
Acting Cool System

A college student finds himself dead after spilling soda on his computer while watching a youtube video of Itachi's most badass moments. Suddenly he finds himself in a blank space with a system called the Acting Cool System. Uchiha bloodline? Divine Dividing? Cool Points? If I can't act cool with these goodies, I don't deserve it! -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Your guy's support has been awesome and I really appreciate every single one of you. I try to read every single one of your comments and respond when I can. I've loved some of the conversations we've had and I look forward to more in the future. For those who haven't please leave a comment and review! It helps me a lot and I love reading them. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- An old homage to DaoMaster9's Acting Cool Anime System. I don't any of these animes or the Against the Gods Novel I don't own any of these characters except my OC.

WildPolarBear · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs


Shuji was currently guiding Chu Yuechan outside where he had planned something. It's been a couple of months since they had started spending time in the little house he made. Everyday he would make them food and would talk with her before going and performing his Zanjutsu katas. Chu Yuechan had tried to ask about it but he would always just smile and not answer.

They reached the location he had set up and asked her to sit down with him. Chu Yuechan didn't know why but she decided to sit down. They sat down and stared at the beautiful scenery in front of them. The starry sky and full moon made for an amazing scene.

"Are you hungry?" Itachi asked. Now that she was thinking about it, she was very hungry. She nodded timidly as admitting something like this was quite embarrassing. Shuji took out a basket filled with many sandwiches. He offered one to Chu Yuechan to which she accepted.

"It's delicious." she said with a radiant smile. She had never tasted anything quite as good as the food Itachi made.

"Thank you for the compliment." Itachi answered with a smile.


While this was happening Shuji secretly sent some sandwiches to Jasmine. She was not in the best mood right now and it was due to Chu Yuechan! She couldn't believe this woman was acting so friendly with Itachi. She also didn't understand why Itachi was so nice to her. What was so good about her that would make him spend less time with her?! She knew he wasn't a good person. He could even be called a villain by most but he was her villain. The one that stole her heart and refused to release it. She was quickly brought out of her thoughts as she saw many sandwiches appear in front of her with a note on top.

"Sorry I haven't been spending much time with you lately. I made your favorite sandwiches so I hope you can forgive me. From Itachi to Jasmine." it read. Jasmin who looked at this softly called him an idiot in her mind.

"Of course I forgive you…" she said to herself before eating the sandwiches that would make world class chefs cry in envy.


Meanwhile with Itachi and Chu Yuechan who were still eating and chatting below the radiant moonlight. They sat quietly staring until Itachi asked her something.

"Little Fairy, do you want to see something beautiful?" He asked. Little fairy was the nickname he gave her after she told him her real name. Personally she really liked it and it made her feel closer to him.

"Something beautiful…?" she asked confusedly. Itachi than took out his katana before light saying,

"Scatter Senbonzakura."

His katana then disintegrated into millions of pink sakura petals. The petals danced under the moon as if performing a grand show for her. They danced wildly but beautifully and it was whimsical. Chu Yuechan's mouth opened and did not close for a long time. The scene of the stars in her eyes and the pink petals seemingly floating in the wind was extraordinary.

"These petals are called "Sakura" in my birth country. You can only see these petals in spring." Itachi said with some reminiscence. The petals continued to dance as Chu Yuechan watched in awe. For Chu Yuechan the world seemed very large tonight. The two of them lay on the tablecloth enjoying the night breeze and staring at the endless stars and dancing petals. This was a brand new experience for Chu Yuechan and she really enjoyed it.

"Is this happiness..?" she thought with a smile. His life had been so boring but in the recent months, it had been filled with so much happiness. She had never enjoyed and appreciated life as much as tonight. Every day she would thank her fate for meeting with Itachi.

"Itachi…" she said softly.

"Hmm?" he replied.

"May I ask you a question?" to which Itachi responded with, "Shoot."

"What is your goal in life?" she asked.

"Hmm… my goal in life…" he thought seriously. He wanted to say a lot of things at that moment but knew it wasn't the right time. He honestly was having a lot of internal problems lately. He really loved the multiple girls he had met except Cang Yue who he had not talked to much. Xia Qingyue was aloof but she was sweet on the inside. Jasmine reminded him so much of the girls at his old orphanage but was slowly becoming more and he realized it. Chu Yuechan however really made him face his feelings. At first he had just wanted a harem because who wouldn't when they got reincarnated.

Lately he had really learned just how much he cared for them and he wouldn't trade them for the world. But he knew that he had to keep acting cool which he was honestly okay with. As much as he enjoyed this static life he knew he was destined for greater skies. He closed his eyes and thought of his answer. Jasmine who was currently inside of the Sky Poison Pearl was extremely curious about what he would say.

"What I desire is not absolute power… The Profound Way and all of these things have no meaning to me. What I really want is… a happy life full of adventures with my friends and loved ones." he said with a smile. He had really thought about this and had decided to answer truthfully to the one who made him realize this truth.

