
Acting Cool System

A college student finds himself dead after spilling soda on his computer while watching a youtube video of Itachi's most badass moments. Suddenly he finds himself in a blank space with a system called the Acting Cool System. Uchiha bloodline? Divine Dividing? Cool Points? If I can't act cool with these goodies, I don't deserve it! -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Your guy's support has been awesome and I really appreciate every single one of you. I try to read every single one of your comments and respond when I can. I've loved some of the conversations we've had and I look forward to more in the future. For those who haven't please leave a comment and review! It helps me a lot and I love reading them. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- An old homage to DaoMaster9's Acting Cool Anime System. I don't any of these animes or the Against the Gods Novel I don't own any of these characters except my OC.

WildPolarBear · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Juggernaut Drive

Just a message before the chapter

I went back and basically polished and changed a few things in the first 10 chapters. The things I changed were instead of just buying like one Katon Jutsu, Suiton Jutsu, and Doton Jutsu I made it where he received all of those types from D-B class.

Next I changed a few small dialogs so Shuji doesn't come off as this rapey guy. I don't think I realized how bad it was until I went back and reread it and wow… It was pretty bad so I changed a lot of the rapey dialog and such.

Thirdly I just pretty much polished some of the grammar and added some details to make it not seem quite as hollow.

I just wanted to say I recognized that the first few chapters went great and I reasoned with myself that all first few chapters are kinda like that to set the scene but then I thought back on some of my favorite anime and realized just how flawed my thinking was. The first chapter should be something that draws you in and I somewhat failed in this regard. I don't want to go back and change it but In the future, I'm going to work to bring my chapters to another level.

Anyways message over enjoy the chapter!


Jasmine looked at the giant half mechanical half organic red dragon in awe. She couldn't believe that Itachi had turned into a monster like this. The dragon was letting out what seemed to be mighty roars but Jasmine knew otherwise. What sounded like a mighty dragon roar to others was Itachi's cries of pain to her. From inside of the Sky Poison Pearl, she could see the damage from within Itachi and couldn't imagine how painful it was.


The twisted form of the Red Dragon roared while launching beams of energy. The body of Itachi was slowly twisting becoming more and more painful. On his back, a pair of light blue wings sprouted from the already twisted red ones. Parts of the armor were starting to flicker white signifying their fight from within Shuji. The problem was these parts of newly sprouted armor were twisting their way into his body damaging him.

The two Flood Dragons who were at the top of the Sky Profound realm where sat frozen in time. They wanted to escape whatever the being was in front of them but found themselves unable to move. At this moment the monster that was Itachi saw them and rushed toward them.


The mechanical dragon took a bit out of one of the Flood Dragons' throats before advancing to the next. The Flood Dragon who was bitten dropped to the ground bleeding out while the other who saw this tried to back away, but it was too late.


The monster threw out one of its mighty claws and punctured the flood dragon's chest. The flood dragon looked at its attacker one last time before dropping its head lifelessly. The monster tore out his claw with enough strength to completely rip the body.

"GHRAAAAAAAAA" Itachi let out another cry. Jasmine was worried for Itachi but was also scared because the barrier was shaking! If this broke then all of the people in the God Realm would find out! Before the shaking got too bad however a very large Eastern Dragon appeared in front of the twisted White and Red Dragon. Jasmine who the opposing dragon was in shock. "The Azure Primordial Dragon!" she said.

Suddenly both of them rushed to each other at the same time. The Azure Primordial Dragon was only in its soul form but Shuji's current state was less them optimal. Due to the opposing powers of white and red Shuji could not release the full power of Albion or Ddraig. Even if both of these entities were shadows of their former selves, this battle was still an eye-opener for Jasmine.

Their speed of attack and power truly surpassed her! She was a peak in terms of power in the Divine realm. She was in the Divine Master Realm but seeing the two of them fighting made her understand the gap between Divine Profound Realms the True God Realms. It was like the difference between the Sovereign Profound Realm.

