
Upper Dragons (1).

Shi Lang was in the middle of a battle when the Sect Master announced that he would have to fight thousand people at the same time. Anyone who won would be guided by the Holy Elder. The challenge was limited to the outer sect, but even the inner sect was curious to find how Shi Lang would handle it. 

They all came over to watch, and the outer sect turned into a battlefield. The dragon list rankers were going to participate, however, they weren't fools to jump in battle head first. They were aware of Shi Lang's battle prowess. The fact that he could take on a Dao King had spread in the sect, because the three disciples of the assault team leaked it. 

While Shi Lang was dealing with the eager young blood surging towards him, the Upper Dragons and the Lower Dragons of the outer sect were holding a meeting together. 

Someone said, "Senior Brother Chan, what do you think?"