reveals the secret he's been hiding from his son.

"Tobias wanted to seize the throne after his brother, King Haider Lorizio, had passed away. He assembled a large group of Beta warriors and sent invitations to all of the Chiefs and Chiefesses, who mostly declined his offer." Tobias desperately wanted support from the Defiant Warriors Pack because they are the second-largest pack in the Kingdom. With Chief Robert's help, Tobias can ascend the throne with little to no struggle, except Robert doesn't want anything to do with him.

Tobias was not below threatening people's families to get them to do what he wanted. He learns of Imran's existence and threatens Robert with his son's life. Robert doesn't have a choice and cannot seek help from anyone. The Kingdom struggled intensely; the other pack leaders restrained themselves from getting too involved.

Robert cannot risk anything in dealing with his son's safety, so he agrees to support Tobias's uprising. Unfortunately, the rebellion was quickly shut down by Crown Prince Edmundo Lorizio, currently the King of Ferox Naabaahii.

"I heard the Royal Beta Guards arrested Tobias in the night. The King had caught Tobias exchanging letters with one of the senior generals. Tobias wanted the general to provide him with finance and men power. At first, the senior general agrees to Tobias's request, but later, he double-crossed him and reported the crime to King Edmundo. Tobias was caught red-handed."

Edmundo Lorizio knew of his uncle's schemes, so he was prepared. After his father's death, Edmundo pretends not to notice his uncle's plot to overtake the throne. He had uncovered Betas infiltrating Tobias's conferences and intercepting their traitorous messages. When Edmundo had gathered enough evidence, he exposed Tobias's conspiracy and sentenced his uncle to death. Edmundo recovered his rights to the throne and became the new King of Ferox Naabaahii Kingdom.

But that is not the end. King Edmundo made it his mission to execute everyone involved with Tobias's uprising, including Robert. In the beginning phase, Tobias made all his followers and supporters sign a blood oath. Robert had no choice. He needed Tobias to believe he was on the rebellion's side until he could find a way to send his son away safely, but the King soon exposed their conspiracy. Robert had no way of proving his innocence.

Robert knows he can't escape death, so he pleads with the King to allow him a few days to settle all the affairs and inform the pack about his permanent departure before turning himself over to the Royal Court. Also, he pleads for his son's life and assures King Edmundo that Imran plays no part in Tobias's scheme.

Edmundo agrees to give him three days before executing his death sentence and guarantees no punishment will come to his pack or son.

Imran was in tears. He couldn't believe his father only had three days to live before being killed and fed to the wild animals by the Royal Court.

"Dad, this can't be happening. You had no choice. The King cannot do this to you." Imran said between his sobs.

Robert shushes his son and tells him to be strong. He has settled everything for his son. After he leaves, Imran will become the next Chief of the Defiant Warriors, and the pack's Beta Officers will assist him until he can manage on his own.

But Imran refuses to go down without a fight. Imran will not allow his innocent dad to sacrifice himself to protect him.

Later that night, Imran snuck out of his bedroom's window. He ran into the woods on the outskirt of his home and shifted into his wolf form. Imran's wolf possesses a small body, golden fur, and grey eyes; he can travel faster and lighter in his wolf form. Imran makes his way to the Gargantuan Pride's border and uses his pack's crest engraved signet ring to convince the guards to take him to the King. The ring was a gift from his father three months ago on his graduation day.

Inside the Gargantuan's Palace, King Edmundo, Chief Advisor Iris Payne, Head of King's Guard Salma Grant, Secretary of Press Giorgio Tan, and Head of Treasury Euan Mejia are trying to decide on releasing an official statement to the press about Tobias Lorizio's sentencing.

The Royal Beta Guard enters the Throne room to deliver information to the Alpha King. "Your Majesty, the son of Chief Robert Cavalli, wishes to hold an audience with you."

Edmundo was surprised to learn that the young son of Robert Cavalli would dare to travel to the Palace alone during the night to seek an audience with him. The Alpha King is intrigued. He wants to hear what this Omega wolf has to say.

