
Across Parallels

The story revolves around an astronaut named Kang Sung-jo who has been working in space for around 15 years for a private space program company named Xpwork Pvt. Ltd. And as one day while everything was going well & the crew was getting back to earth a day later suddenly the space station was approached by a cluster of asteroids because of this disaster the whole space station gets totally destroyed, then Kang Sung-jo ends up seperated by away by his crew during their evacuation process. And gets on an alien planet which is alike to planet Earth & is known as "Zarthix". Where he comes to know about a company which do illegal experiments over the people living over there without the knowledge of the government. Then he & his mates who he met up there in Zarthix together bring this problem in front of the media & law of Zarthix. Total number of episodes: 32 - TO KNOW FURTHER JUST READ THE STORY. Follow the author on Instagram @e_igh_t

E_igh_t · Sci-fi
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34 Chs

Chapter 27

Within that time while Violet Grenger was talking with the scientist her son came out of the house in search of his mom. When Kang Sung-jo saw the kid walking towards them he waved his hands to the kid with a smiley face & walked towards the kid & said in a soft & soothing voice.

Kang Sung-jo: Hey kiddo, how are you? Want some candy?

Till that time the kid who was very introvert & shy when he heard of the word candy, he looked towards Sang-jo & gave a smile. When Kang Sung-jo saw that beautiful smile he said.

Kang Sung-jo: Yeah! That's what I was looking from your side. Now tell me? Will you be my friend?

Tony Grenger: Yes, I'll!

**As Kang Sung-jo got his answer from the kid he inserted his hands inside his pant's right pocket & took out a lollipop & gave it to the child.

Later on the same day itself in the hospital the discharge procedures of Kim Young-so which was blocked by the reports late arrival had cleared out & she also got discharged. Because of which she was allowed to go back home by the authorities. As she got discharged she made a call to Kang Sung-jo to inform him about the discharge from the hospital. During the call, she told Sang-jo that she wanted to meet him & then she end up the call. Then she took a taxi from the hospital lobby & headed towards her home.

On the other side, when Sang-jo received the call saying Young-so wanted to meet him. He rushed to Scientist Yo-shin & said to him**.

Kang Sung-jo: Hey doc, Young-so had called me now!

Scientist Yo-shin: So! What should I do? She is your girlfriend.

Kang Sung-jo: Have you prepared the lens which you were talking off this morning.

Scientist Yo-shin: Are you crazy?

Kang Sung-jo: I thought you will help me out with this also. That's why I came to you. (With a sad face).

Scientist Yo-shin: Now, what's with your facial expression? Wait here! I don't have any but I have one spec.

Kang Sung-jo suddenly hugs the scientist & gave a kiss over his cheeks then said to him.

Kang Sung-jo: You are my great friend.

Scientist Yo-shin: Oh god! ( Wiping out the kiss by Sang-jo from his cheeks).

Then Scientist Yo-shin walked into his room & came out with a pair of normal-looking glasses & handed it over to Kang Sung-jo & said.

Scientist Yo-shin: Here it is.

Kang Sung-jo: Thanks, doc.

**Then Kang Sung-jo suddenly ran towards his room to get ready to visit his love which has bloomed again in his life.

On the other side, as Kim Young-so reached her home from the hospital & when she opened her entrance door & got inside the house. The view there made her undergo a trauma because, before her, someone got inside her house & had totally made a mess over her place**.