
Sword Master.

Shi Lang and Tex both slashed at each other with their swords and the blades radiated a strong wind that clashed in the center of the ring. However, while the people were shocked, Shi Lang had already moved forward and met Tex in the center of the ring. 

The interesting thing was that none of them exchanged a blow but they both sidestepped and made a backhand slash at each other. The outcome was the same, the two people moved around and fought like there is no tomorrow, but even within close quarters they did not touch each other's blades directly and cast sword slashes. 

The movement of blades let out slashing sounds and even more, the two people were moving almost identically. The crowd was excited and surprised at the same time. They did not expect the two people to compete in such a way. It was so exaggerated that it seemed like they were putting up a performance.