"Edmundo, are you considering the request? The Omega is the son of a traitor," Giorgio Tan, the Secretary of Press, expresses his concerns. Giorgio is a member of the Greyclaw Banes pack and a stickler for rules. He's the perfect guy to shut down the annoying journalist and reporters hence why King Edmundo wants him to be in charge of the Royal Family's press.

"Traitor or not, the King has promised Chief Robert for his son to assume his leadership position after he's prosecuted for his crime. The young wolf is innocent under the law, and as the future Alpha of the Defiant Warriors Pack, he has every right to request an audience with the King." Iris, the Chief Advisor, is a member of the Gargantuan Pride. She's Edmundo's best friend and can see through his expression without trying.

The Defiant Warriors has no members of staff in the Royal Court. Edmundo is suspicious about their clan, and the incident with Chief Robert was like gasoline to fire. It was a tough spot for a King. He has to take away the life of a respectable Chief of a pack with no regard for their King. This could lead to future Cold Wars with the Defiant Warriors. If meeting the son of Robert Cavalli can alleviate or eliminate some of this tension, why shouldn't they do it?

"Giorgio, if you feel threatened, you can leave, but there's no guarantee he won't attack you while you're walking out," Salma, the Head of the King's Guard, is also a member of the Gargantuan Pride. Salma grew up with Edmundo, Iris, Euan, and Giorgio, so she's not afraid to mock them.

"You know she's right, Giorgio," Euan Mejia, the Head of Treasury, is familiar with the outcome. Euan is also from the Greyclaw Banes Pack, but in contrast with Giorgio's personality, Euan is more easygoing.

Giorgio sulks.

"Bring him to me," Edmundo commands.

Imran was brought before the King. He feels intimidated by the Alpha leader of their Kingdom, but he refuses to retreat. King Edmundo is a more prominent man with brown eyes, a sharp jawline, brown skin, and dark golden brown hair. Imran would find this man attractive on any typical day, but not when he's about to have his father executed in three days.

Imran begs for his father's life. "My King, I am willing to take my father's place. I swear by my family's honor that my dad had no ill intention against you or the Royal Family. He was merely trying to protect me. You may take my life or keep me as a slave. I will do anything in exchange for my dad's well-being." Imran expresses without hesitation.

Imran's words cause something to hatch inside Edmundo's head. There may be a use for this boy's life besides death.

Salma observes her best friend; she knows Edmundo isn't going to take this boy's life.

"I will spare your father's life and maintain his position as Chiefs of the Defiant Warriors under one condition,"

Everyone pauses and waits for the King's last statement.

"You will need to marry me and become my Luna," Edmundo finds more value in keeping Imran alive rather than killing him. Truths are told, Edmundo didn't want to take Chief Robert's life because of his influence and seniority. The King is torn between risks of disapproval from the wolf communities and allowing a threat to escape his grasp. But with Imran as his partner, Edmundo can ease the worry of his people and keep the Defiant Warriors in check. Two birds with one stone. "Do you agree, Imran?"

"You want to marry me? But we're only strangers. You don't even know who I am," Imran did not expect a (somewhat) proposal.

"What did you expect to happen?"

"That you're going to kill me,"

Edmundo smirks. "What benefit can I get from killing you? Your father is still alive, and he will despise me for killing his son. Then, he'll actually have a reason to try and destroy me,"

"You believe my father is innocent?" Imran says unbelievingly. "Why did you sentence him to death if you know he's not involved with the uprising?"

"Because the law is strict," Salma speaks up. "Imran, your father took a blood oath. He broke the King's trust. The uprising could've put many lives at risk."

Imran deflates. "But he only did it to protect me. I've already lost my mother. I can't lose another parent."

Edmundo's eyes got softer. His humor turns to pity. "Imran, you've come here to take your father's place." He stood up from his throne and walked up to Imran. "I'm offering you an option where you do not need to die. Your father gets to stay alive, and no consequences will come to your pack. You only have to become my Luna and stay by my side. Do you agree?" Edmundo extends his hand toward Imran. "I won't ask again."

