

I've been on the road with my daughter for two weeks now and we haven't run into anyone suspicious-looking or threatening in any way.

It's been stressful.

The first week of running away I felt terrified, I had no idea where I was heading and who can be trusted.

I was so worried about how I would manage taking care of Joe while on the road. It was a little challenging at first, but I kind of got it.

We mostly stayed in motels for two nights and then out that morning, but the last one we were in Joe developed a fever. There was no way we can travel.

We stay for almost the whole week. Us being here was compromising our safety. They will surely find us if we stay here any longer. We won't be able to keep it up for this long. Whoever they are this corporation or whatever sure is fast.

All my parents said was that they were a secret organization that had the resources to do anything. Even kill.

Walking back into my room I placed the breakfast I got from the dinner across the street on the table.

Slowly turning to the coat rack I was grabbed. I felt something at the back of my head.

Cold and metal like.

"Don't make a sound and you won't die"

I hear the man whisper in my ear.

"Wh-what do y-you want" I choke out nervously.

"Didn't I say not to make a sound?" he says harshly in my ear while grabbing my arm with much more force pushing me to the ground. My head pressing against the cold hard floor I start to tear up.

"D-don't." I croak out. Clearing my throat I continue.

"Please don't...my baby, my baby girl is she alright? She needs me please I can't."

I can't die here not now I thought. I've made it this far I can't let it end here.

"Baby?" The man questions confused.

"Yes," I whisper.

"You have a child" he questions me.

"Yes please"

"No one informed me of this" he spoke to himself quietly.

He lays off the pressure bringing me up a bit.

"Listen your parents sold you out and you're stuck with us now. You have two options you either come willing and no one has to get hurt or you die and we take your child with us."

"Okay," I say in defeat.

"Okay what? What's it gonna be?"

"I'll go with you willing, just please don't hurt my child" I cry out. He allows me to get up from the floor still holding on to me.

"Alright, I'm gonna let you go..." I nod and he grips my arm tighter pulling me closer to him. I can feel his body up against me as he continues."Try anything funny and you're dead got it"

I nod fiercely.

"Now go grab your stuff and follow me. We got a long ride ahead"
