
Acne and pimples

This is literally about acne and pimples. thank you for reading.

Daisy14error · Teen
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3 Chs

Everyday Reminders

After waking up and discovering that I'm still a hideous beast I go back to bed. I then i remember I'm a hideous beast in my sleep so I wake and brush my teeth. I look in the mirror and stare, not at my face but at my pimples. I then get on the sink and stare at my pimples and then the urge to kill it comes to mind. But then I suddenly remember to bit kill it because if I do it'll become worse. So I get off the sink wash my face and walk out looking like a clown because of the creams I put on.

Aaand I get on my phone and lay down. As I'm waiting for youtube to load i see my reflection. I get scared because sometimes I forget it's me. I then continue the rest of the day on my phone and eating.

p.s. mom it's not because of my phone