Imran hesitates, but he tells himself that this is a better outcome for his father and their pack. "I do." Those two words sealed his fate.

Before you know it, two weeks later, Imran is married to Alpha King Edmundo.

Chief Robert learned of his son's action, and he couldn't help but scold him for being irrational. "Imran, what have you done to yourself?" He embraces Imran tightly and sobs into the boy's shoulder.

"Dad, I have to do something. I don't want to lose you,"

"My poor boy, I'm so sorry. I couldn't protect you." His son could've been killed.

Except it's worse, his son will become the King's pawn. Robert felt gutted while walking Imran down the aisle and handed him over to Edmundo. Robert thought it should've been him who suffered the consequences, not Imran. His son is too good for this world.

Iris, Giorgio, and Euan can watch the wedding in the audience, while Salma has to be on duty.

"So Edmundo is really going through with it," Giorgio can't believe the wedding is real. He thought Edmundo was satirizing Imran.

"What do you mean? Did you think he was joking?" Iris asks her friend. Even though they grew up together, Giorgio was the last to join their friend group. Iris understands Giorgio has trust issues regarding changes and new people.

"I mean, yes! Why would he want to marry someone he doesn't know? Especially the son of a traitor,"

"Giorgio, you need to stop throwing that word around," Euan scolds. "Imran has done nothing wrong. His father broke the law and accepted his punishment. Imran is only in this position because he wants to save his father. Not many people can act so selfless in his position,"

"You two might want to fix the way you address the future Luna."

"He isn't the Luna yet," Giorgio is being stubborn.

"Giorgio, if you can't be happy for your King, then at least be attentive to your best friend. Today is Edmundo's wedding, and you're sitting here sulking like a pup. No matter what you think, Edmundo wouldn't have made this choice if Chief Robert is actually a traitor."

The three wolves turn to see Chief Robert sitting in front of the Defiant Warriors Clan.

Robert witnessed the Head of Ritual, a woman named Syeda Throne from the Ethereal Manes, binding his son to his Royal mate for life. Robert tried to put on a smile for Imran's sake, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't be happy.

The wedding was a week ago, and Imran has officially become one of Gargantuan Pride's Alpha leaders, Luna of King Edmundo and Prince Consort of Ferox Naabaahii. Except, not everyone wanted to respect Imran due to his father, which is alright. Imran could be careless. The only thing that is bothering him is he never gets to see his husband. It's still weird to address the King as his spouse. They don't even share the same bedroom.

On their wedding night, Edmundo led Imran to his bedroom suite and told him he would be staying in this room.

"Aren't we suppose to share a bedroom?" Imran asks.

"What do you think?" Edmundo asks rhetorically. "Might I remind you that I'm doing you a favor? Now, it's time for you to keep your end of the bargain by behaving and doing what I ask you to do. Do you understand, Omega?"

"I'm a Delta," Imran crosses his arms. "I'm also doing you a favor by staying as well. You think I don't know that you only married me to keep me hostage so you can get my father to bend to your will. I should be living my new life right now. I could've had a job and attended college. Instead, I was forced to marry a tyrant Alpha like you," Imran points at Edmundo.

"Well, life isn't fair," Edmundo strides out of the room and slams the door shut behind him.

The next time Imran saw Edmundo was at the execution of his uncle. Tobias received the highest and most brutal death sentence. They tied him down and unleashed feral wolves on him. Tobias was attacked and mauled to death. The worse part is all of his followers were given the same sentence.

Imran couldn't stand to see so many get killed, especially when he knew that some of them were innocent like his dad, but they never got to prove their cases.

Edmundo wasn't hearing any of it. He told Imran to sit down or get lost.

"Fine! If you want to witness blood baths to stroke your ego. Feel free. But I will not be a witness to this brutality." Imran marches back to his room.

Soon, Edmundo follows Imran to his room to confront him about his actions from earlier.

