
Across the Worlds

Same main character gets reincarnated . Read the first chapter and get on the ride.

Vishesh_Singh_7260 · Fantasy
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11 Chs


In the room , the boy whose breathing was normal , curled up sideways and woke up sitting on the bed . Due to his sudden actions , two maids who were standing beside him involuntarily stepped backwards and gasped loudly . Seeing their actions the royal maid shook her head in dissatisfaction. Although she was too flabbergasted for a split second however she composed herself and politely asked , " Prince Silva ! Are you alright ? Medicine master Teak is going to come at any moment . You should lie down and be patient ".

" Hmmm ?".Silva's brain couldn't comprehend what's happening much so he listened to her and laid down . Seeing that other maids are staring at him , he closed his eyes flustered.

Note : 1-Royal maids are different from normal in status and their income . Although other maids serve in the palace . It can be considered as a hierarchy difference .

Also this maid is different from whom was informing the Queen of Asaka )

Two noble members entered the room . One was wearing a lovely gown while other had a middle era attire

However they matched each other very well.They are the Queen and the King of Asaka ! There aura was lovely but thier face were dark .

( If you want to know about their names read Authors thoughts !)

Following both of the them , few gaurding soldiers entered the room as well .

Seeing that the prince is asleep without any problem their faces relaxed . The eyes of the Queen was sparkling like a gem as rays of light reflected in them .

" Silva open your eyes !". The Queen plainly said . But to the ears of the Silva it sounded like a thunder clap. He again opened his eyes

( obviously he was not sleeping at all . How can he sleep ?! )

Seeing the King and the Queen he bowed his head down .Then a gust of information flowed in his mind.

"The..these are my parents ?".He shouted in his mind .

Seeing their own son bowing to them both of them felt flustered .

" Raise your head boy ".

(' Boy ' is a form of addressing in royalty . For normal use of boy I will use ' brat '.)

With meek expression .

Silva raised his head

" Good morning Dad and Mummy !".

He greeted .

Hearing this strange greetings a short conversation started behind .

" Dead mummy ! Is prince hallucinating and Where he is seeing this ".Some people even looked at the place where they think Silva was addressing .

King leaned a little to the Queen . " ..na . You should not have used that illusion technique to wake him up .

She replied with bit of confusion , " I didn't use any illusion . I just made the sounds to be five times louder to his ear in that moment ".

King laughed awkwardly , ".Maybe my son has become a retard ".

Hearing his words the Queen rolled her eyes , " Which father thing like that ?".

At this moment a middle aged man with holding some ancient artifacts like objects in the room.

He looked all the person in the room and greeted both them politely .The Queen and the King replied with a greeting (joining both of thier hand like in a prayer positon and giving little bow )

Silva didn't know how but he still recognised his face who is a royal Medicine Master . Although there are many doctors and alchemists present in this world.Only who have brief knowledge of all the diseases and medicine is termed as a Medicine Master .There is also one of the important criteria to meet I.e. to research and make a potent medicine for a particular disease or a virus . Some people alone take decades fulfilling this criteria .

He started inspecting Silva by taking one of his hand ( left ) and placed his index finger on one of his nerves . He then closed his eyes trying to concentrate.

" Does these doctors doctors think they can diagnose any type of illness by this method " . Silva thought .

Suddenly he felt uneasy throughout his body . It's like something ( insect ) entered his body and it is running here and there through his veins. Despite this he shut his mouth.

After two to three minutes , Medicine master opened his eyes and said , " He is alright . There are only minor injuries in his qi paths .

Hearing this everyone's eyes relaxed but the Queen still had the dark look on her face .

" Medicine Master , May I speak with you for a second ?".Queen made a request . Hearing her words He could not refute so he went with her .

King nodded and said , " From tomorrow your academics will continue . You Should sleep well Silva ".

" Sleep again ?". He was at a loss .

He laid on his bed and closed his eyes trying not to attract attention . Slowly everyone left the room including the King . But suddenly his mind felt immense pressure like a thousand gallon of water being released on hum at one go . His mind snapped and his struggling body became motionless .

" Huh...? Sir Pele ? ". Silva woke from his daze or like he was released by something .

He saw a tall man with a sword resting in his scabbard.

He suddenly asked , " So Silva what are you going to do now ?". Saying this he walked away from him and closed the door of the terrace which was at a distance away from Silva .