
Acting as Otto Apocalypse in GTA V RP Nopixel

C_317 · Video Games
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6 Chs

Day 7, 8, 9, & 10: Schicksal and The Union

*Xbox Achievement Sound* *Ai Voice Cortana* "2k Views unlocked."

Thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoy this story. This chapter is just all about grinding with interactions with Nopixel Characters/Livestreamers.

Day 11 is Christmas since Nopixel 4.0 came out on December 14 so I'm just following based on the days. If their is anyone specific you want me to have Otto interact with more please tell me and I'll look up the Livestreamer and their RP character.

Also if anyone knows what the Nopixel Economy is please tell me and I'll fix any mistakes. Now onto the story.

/Day 7 Third P.O.V/

Waking up Otto looked through his phone and saw that Christmas was in 5 days. Thinking about how the Holidays ment a joyous occasion Otto thought he would spend the next 4 days grinding for Christmas Day.

"As said in books." He said before grabbing his car keys "Building a solid foundation means making goodwill with possible adversaries before they start to spring up." He said before leaving his home after locking it. (I have no idea if a book said this, but if so please tell me because I want to know if what I said was original.)

/Grimmes Delivery check in/

Upon arriving Otto signed in and looked through jobs before taking the most expensive job that payed $5,000 per hour. Getting ready to depart he was interrupted when a old man coughed behind him.

Turning he was face to face with a man that looked like he was a from a TV that used stereotypical mafia bosses. "Hey buddy you have a partner." The old man asked with a deep voice.

Smiling Otto spoke "No I usually work alone." He said as the old man grinned. "Wanna do a job with me then?" He asked with a laugh.

Thinking back to his own words Otto accepted and formed a group as a leader and invited the man to join a person named 'Otto Apocalypse'. Nodding his head Otto got a notification about a person named Tony Corleone (AnthonyZ) wanting to join him.

"Your name Tony?" He asked getting a grunted conformation.

After accepting him Otto pulled out his truck getting a yell of shock from Tony. "This your truck!" Tony exclaimed in shock.

"Yes I spent a long time collecting a lot of REP from the man in charge to get the third truck." Otto said before getting in.

"Jeez how long did it take you to get this thing?" Tony said in exasperation. "I got it just yesterday." Otto explained before they both got into do a few jobs.

/4 Hours Later/

After 4 hours they both made $12,800 before they decided to get some food at Senior Buns.

"So how much money did it cost for the truck?" Tony asked whilst eating some fries. Smiling after drinking the last of his water Otto responded "It costed Mr $60,000 but it's already paying itself off." He said before getting up and stretched his body out.

"Damn.. and who did you get a lone from to afford it." Tony asked also getting up after finishing his food.

Smiling Otto told him he bought it with his own money. After hearing this Tony was shocked "How much money do you have dude?" He asked as they both got back inside the Grimmes Truck.

"I'll tell you after we're done for the day." Otto said getting a grunted of acceptance from Tony.

/7 Hours Later/

Doing a 7 hour run they earned another $22,400 making Tony laugh out loud while calling every person they met a Broke Bitch while downing a bottle of whiskey.

After doing some quick calculations Otto knew they both made $35,200 in 11 hours of work. With their last job done Otto brought them both back to the docks and returned his truck earning looks of astonishmemt from other Grimmes workers who showed up for work.

"Man Otto I know we didn't spend much time together but if you need someone to work with just give me a call and I'll do some with you." Tony said giving Otto his number.

Smiling Otto offered to take him to where he needed to be. Taking his offer Tony told him to bring him to Sanitation. Whilst driving Tony asked how much money he had in his bank account.

Looking at his bank account on his phone Otto saw how much he had $185,400.

$35,200 + $150,200 = $185,400

Telling Tony how much he had Otto laughed a bit when Tony yelled "WHAT!!!???" before asking him if he wanted to work together as they entered Sanitation.


As Otto and Tony entered the yard Otto told Tony to have a good day before making a phone call to Lang.

"Hey I need 10 thousand of each material." He said getting told he needed to wait at least three more days.

Telling Lang he'll pay upfront in advance they agreed to meet at Bay City Bank for the transaction. Meeting up Otto payed $80,000 before leaving to spend the rest of the day working Grimmes jobs with a worker named Goofy (Neutren). During their job runs Goofy talked about different types of cars and how he wanted a car to race around with just like he did 5 years ago.

Chuckling Otto said that if they met again the next day then he'll allow him to try out his Sultan getting a eager response as he checked his bank account.

$185,400 - $80,000 = $105,400

$105,400 + $41,600 = $147,000

/Day 8/

After waking up Otto decided to spend the whole day working Grimmes with anyone he met.

After getting to Grimmes he saw no one for a bit before checking his touch pad and saw that the wages went down and saw that he now made $2100 while Pounders made $700 and finally the basics made only $70.

