
New Mission

On a calm kept town, one very early morning, a family is walking down a street just by the church when suddenly, they heard a glass shatter.

" A girl! " then points up to the sky with a girl and broken pieces of glass that surrounds her.

" Just some adjustments, ping, I'm gonna need. more time. "

looking around her for a place to land,

" I can't wait to die, Hila, I JUST JUMPED THROUGH A WINDOW "

She decides to push her body in a different direction directing to a big Tree.

" someone's looking, you're catching attention ping. Leave. Time denies it when you disrupts it's cycle. "

Ping Lands on the tree safely having some minor bruise.

" I think I'm safe, activate it. "

Hila pressed release.

" Safe. "

She then Pressed her watch and was eaten by a black hole in a quick time and was spit in a van. Hila looks behind him and found Ping with bruised arm mostly her legs. " How much duration i took up in that time? " She looks at him as she stood and went to find an aid kit. Hila gets back to his computer. " 15 minutes, like before. " She then treats her bruises after she let out a little frustration.

" you have to take it slow. You know what happened last time you tried to wore out the time. " She turns to him with silence.

" What's next, then? " sighs and went beside Hila as he is sitting. Clicks and clicks, he then points on the screen of the computer. " A guy. okay Hila, is this your confession for being gay? " He them strated making the confused face looking at her. Then, shakes his head no " look closely, That's an Android ".

Ping then sits beside him. " so what am i gonna do? " He then gets papers out of his bag and gives it to her. " their details are all there you just have to read it. " While ping was browsing through the papers, " You need to get close to the producer's son of the android. It's not like your mission back in 2028. it's much more crucial now, You need to get even just a little bit of information about what they're going to do with the Androids. remember when Milian got sucked into the black hole? "

She looks at him. " what about him? " she then looks all serious. " Well, he's still giving me information since the computer I use is fine wether your in the future or past it'll still be connected. His Watch is still in repair with the me in that timeline fixing it since I'm still the same me in the time line where he's in. " He looks at her when taking a little pause. " He'll come back. It'll be a little impossible but I'm sure the me in that timeline could've made a solution. " she goes back to the papers. " did he tell you what timeline he's in? " Just as he was about to tell her Hila remembered something about His talk with Milian about his age changing back and forth ( He becomes Old and goes back to being young and again and again) " Future. but not very far from this timeline, that's why he could give little informations to me about the androids, but it's not enough that's why i need you since soon, if you don't, it's gonna disrupt my connection with Millian or Everything for that instance. "

He then laids back on his seat. " and if i do, this business we have is nothing but trash. Same with Milian. he won't be coming back cause my data of everything is connected here. and if i don't have connection with everything, Milian has nothing to go back to. " Ping turns to him confused. " How does that have anything to do with the Androids? " He becomes silent for a while. " well, they're trying to find me. steal the connections, data and informations i worked hard for. If they have it, they'll have access for the future, past and present's details. I use these connections for the informations, like that one's you're holding. and i love this world so much that I'm too selfish to give my connections up to them. Time Travel is a little common but superior thing in this present of ours and if they knew of that, they can either go back to the past and just change of how things should be. They'll rule the world of how they want it to be. All i want to know is how they're going to do it and how will they steal it from me so i could know where to go and when. " saying in a cold tone, " so all of this is just for your Daisies and you? " He looks at her with a confused face. " Kinda, but nope. This is for your lovely Milian and The world. If this world is leaded by Androids, All they would want is perfection and may even think To kill us if we weren't. " He sighs.

" No android is made with errors cause if they were, they won't be releasing it to the world. Perfection wasn't really in the world to begin with. And to start perfection with great power, Humanity needs to be erased. One thing we don't know is how they're going to do it. "

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-Krystelle Jano

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