
Across The Ocean We Called Home

Caleb, unknown from his family, was left at the foothold of the Domus Orphanage. But after tensions in the orphanage intensified, Caleb was forced to leave the establishment. For the next few years he managed to seek shelter in the household of a mysterious deviator, Tristan Danis. After a few years, the two decided to head to Liverpool to work on the RMS Titanic, in which Caleb was reunited once more with her friend from the Orphanage Nicollette. The three became unstoppable, taking one challenge by another. That's when a massive opportunity comes along, they take their bags and Aboard the Maiden Voyage of the Titanic. As the Voyage continues the friend group continues to expand, unfortunately so do the unwanted mysteries. The Voyage eventually ends leading everyone to drift apart once more. The tribulations and mysteries once more emerge as everyone feels loss.

VelacTinram · History
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25 Chs


A shadowy figure silently slipped through the hall's rear entrance, moving with a silence akin to the mist that enveloped the ship. Skillfully evading the watchful guards, this mysterious intruder appeared poised to set a complex plan into motion.

Drew, navigating his way through the gathering, incapacitated the guards with swift and precise shots from his revolver. Each calculated strike left the guards incapacitated, effectively neutralizing any threat they posed. Swiftly and soundlessly, he concealed the unconscious guards in a nearby janitor's closet.

Upon entering the opulent half-party, Drew took a seat at an unoccupied table, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on his target. His focus remained squarely on the distinguished and unflinching Prince Quentin, who was making his stately procession.

All eyes were on Prince Quentin and his resplendent Princess as they strolled toward their seats. The room erupted in cheers and applause, celebrating the entrance of the royal couple. However, Drew found himself under the scrutiny of onlookers, including the vigilant bodyguards and security personnel attending the royals.

Drew's next move was to listen in with an air of foreboding, discreetly shielding his face whenever curious glances were cast his way. He patiently bided his time, waiting for the opportune moment to execute his plan. His keen observations took in the surroundings, honing in on a strategic course of action.

As the event unfolded, Caleb, Tristan, Gabriel, and Nicollette were summoned to the stage, singled out for a photograph in honor of their friendship with the Prince.

"Allow me to introduce my esteemed comrades from Liverpool, exceptional individuals who have shared in my journey. Their unwavering protection of the one I hold dear in times of peril deserves heartfelt gratitude. Now, I kindly request the presence on stage of Mr. Caleb, Tristan, Gabriel, and Ms. Nicollette of Liverpool."

The crowd erupted in applause, moved by the realization that true heroes come in various forms. Spirited chants of "Speech! Speech!" echoed through the room, prompting the group to address the eager audience.

"We extend our gratitude for this recognition, Prince Quentin. It is our privilege to serve and safeguard His Royal Highness and all in touch with him " Caleb greeted the party to the jubilant crowd. Their response was one of exuberant cheers and admiration.

Following the photographic tribute, the banquet commenced, with the clock nearing 9:00pm and the guests eagerly anticipating the feast. Culinary delights from around the world graced the tables, each dish fit for royalty. A palpable air of joy enveloped the gathering, particularly among the Squad. Prince Quentin joined them, fostering lively conversations and savoring delectable dishes together.

Amidst their exchange, the group delved into more personal topics, sparked by Nicollette's inquiry into the meeting of the two royals.

"Beyond matters of royalty… Lady May, may I pose a question?" Nicollette inquired, her gaze directed at Lady May. The atmosphere was lighthearted, and Lady May playfully consented, her cheeks tinted with a blush.

"How do you define true love on a personal level?" Nicollette's question prompted a reflective pause from Lady May, who raised her glass in a toast to her Prince before offering her heartfelt perspective.

"Love… I haven't ever been asked for this definition. Personally I've had my fair share…" Lady May raised her glass and took a toast to her Prince. "It is… something we should never give up on, no matter how dire, no matter how difficult. It's not an obligation, it's a passion… It's more than words of affirmation, It's more than verification. When you love someone, no matter how distant, how troubled, how worthless it feels, you'll be there and ready to give your full support for each."

Lady May's voice resonated with a mix of wisdom and vulnerability. Her words captured the essence of love as an enduring, passionate commitment, transcending challenges and trials. The group nodded in resonance, a chorus of applause acknowledging her profound insight. Prince Quentin, in particular, was visibly touched by her words.

Yet, the atmosphere took an abrupt turn as Lady May's health faltered, causing her to collapse onto the table, triggering panic among the attendees. Prince Quentin's distressed cry filled the air as he urgently called for water, and chaos struck the half-party.

"May!" Prince Quentin said as he began to panic. "Water!, bring us some water!" Prince Quentin called on his servers. Everyone was worried. Fortunately, Lady May regained control, her condition stabilizing after a tense moment.

"Please… escort me back to my room," Lady May managed to convey, and with concern etched across their faces, the group followed her back to her quarters.

"We'll follow Lady May back to her room. You guys gonna come?" Nicollette inquired with a sobbing tone to Tristan and Caleb. A shared exchange of reassurances followed, as Tristan and Caleb opted to remain behind, promising to follow suit shortly. "Will follow later, you guys go ahead." Tristan said to Nicollette. "You guys stay safe, make sure to follow soon." Gabriel responded. The two soon left to entourage Lady May back to her room.

As Nicollette and Gabriel departed with Lady May, a sense of unease lingered.

Left alone at the table, Caleb's condition drew Tristan's attention. With genuine concern, Tristan addressed his friend's visible distress.

"Is something amiss? You appear unwell today,"Tristan grabbed Caleb's arm and confronted him. "Is there something wrong? You haven't been looking your best this day." Tristan responded. "Don't tell me you also feel sick like Lady May is right now?" Tristan was worried for his best friend and gently pulled him in. "Hey, whatevers bothering you, I'm sure we can fix it." Tristan felt Caleb's heart race, his hands began to shake like a panic attack was happening. He embraced Caleb tighter, hoping to ease the sudden spike of his vitals.

"Tristan… I need a moment. My head is spinning," Caleb confessed, and Tristan's understanding demeanor provided the space Caleb required. With a heartfelt embrace, Tristan allowed Caleb the time and privacy he sought.

Tristan was worried about Caleb's worsening condition. Tristan did feel some of this was his fault. He thought best that Caleb could use some time with himself. "Alright then Caleb. Make sure to see us at Prince Quentin's room." Tristan responded. "Be safe and let's catch up later when the tension has died down." Tristan patted his best friends back and left towards the room of the royals.

What are your thoughts about CHAPTER 19: BREAKING POINT? feel free to comment them and let me know.

This chapter highlights an on going quote in this story "Live life with no regrets." Unfortunately it is seen that the chapter shows immense regrets and guilt as Tristan feels to take the blame on the disaster.

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