"What is wrong with you?!" Edmundo confronts Imran. "How dare you question my decision before my Councils and Betas?!!"

"I will counter ANY decision if it's cruel and unusual," Imran refuses to submit. "I'm the Kingdom's Luna. I have the responsibility to protect those I need to protect,"

"Oh really? So far, all I see you do is run away," Edmundo's fangs are exposed. It tends to happen when he's angry. "Those wolves conspired against ME! Their King! Why don't I see you step up and try to protect me? I'm your King and husband."

"So now I'm your husband?!?!" Imran said exasperatedly. "I recall you telling me I'm a charity case. How convenient of you to try and legitimize our marriage the minute I call you out for your wrongdoings!" Imran wants to shove some common senses into Edmundo's dollop head. "What is your intent for our relationship? Have me agree to everything you do like a trophy wolf? Do I need to remind you that I'm also an Alpha of Gargantuan Pride? You can't go through with your decision if I disagree with it. And I will continue to reinforce my disagreement to the court until you give every single one of those prisoners a fair trial to prove their innocence."

"How naive can you be?! Those men don't give a damn. They'll lick anyone's feet for wealth and power. You see them as vulnerable creatures being mistreated, but they see you as an opportunity. And what did you expect the day you waltz into my Palace begging for your father's life? A Cinderella Story? I'm going to fall in love with you, live happily ever after, surrounded by children in a few years, and I'm going to tell you how beautiful you look every day? How childish?!"

They had an entire blowout argument, and their relationship got tenser.

The Elder Councils caught wind of their Alphas' conflict, so they decided to interfere. The Elder Council are four senior wolves who serve as jurists to the King and are in charge of the written law in the Kingdom. The elders questioned Edmundo's ability to lead and protect the pack when he could not resolve his marital issues.

"This is preposterous! You're questioning my leadership because of a shouting fight?" Edmundo cannot stand the attack on his leadership's abilities.

"To run a prosperous Kingdom, the Alpha and Luna must work together in balance. You cannot do this alone, King Edmundo." The elder wants Edmundo and Imran to resolve their conflict and find the same point of interest, or else Edmundo will be deemed unfit to lead the Werewolves population. He will have to forfeit his role as Alpha King of Ferox Naabaahii to one of his siblings or another suitable Beta.

Edmundo and Imran were forced to travel to a Royal Villa outside the capital to strengthen their bond. Of course, Edmundo hated it. He felt like its more trouble than necessary.

"You realize I have keen hearing like all other Werewolves, right? Your mumbling is not as discreet as you think," Imran straightens his backpack. Edmundo sent the Beta Guards with the cars to the Villa first to set up shop while they took shortcuts through the forests. Edmundo doesn't like to venture into human territories; he feels unfitting.

Edmundo tries his best to ignore Imran's comments.

"Ignoring me won't help make it better. We're supposed to be bonding remember. Speaking of bonding, do the councils want us to mark each other as our ancestors do in the traditional mating ceremony? If that's the case-"

"Shut up!' Edmundo becomes alert.

"Again. Can you stop being rude-"

"Get down!"

'THUMP' Imran feels his body hit the ground, and a blazing of stripes appears in front of him.

Weretigers of Siberian Breed are attacking them. They aimed to attack Imran first, but Edmundo was faster. The King shifts into his wolf, which is as large as the Weretigers, with black fur, and yellow eyes. Edmundo fought the tigers and acted as a shield for Imran.

Imran has limited fighting skills because he wasn't trained to become a warrior. He hated fighting and sparing, so his father never made him train with the other wolves. Imran could fend off one of the Weretigers, but it completely depleted his energy.

The King took three lacerations to the chest to protect his mate. The tigers retreated when they couldn't get Edmundo to back down.

"Edmundo!" The Alpha fell to his side when the Weretigers left. "Oh god, Edmundo!" Imran flips him onto his back, takes his hoodie off, and wraps it around Edmundo's chest to slow the bleeding.

The King passed out due to blood loss, and Imran became stranded in the forest with a wounded Edmundo. Luckily, Werewolves have rapid healing abilities.