Sighing Otto decided to do Grimmes for the day thinking that no one was going to do Grimmes for the low wages.

Spending the entire day running Grimes Otto made $50,400. After making the money Otto waited for the Tsunami to take him for the next day.

$147,000 + $50,400 = $197,400

/Day 8/

Waking up Otto decided to sell all but one of his tool kits for $250 for those that were in need of one making $1,000. Afterwards he spent 20 hours working at Grimmes and made $42,000.

Eating at Senior Buns he saw three people get stabbed while a few others get robbed for their work slips and getting asked by police officers about the stabbings for 2 hours before spending the last two hours driving around.

$197,400 + $43,000 = $240,400

/Day 9/

Deciding to spend the day seeing what he could do around the city Otto drove around for 4 hours meeting a few people like Ramee El-Ramen (Ramee), Mr. K (LordKebon), Micky (Blaustoise), April Fooze (Liesly, Jean Paul or known as X (XQC), James Randell (Spaceboi), and Timothy Butler (Shxto).

After meeting these people Otto decided to work for 12 hours making $25,200. Soon he decided to look around for people to recruit to Schicksal. Driving for another 2 hours he found a group of 6 clowns near the bank by the park who started asking him questions.

With the questions done he asked the clowns' if they were in need of jobs. Huddling together for a bit they said that if he was hiring then they'll have to think it over. Smiling Otto began to explain his job offer to them.

"Should I be in need of your services then for each call I will pay $2,500 for each clown that shows up to assist me." He said before handing over $5,000 to each of the clowns.

"Consider this a down payment for any future jobs for the time being." He said with a grin while the clowns starting going will with excitement. Afterwards Otto got each of their phone numbers whilst the clowns asked for his own. With them in his contact he told them to refer to him as Jester whenever they meet.

Nodding their heads the clowns decided to celebrate their new employment status by playing 'Clown Risk'. They decided to invite Otto but not liking the possibilities of the name said he had told them he was going to look for more associates for Schicksal. After avoiding a possible life threatening game Otto decided to work the rest of the day to make back the $30,000 he payed the clowns 1 hour ago earning $10,500 as Tsunami hit.

$240,400 + $35,700 = $276,100

$276,100 - $30,000 = $246,100

/Day 10/Christmas Eve/

Waking up Otto got a phone call from Lang.

"Hey after we make this transaction I want to make a buisness deal with you." He said as Oto got into his car after locking his house.

"Sure meet me at the old dock in 5 hours." Otto said driving to the Grimmes dock. "Sure I'll meet you their in 5 hours." Lang said before hanging up as Otto made his way to the Grimmes dock while making another phone call.

/5 Hours Later/

After earning $10,500 from Grimmes Otto made his way to the docks where he saw Lang with a few other people. Driving up Otto sent a text and exited his car and walked towards Lang and recognized all but two people. Smiling he approached with a calm manner.

"I see you brought some company with you Lang." He said offering a handshake. Shaking his hand Lang introduced Harry, Tony, Octavio, Speedy, (Sayeedblack) and Luciano (Zetark).

"Yeah after you dropped Tony off at Sanitation he's been like a white girl checking her phone every two seconds waiting for you to make a call." Lang said before Tony started arguing with Lang. Walking over Luciano observed him up to down before speaking.

"You seem like a you have a way of making a living." He said in a classic Italian accent before walking away while Speedy just watched from the sidelines with Harry and Octavio.

"Okay Jeses Tony your a fucking drama queen." Lang said as their argument came to a end. Recomposing himself Lang gave Otto the materials he ordered. Taking the materials Otto put them in his trunk before walking back to Lang.

"You got some of your guys here for a reason so let's breeze past the pleasantries and cut to the point." Otto said getting a response of agreement.

"We want you to for a alliance with our organization." Lang said getting strait to the point. Thinking it in his mind Otto inquired about the alliance. "So basically we work together as a group to advance towards certain objectives together." Lang said ofgering a handshake while waiting for Otto's response.

Smiling Otto shook Langs hand before calling the clowns over. Suprised by what was happening they looked towards Otto who was smiling before he spoke "Schicksal will work ad the alliances face of operations so that you are not discovered while your union will supply us materials to help make our presence known to direct any that suspect your operations." He said before telling the clowns to head back to the base they recently acquired.

After the clowns left the recently formed alliance spoke for a bit before everyone went to do their own thing after 1 hour of talking with Otto telling Octavio to drive him and Tony to Grimmes while he tests out his car. Nodding Otto got in the shotgun seat while Tony got in the back while Octavio drove with glee. After dropping them off Octavio drove around while Otto and Tony spent the rest of the day working before Tsunami hit earning $37,800.

$246,100 + $10,500 = $256,600

$256,600 + $37,800 = $294,400

/Author's Note/

I hope you liked the chapter and hope you all enjoyed the interactions.

If you have someone you want me to add to the storyline please tell me and I'll see if they fit the current plot.