The Azure Primordial Dragon looked at the Red and White Dragon and use his soul to attack him! However, just when he thought the attack was successful…


The blue gems lit up on the blue wings that had sprouted from the original red ones. Jasmine who saw this was in shock as she recognized the source of power. "Divine Dividing?!" she said in shock. The Primordial Azure Dragon was about to launch another attack but—


The voice in the blue wings said! Suddenly the Primordial Azure Dragon's soul attack was reflected back to him!

"He reflected the soul attack?!" Jasmine thought while surprised. Her sister had a technique to reflect attacks too but she could not reflect a soul attack! This Divine Dividing was very strong…

Suddenly Jasmine realized something while seeing this.

"If Divine Dividing is the blue and white parts… then what is the red one! This is not Divine Dividing as originally thought! That's something else!" she thought to herself. She watched as the Red and White Dragon ran towards the Primordial Azure Dragon with the intention to stab his limbs.

"My Dragon Marrow can't be broken!" The dragon god said.


The red part his armor spoke and—


It had pinned down the Primordial Azure Dragon with its four limbs! Just like [Boost] allows the user to double their power, [Pierce] allows the users to penetrate any defense! The Primordial Azure Dragon looked at the Red and White Dragon in awe!

"In these billions of years… how many have achieved what the being in front of myself did just now. Even if I am only in my soul form, I know that he is far from his peak as well…" The Dragon god thought to himself. He watched as the being's chest opened in front of him revealing a green gem in the middle!



Jasmine was watching in complete horror! "His strength… it doubled every time he said boost!" she thought in shock. What type of concept is this?! Doubling your strength like this was against the Way of Heaven! This is supposed to be impossible!




Jasmine was terrified of what was about to happen. With the amount of power he possessed, he would destroy the planet and even a few nearby! She was worried and trying to come up with a solution as there was no way that her barrier was blocking this! The Primordial Azure Dragon looked at the White and Red Dragon before speaking.

"I know my time ends here … but I can't let you destroy this planet! The young man who is inside the Dragons. I know that you are currently unable to do anything but listen closely. I will put my hope in you because you will surely become an existence that can surpass me in the future, with this much power. You who is the holder of these two monsters… I shall become the third dragon to support you!" he spoke.



Jasmine looked away believing it all to be over before blacking out due to the huge amount of power currently being forced upon her barrier and injured soul.


The Red and White dragon didn't have time to finish the attack when the Primordial Azure Dragon took a spectral form and moved right in front of its eyes!

"Your name is Okino Shuji and you shall have my Complete Heritage!" The Primordial Azure Dragon's voice spoke with the crackle of thunder in the background.

"Nine drops of blood, my bone marrow, and my soul will be yours! Know that I understand what you plan for the future so I shall help you in preparation for the event. While it saddens me that you have chosen this path, I shall respect your decision as my inheritor Okino Shuji!"

The blood began to merge itself into Shuji's body and purify the vein meridians in the flesh, skin, and bones. The marrow rooted itself within the bones making them as strong as an impregnable fortress. The lost blood and strength were now pumping endlessly and faster with the marrow. It also helped his regenerative ability. The marrow would also now continue to produce new dragon blood. This was what was supposed to happen but his lineage seemed to lie dormant within this marrow not producing new blood! For whatever reason, the marrow was only upgrading his bones and regenerative ability but not producing new blood!

"I have modified the marrow to suit your needs in the future Okino Shuji. The presence of too much Dragon God blood will make your goal impossible. The Dragon God Soul shall now purify your spirit and soul giving you strong mental strength far beyond ordinary humans. You will also receive the Dragon God's mental protection! This shall prevent another being such as I from reading your mind Okino Shuji." He spoke.

"I don't know if you can still hear me Okino Shuji but your future is sure to be a surprising one. When you commence your plan you will be well on the way to being a top-level being with a bloodline even I do not recognize! These abilities and creatures from within your mind fascinate me to no end but sadly I will not be able to be with you along your journey. I wish you luck on your journey but never forget who you are Shuji…" the Primordial Dragon God said to him.

Before the Dragon once proclaimed the Dragon God left existence he silently thought to himself. "Okino Shuji, I don't know what being is protecting you but even I can not see all of your past… To be able to block me, who was said to be the strongest next to the Evil God… it seems you had quite the backer. Should this plan of yours succeed... I shudder to think of what you could do with that amount of potential. I know I said I wouldn't watch but I might have to remain a while longer to see what you accomplish. I wouldn't want to miss the show of someone whose entire goal seems to be to act cool" he thought with a grin.