This place is unsafe, and Imran needs to find shelter for both of them. Imran shifts to his wolf form to drag Edmundo's body out of there without complications. He found an abandoned shed about half a mile away. It probably used to belong to a coyote or packless animal. The place had no scents or tracks of any animals, so Imran figures it doesn't belong to anyone.

Imran helped mend Edmundo's injuries. He used to volunteer at the Primary Care Facility; he knows how to care for injuries. Imran stood guard all night in case other wild animals might pick up on Edmundo's blood and try to attack them again.

Edmundo wakes to find Imran guarding their little spot in his wolf form.

"Are you ok?" Edmundo asks the smaller wolf.

Imran nods and changes back to his human body. He takes some clean clothes from his bag and changes into them. "We need to get out of this place. The guards are probably already searching for us."

It isn't safe for them to stay, so Imran had one of Edmundo's arms over his shoulder and an arm around Edmundo's waist to support him. Imran helped Edmundo navigate the way to their Villa.

"You know, I can walk by myself,"

"Because you're an Alpha, and you don't need help?

"Can't you speak without sarcasm for once?"

"I wasn't being sarcastic. All of you Alphas are alike. You're exactly like my dad. He's always trying to act tough. My mom used to always criticize him for trying to suppress his injuries. We never like it when my dad goes hunting, but he does it anyway because it's expected of an Alpha and Chief. But the truth is he wants to prove to everybody that he's a worthy leader, which goes against our pack motto. My mom said Defiant Warriors are supposed to resist temptations and obstacles, not be glamoured by stereotypical impressions."

"Even when I'm dying, you won't stop talking," Edmundo huffs. "I haven't heard you speak about your mother much. I thought you didn't know much about her." Imran doesn't remember that Edmundo attended his mother, Chieftess Violet's, funeral. That was the first and last time Edmundo visited the Defiant Warriors Pack. Edmundo doesn't recall meeting Imran because he was a little boy when his mother passed away.

"I avoid talking about my mom because my dad gets sad whenever someone mentions her," When his mother died, Imran's dad was heartbroken, and he vowed to give Imran all the love in the world. A Werewolf's mating bond is sacred and irreplaceable. Not many wolves mate again after their partner dies because they never recover from it. "What about you? You don't talk much about your mother either. Granted, we don't have many pleasant conversations with each other, but I never knew of the Late Queen. Technically, she's my mother-in-law, and I'm curious to know more about her. If it's ok with you," Imran is approaching a sensitive topic.

"My mother died because of progressive heart disease. I was the oldest, so my mother asked me to take care of my siblings for her." His mother's death is why Edmundo feels the need to become a third parent and role model for his younger brother and sister.

Imran and Edmundo both lost their mother at a young age.

"My father was always distant, but he's very affectionate. I would see him crying while looking at a picture or my mother when he thinks we're asleep." Edmundo didn't realize how comfortable he's gotten with Imran. The King completely removes the wall between them.

"Then, you must know how I feel about losing my dad. I don't care if he's guilty or not. He's my only family, and I can't allow him to die trying to protect me."

"Maybe you're right about Alphas needing to put on a strong front to reassure themselves. It can also be a coping mechanism."

Edmundo's dad was also very dear to him, which is why it sent him over the edge when the late King Haider passed away. Edmundo had to fill his father's shoes, and he's insecure about it, which explains his reaction to his uncle's betrayal.

By the time they reach the Villa, Imran can feel his limbs getting weaker and his eyelids becoming heavier.


The Royal Beta Guards spotted their King and Prince Consort and alerted the others.

"They're over here!"

"Your Majesties!"

"Alpha! Luna!"

"Edmundo, what happened to you?!" Salma rushes to her injured friend and supports his other arm.

"Tigers attacked us in the area," Edmundo explains to Salma. "My wounds are closing, but I think my ankle healed incorrectly."

"We'll have to fix it quickly. Imran, are you-IMRAN!"