"While I may not desire absolute power, it is inevitable that I will eventually reach it. However, my path is full of adventures… If I have no one besides me it will all become pointless to me. When I eventually have enjoyed my life I suppose I could settle down and enjoy it with some others right?" he said with a smile in the sky.

Chu Yuechan and Jasmine were dumbfounded by this answer. So many people desire absolute power and freedom but for him this was merely a side effect of his true goal. "A happy life full of adventures with his friends and loved ones… and when he's finished settle down and enjoy life." they thought to themselves. A vision appeared in Chu Yuechan's mind at this moment. They spent many years going on adventures and getting stronger all together. Along the way they made friends and enemies but in the end they always came out on top. After a long time of journeying they finally settled down in a little house in the forest. Their friends they made on their journey were nearby and would come say hello some times.

She was at home and in the kitchen was Itachi making dinner. At the table there were two children waiting for dinner and she had a beautiful ring on her finger which Itachi shared. They sat at the table and laughed while they talked…

Suddenly Chu Yuechan blushed realizing what she was thinking about. It was unknown to her but at the same time another girl had a vision roughly the same. That girl was Jasmine. For both of them they also realized they didn't really dislike the vision either…

Itachi smiled right before he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Chu Yuechan, who noticed this, smiled before she closed her own eyes. After all, it was a safe place, so she decided to sleep. They both whisked away into the peace of sleep side by side.


It had been a week since that night, and for Chu Yuechan it was definitely one of the best nights of her life. She would never forget it and keep it engraved in her heart and mind. She was currently doing several tasks while Itachi was practicing his Zanjutsu. Because he cooks every day she feels that she must be useful and do something. Shuji however was currently deep in thought.

"The time for my plan… It will soon reach a critical conjecture and I must prepare for it." he thought to himself. "I must isolate myself and continue with it. I've come too far to give up on this now. Chu Yuechan… I know you're attached to this life we have now but it's not the time for it. Even if I wanted a peaceful life now I need to have the strength to enjoy it." he thought. It was a complete paradox.

He stood up and walked towards Chu Yuechan. Chu Yuechan who saw this quickly looked towards him to see what he needed.

"Itachi?" she said curiously.

"My Little Fairy I need to tell you something…" he said seriously. Chu Yuechan's heart was beating faster. She blushed behind her veil misunderstanding what he wanted. "Could it be that…?" she thought anxiously but also with some hope.

"Lately… I have been thinking a lot…" he said. She had been thinking a lot recently and she became embarrassed. She was so embarrassed that she didn't want to hear what he said until his last words.

"And this is why I have to go…" he finished.

Huh? Chue Yuechan was confused about where they were going. "Where are you going?" she asked.

"Don't worry its not something dangerous but I have to do it…" he said softly.

"Hmmm… Then when will we leave?" she asked. Itachi looked at her with a sad expression. He felt his heart eating him but he knew he had to do this.

"Unfortunately my little fairy I have to go alone." he told her. Chu Yuechan looked at Itachi before asking "When do we leave?" but this time it was much colder. This started to scare him a bit. "I have to go alone–"

He was cut off when she launched ice at him. He jumped backwards before trying to speak. "Chu Yuechan! You don't need to go to a place like this." he said but she shot another ice block at him. "Listen…" he stopped her. She stopped for a second willing to hear what he said.

"I would love nothing more than to spend time with you but you must understand something serious. The world is much wider than you or many cultivators believe. Once you reach the mythical Sovereign Profound realm, cultivation does not end but only just begins. This is the first major thing but I also know this. There are secrets to our world that nobody knows about but a certain group of people are trying to expose it… I have to do this or else I will never be able to accomplish my dream." he told her.

"Don't say anything else! You're a liar! You don't need to make up such reasons to leave!" she shouted.

"Little fairy…" he said softly. "I enjoyed our time together so much but I hope that the next time we meet you can understand the real me. If you still can accept me at that time than we will be together." he spoke


Shuji, who was now flying away, felt complicated. What lie did he tell? Maybe a little bit of a fib but it's true that trouble is coming even if he is creating it. Everything he was doing was for his grand adventure that was just about to pick up some pace!

"I don't think that went well…" he thought sourly. "Sorry little fairy. In the end we will be together if you will have me but I need to live the life I vowed to myself I would." he thought.


Chu Yuechan was currently standing with tears in her eyes. She didn't understand why he would leave. She didn't understand what he meant by the secrets to our world but she didn't care. She wanted him to be with her. What did he mean to accept and understand the real me? As long as it was still the one that spent the time with her she would always accept him. She was sad, very sad but she had things to do. She didn't know when they would meet again…


Shuji, who had arrived in a secret location, was thinking to himself.

"Little Fairy, Xia Qingyue, Cang Yue… Wait for me at the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament in five months…" he thought to himself.

2047 words. Shuji's plan is coming into fruition. What is this plan and what secrets of the world is he planning to release? Anyways leave a comment and review! Thanks

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