After 2 hours Jasmine woke up from within the Sky Poison Pearl. She opened her eyes stunned. The Wasteland of Death was completely decimated leaving nothing alive. The Dragon God was gone and so was the Red and White monstrosity that had taken over Itachi. She looked and realized that Itachi was still unconscious so she decided to wait while looking at the battlefield. After a little while, she heard Itachi wake up with a groan.

[Ding! Host wake up! The Juggernaut Drive has ended! Congratulations on staying alive host!]

Shuji who heard this had a tick mark on his forehead. Who was the one who didn't warn me about this?! How was he supposed to know that they would fight when he bought the Boosted Gear?! In fact, how was he supposed to even know that Albion and Ddraig had been taken with the Longinus class gears?! He sat up and asked Jasmine a question.

"Hey, Jasmine… What do you remember…" he said groaning in pain. Jasmine quickly explained the entire battle before she told him she blacked out due to the immense pressure on her soul. It seems that she was quite shocked by the battle to be able to explain it with such fervor. After she explained what had happened he remembered what the Dragon God had called him when she had apparently blacked out.

He had called him his real name! Suddenly realizing what this entailed he was sweating very badly. How could he forget that in a world of cultivation bullsh*t that there would probably be a mind-reading technique?! Where the f*ck was his inner Aizen when he needed it!


(Flashback to 1 month ago)

While walking through the Wasteland of Death looking for the Dragon God's trial Shuji was quietly thinking to himself. He had come to really enjoy spending time with Jasmine and currently saw her as something like a little sister. He knew that she might have felt a little bit more than that but she was still much too young for now. She had only recently turned 13 and he was now 20. She reminded him a lot of the kids he took care of back when he was in the orphanage and was considering telling her more about him.

[Ding! The system has detected you have had thoughts of revealing your past! Please note that someone who is cool must have a mysterious background! Someone without this would fail to be cool! Please note that should your past ever be revealed you will die! Thank you, and keep acting cool!]

Shuji who saw this immediately froze. He had been thinking about whether to tell anybody his past in the future when he committed his plan but now he simply had no choice! And what did this sh*tty system mean to keep acting cool?! How can you say something like you are going to die if you reveal your past followed by that?! Now he could do nothing but murmur profanities and move on.


(Back to present)

Shuji at this moment really thought he was going to die and was thinking of what to say as his final words. He had to make it cool or it would be tarnishing the image he had built up! Luckily he received a message from the system.

[Ding! Please do not worry host! The entirety of your past life was protected by the system as a one-time service! Please keep this in mind for the future and stay cool!]

"What do you mean? I heard him say my name!" he said.

[Ding! The host's name does not count as his past! Please be a bit smarter host!]

Shuji felt so angry he wanted to scream. This useless system was insulting him after failing to clear it the first time! At least now he knew that his plan for the future would be okay by the system's standard. While he was a little miffed that the system didn't allow him to tell his past, it honestly made a lot of sense to him. He didn't really know the specifics for this kind of thing but he didn't need to think about it. Right now he had to focus on what was in front of him.

With this, Shuji began manifesting his Healing Chain to heal all of the injuries on his body. Even though the Dragon God had given him his marrow, blood, and soul, he was still incredibly injured. His whole body looked like he had just been hit by a car. Unfortunately with the chain, he couldn't heal all of his serious wounds and only a few of the smaller ones. With this, he had at least tested what it was capable of.

Shuji however was still very worried about the lasting effects his injuries would have on him. After some time of sitting and resting, he decided to verify his thoughts. Sadly his fears were correct and he couldn't help but force himself to calm down. Even if he was in big trouble right now nothing would do good by panicking at the moment…

"System can you explain…" he asked.

[Ding! Due to–]



Sorry, I won't do this often but I had to end the chapter. I will post the next one soon so don't worry too much!

2667 words. This one was pretty long and I still had to cut it off. Anyway please leave a comment and review!

WildPolarBearcreators' thoughts