Edmundo's head snaps to his left, and sees Imran's body swaying. The young man's eyes roll to the back of his head, he's slowly losing balance, and his body can no longer stand upright.

"IMRAN!" Edmundo kneels on his uninjured leg to support the weight of Imran's body before it can hit the ground. "GET THE MEDIC!"

Edmundo and Salma carried Imran into the Villa so the physician could look at him. Words spread rapidly around the Royal Villa about their King being attacked, and the Luna was severely injured.

Imran had fainted due to exhaustion and fever he's been hiding from Edmundo.

Imran was also injured during the fight, and he forced himself to shift so he could stand guard through the night. The tiredness and stress on his body cause Imran to lose consciousness.

Edmundo sits next to Imran's bed with his bandaged foot. The medic had reset his ankle and asked him not to put weight on it for the day. Edmundo wants to keep an eye on Imran because his fever hasn't improved.

"You are taking this bonding thing seriously," Salma comes into Imran's room.

"We're not bonding. Imran saved me. The least I can do is help him recover." Edmundo retorts.

Salma scoffs. "Why are you being defensive? He's your mate. There's nothing wrong with you taking care of your husband."

"He's not my real mate. Imran agreed to marry me because of his father. We might've come closer to being friends but not mates." Edmundo looks down at his feet.

"Werewolves mate for life, so I suggest you consider getting comfortable. If Imran didn't run off when you threatened to kill his father or when you put his life in danger, he isn't going anywhere. And if you can't avoid it, get used to it. At least put in some effort. It would make the situation much lighter for the both of you." Salma pats Edmundo's arm and exits the room.

When Imran wakes up, the first person he sees is Edmundo.

"What happened? Where am I?" Imran's eyes search the strange room.

"We're at the Villa. You fainted in the courtyard, and we moved you into the Royal Suite. You've been asleep for a day."

"I remember us being attacked by tigers, and you were badly wounded. But I don't remember fainting,"

"Do you remember getting injured and forcing yourself to shift when you know it's dangerous?"

"I had no choice. We could've died out in the wild if I had done nothing. Changing into my wolf was the best way to keep us safe." Imran argues.

"I'm not reprimanding you," Edmundo deflates.

"It sounds like you are,"

"Why can't you take sincerity like a normal person?"

"Why do you care so much all of a sudden? Is it because I helped you? You feel like you need to repay me?"

"Yes. No. I don't know. I thought I didn't need to get along with you. I figured you didn't want to marry me, so I tried my best to create a wall between us. I kept telling myself it wouldn't change anything, even if I tried to make it work. You already see me as an egotistic dictator Alpha." Edmundo pauses to look at Imran. "But the strain is taking a toll on my ability to be a good leader. I refused to admit that the elders and my friends were right. Then, the attack happened, and you did your best to protect me even when I wasn't kind to you. I want to do something to make it not so miserable for you as my mate."

"You can stop treating me like a foolish five-year-old Omega and acting like an ego-maniac when I disagree with you. I know you don't trust me because you think my dad is a traitor, but I never did anything to hurt you. You're the one who suggested the mating ceremony. Stop viewing me as your enemy if you don't want me to feel miserable."

"I don't treat you like a pup,"

"You approached me like a dependant and called me childish and naive."

"I was upset and wrong, but only because you yelled at me in front of many people. I'm used to making all of the decisions. No one ever spoke against me but my parents. And I never thought your father was a traitor. I believe he was innocent, but I couldn't find evidence proving he wasn't loyal to my uncle. I propose the marriage alliance so people won't question my decision to release your father. I swear by the Moon Goddess, I never thought about taking advantage of you."

"I can tell. You wouldn't step foot into my bedroom unless you're chastising me."

"I apologize," Edmundo raises his eyebrows.

"What causes the sudden guilt?"

"You, Iris, Salma, and others who care enough to say something."

"So, does that mean you want to mate with me right now?"

"No! I mean-not like that-"

Imran chuckles loudly. "I'm kidding."

