
Finally the Plot Kicks in....And it's Gone.

"System - The Thing that is Hailed as the Golden Ring, The Ultimate Item, The Thing that makes you ridiculously powerful, the must have thing for going to another world, THE GOD OF GOD ITEM....is currently Locked."

"Look, I know it is locked, so how do I unlock it?" Lin Fan asked in exasperation.

"System needs to be unlock for question answer."


"Do I have to get to a certain Level to unlock the System?"

"System Locked"

"Do I need to do certain things to unlock the system?"

"System locked"

What can you do besides existing on this realm of existence?"

"Host, System does not exist in current plane of existence."

Then how are you here then? Lin Fan Thought.

"Host, System is here by will of Higher Being."

"Oh so you can answer that? And did you just read my mind?"

"System Locked"


"Can you, System, say anything besides "System Locked"?"

"Processing...............................Eorrer ."

"You can't even say error right....."

"No Host, there is a being approaching behind you whose name is Eorrer."


"Wait, what sort of name is Eorrer?"

Also, did this system come out of nowhere?

"It's my name." Said a deep voice that seems to echo out from a very sexy deep and smooth Abyss.

Shocked at this lack of Presence I turned around in surprise.

(Wait why are you surprise the System just told you-)


(Okay cut me off)

"It's not nice to sneak up on unsuspecting people like that you.....loli....you...huh?"

Wait, that manly man's , manly's man voice belong to a this....FBI bait?!

"Yes it is I, Eorrer. How did you know I was here?" Asked the purple haired, green eyed, battle armored, 6ft long great sword wielding loli.

"Ha! Foolish Eorrer! I have the power to detect any loli with a mile of me! Wait that came out wrong...."

(Yeah, there's no saving that. FBI? I leave it up to you guys.)

"Don't worry, we got this"

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru.

"Nani?!" Lin Fan

Lin Fan is sentenced to life imprisonment.

The End. Really. I'm not going to continue this novel. Sorry about that. I really want to write a good story but I don't have enough experience and time to. Alright time to start a new novel I'll never finish or actually write.

It doesn't matter what I put here because nobody reads this anyways. DANG IT! ONE DAY! I! WILL! WRITE! A! NOVEL! A GOOD ONE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!

It will never happen.

Yu_Hirocreators' thoughts