
Acting fever

Many evil crimes are knocking on today's society. Who knows our relatives, our friends or our own family could be working with crimes.And innocent member of family are dealing with it. Mainly girls are suffering from that problem.

Like wise a girl born in simple middle class family in Texas,USA became a victim. That is a family of John Jones and Avasa Jones who had only one child in their family and named her Jessica Jones. Jessica is a 17 years old. A week ago she has just turned 17 years. She had a great birthday with breads instead of cake. As mentioned above Jessica lived in a poor middle class family. They always find happiness in small things. Today also they are very happy.

John's cousin who lives in India was visiting their home. John is meeting his cousin Fred after 13 years. Fred had none of his relatives in USA so was living with John's. One day when they were talking Fred found that Jessica has interest in acting. She was biggest fan of Bollywood and had a dream to act in Bollywood film industry.

Right after two days Fred came to Jessica with a white printed paper on his hand. Saying that it is a form for needed actress in Bollywood, he made Jessica to fill that. That form asked some biodata. Fred and Jessica decides to keep it secret knowing that John and Avasa would refuse her to go far from the home.

Fred started asking money from Jessica for form by saying it will only cost 150$. She cracked her old piggy bank because she couldn't ask her parents for money. She had no choice left. She had 1605$ in her piggy bank. She gave 150$ to Fred. He knew that she has more money. John and Avasa didn't know that Jessica was saving money in her piggy bank. Again Fred came asking Jessica other money she had for tickets to Mumbai which is in India.

Jessica did like how Fred told her. She was dreaming about being in TV. Next day Fred made Jessica to pack her necessary things and leave home without saying anything to John and Avasa.

Jessica thought when she will reach Mumbai she will call them. No one in her neighbours recognised her cause she had hidden her face in scarf. Fred called a taxi and went on taxi in order to go international airport.

Taxi was stopped by police and Fred was arrested. Jessica had no clue what was going on. Police told everything to Jessica that how she was going to be sold by Fred. She was shocked by that. Police told her how Fred was pretending to be gentle man. Actually Fred is a robber, kidnapper and is also working on girls trafficking. Government of India had made Fred to leave the country for his evil monster activities. The shocking truth was that he was in USA from there years. Thanks to God that Jessica was saved from being trafficked.