
Across the worlds

"Do you wish to give your wings and halo to save the girls' soul?" "Yes" the angel aswered without hesitation.

Bell_Lullabye · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

"Hi Johann!"

"Hello Cesima!"

"So....How are you doing?" asks the girl

"I was wondering the same thing about you"

"Well...I'm good..."

The boy turns to the girl and looks her in the eye taking her hand.

"You don't have to lie to me Cesima, I can see you aren't good"

The girl takes a deep breath and looks at her protector.

"The truth is I'm not feeling especially good lately. It's probably just a cold so you don't have to worry about it"

"I will always worry about you, but I trust that you will take care of yourself and go to the doctor"

"I promise" the girl smiles

The boy blushes slightly but she doesn't notice because of the redish light coming from the sun.

As they talk, Cesima's alarm goes off and she starts waking up. The two of them hug and the girl wakes up.

Cesima wakes up in her modest appartment and Johann wakes up in heaven, in his private cloud.