Edmundo finds himself smiling at Imran's reactions. The conversation couldn't have gone better. If they're going to live as partners for the rest of their lives, they need more moments like this.

Over the next few days, Imran and Edmundo took care of each other. They started an unofficial courting routine, where Edmundo would buy Imran thank you gifts, cook for him, take him on walks, and they would somewhat hunt together.

"Why did you stop me?"

Edmundo and Imran went hunting in the wooden area behind the Villa. Not Exactly. Edmundo tries to hunt, but Imran keeps interrupting him and scaring off the prey. The King gets tired and decides to go for a swim in the lake.

"I'm not cooking rabbit for dinner," Imran jumps into the water, creating a huge splash.

"I was going to cook it,"

"That's cruel. That rabbit did nothing to you."

"The roast chicken from last night had nothing against you either, but you still ate the entire thing," Edmundo splashes some water at Imran's face.

"That's different. The chicken was killed by someone else. I was only a recipient like those living on colonized land. There's no blood on my hands. It's called living in denial." Imran repays Edmundo with another wave of water.

A water fight broke out between the Luna and Alpha of Ferox Naabaahii. At one point, Edmundo had Imran trapped against his chest and tortured him with tickles. They had so much fun that Imran fell asleep due to exhaustion. Edmundo carries him back to the Villa, and the King is careful not to wake the younger wolf. The servants and Beta guards were dumbstruck at sight.

Eventually, Imran finds himself moving into Edmundo's bedroom permanently after a sleepover.

"If we aren't married, this would be quite the scandal. The 'Werewolf King taking a Young Wolf Hostage in the Woods' is a great headline." Imran and Edmundo are lying on the King's bed. Imran has his head on his mate's bare chest.

Edmundo is playing with Imran's fingers. "But we are married. You're the reason we must travel to the middle of nowhere, and you're also the one who took over my bedroom. If anyone is held hostage, it's me. I'm deprived of my personal space."

"Oh please, your room is big enough to fit ten werewolves." Imran dismisses.

"I'm not the one starting a scandal," Edmundo looks at Imran accusingly.

"I was hypothetically speaking."

Edmundo chuckles and flips them over so Imran is pinned under him. "Hypothetically, I should teach my husband not to mess with his Alpha mate when he's tired. Or better yet, I should do what you ask and hold you hostage in this room for a few days."

"No! People will think we're doing indecent things,"

"That's the point."

"You're unreasonable!"

"The Alpha King sees no reason. I guess his mate will have to suffer," Edmundo extends his fangs and pretends to munch on Imran's neck.

"Wait! No! Stop! HAHAHA!" Imran dodges his nibbling attack and couldn't hold his giggles.

Edmundo starts developing feelings for Imran and wants to mate with him properly.

One night, Edmundo ran off into the forest and didn't return until the following day. The Villa's guards saw their King return in his Werewolf form, dragging a Werebear of Black Breed with him. Edmundo dropped the animal at Imran's feet as a mating token, equal to a proposal.

In Werewolves' tradition, if a wolf wants to mate with their partner, they must present the other person with a symbol of worthiness. Nothing is more worthy to a wolf than the ability to hunt and provide.

Usually, a rabbit, a fox, or even a deer would prove the point, but the King wanted to take it to the next level. Edmundo wants Imran to know how much he appreciates and treasures him and that he's worthy of the best things in the world.

"A bear?!!! Edmundo, you wrangle with a bear?!! Are you ok? Are you hurt? You were already hurt, for god sake!!!"

"Don't worry! I'm fine. Besides, this bear was wreaking havoc in the nearby human cities anyway. He isn't like Paddington. Few people will miss him, but I want to show you that I'm serious about starting fresh with our relationship. What do you say? Will you grant me the honor?"

Imran was worried and speechless, but he accepted the mating proposal. They shared their first kiss when Imran jumped into Edmundo's arms and captured the King's lips. Another wedding was held in their honor, every member of the Ferox Naabaahii Kingdom celebrated their Alpha and Luna's happiness, and they LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER. THE END!