
Ace Of Terrans

Loose cultivator Shi Lang gradually found himself in the realm of invincibility. However, when he finally tried to ascend to the higher realm, the spirit of the world was nearly exhausted. So, between his ascension to a new world or the well-being of his home, he chose the latter and sacrificed his life to save the world. Nobody knew what he gave up for the world, and he told no one. Although his sacrifice had gone unsung, there was still someone who witnessed everything. A treasured artifact he carried on his body preserved his soul and let it escape a tragic end. Eons passed. The human race stepped out from the age of cultivation into an age of stellar conquest. The spirit energy in the world was now scarce, but humans found other means to excel. In this highly-advanced time, Shi Lang's soul has found a chance to be reborn. What happens when an ancient cultivator that neared the level of a deity before his first death gets a second chance at life in the space age? ... Cover Credits: ropreker#8513(discord) Fonts and Final editing credits: Not gonna tell y'all. XD

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Popping Pills.

Shi Lang sat inside the room and began to meditate. His mind was flooded with rage. He was not as helpless as it looked like. As a cultivator, just one treasure was not the only thing that had followed him in this life. He could have easily assassinated the whole battle class had he wished it to be.

However, he was not such a person. The more he tried to calm himself, the more agitated he became. The situation worsened so much that a trace of blood leaked out from the corner of his lips. However, he did not bother with it. The only way for him to fairly deal with this was to increase his strength.

The strength of a Terran came from the core. It was akin to spiritual cultivation, but not quite exact. A terran's strength came from the depth of their blood. The predecessors of the Terrans had all taken gene evolution serums and external means. The result was a generation that did not need any external help to exceed human standards. As generations came, the effects became even stronger.

The later generations discovered that the strength of a Terran can be evolved further by unlocking the gene locks. They did not need to consume anything but temper their bodies. The more they temper their bodies, the more their gene chain purifies, enhancing their prowess. However, not everyone was the same.

Different people needed different degrees of tempering. The more potent the effect of the gene serum in the predecessor, the better the future generation. Shi Lang's ancestors in this life were not rich people, but they received basic gene evolution serums and the follow-up result was him.

The degree of tempering he needed was ten times that of Jenkins Edwards. However, tempering also came at a price that he could not afford. This was the reason he was so weak, and at this moment, this helplessness was what he hated.

As Shi Lang was trying to come up with some solution, the drop of his blood slid down his throat and was about to be absorbed by his shirt when he sensed a strong tremor coming from his spirit storage tattoo.

The boy was surprised to sense this tremor, there was only one treasure in there. He forced himself to calm down and called Lucas.

He asked as soon as the call connected, "How are things there?"

Lucas replied, "They are yet to be discharged, so everyone is here. What happened to you? Left all of a sudden."

Shi Lang replied, "Just frustrated. I will go to bed. So, I will lock the door."

Lucas nodded and said, "It is okay, I will stay at Tim's."

The two disconnected after a short dialog. The reason he did this was that he did not want his friend to walk in and find him in some unexplainable situation. He had never used that treasure, so he did not know what might happen.

He took off his shirt and interacted with the spirit storage tattoo. The stone egg appeared in his right hand as the tattoo turned to a rectangle. Shi Lang glanced at the stone egg in his hand and said, "I am the most useless cultivator ever."

Then he rubbed his left thumb on the trail of blood and then rubbed the thick blood on the surface of the stone egg. He mumbled the earlier sentence because he had never dripped his blood on the stone egg in his past life. 

As soon as he rubbed the blood on the stone egg, it started to tremble. Shi Lang sensed something and let go of the egg. The treasure did not fall to the ground, but levitated in the void. The scaly texture on the egg moved. It was like a locker combination dial. All the scale-rings turned and after a while, they stopped with a click.

Shi Lang saw that all the scales were aligned together. The egg split open from the middle, revealing three gem-like round pills inside. A strong fragrance hit Shi Lang's nostrils, making his blood agitated. His face turned red with a blush.

He exclaimed, "Fucking, Spirit pills."

Spirit pills were medicines developed in the era of spiritual cultivation. The material used to refine these pills was heavenly natural treasures. He never expected to witness a spirit pill ever again. He scolded himself. If only he had known earlier.

Three spirit pills all had different colors. Shi Lang picked the first one. This pill was grey, but like a marble of liquid ink, shining. The spirit pills were high grade, all had their own spirits and transferred Shi Lang to the details.

'Nirvana resurrection pill, even if the body is destroyed, it can reincarnate the soul of the bearer once.'

As soon as this strand of information was transmitted to Shi Lang. The pill in his palm turned to dust. The boy was surprised but recalling how he came back to life. He figured that this pill was already used by him indirectly.

He was not let down with this. After all, the pill saved him. He blew away the dust in his palm and picked up a red pill from the stone egg. The information was poured into his mind almost instantly.

'Dragon Spear, once taken, the consumer can battle nine days and nine nights nonstop. No side effects on kidneys, though might lose mental balance.'

Shi Lang almost threw the pill away. Turned out this high-level pill was an aphrodisiac. Turned out the earlier agitation of blood was because of this. He shook his head at this. Imagine such a high-level alchemist. Would it be to refine such a pill? He clicked his tongue and said, "You will be the memento of last life."

He placed the pill back in the stone egg, letting it float like before. The last pill was crystal clear. It did not give off any smell. He sighed and picked up the pill with no expectation in his heart. The information came to his mind. He almost yelled out like a monster.

'Heavenly Marrow Washing Pill. Can clear the bloodline of impurities permanently, enhancing bloodline talent by ten times.'

Shi Lang smiled and mumbled, "Battle Star Jenkins Edwards, your reign comes to an end."

He did not even think twice. With a wave of his hand the stone egg closed and locked it again. Then it flew back inside his chest. Shi Lang gulped the pill in an instant. The pill melted in his mouth and a warm fluid was sensed flowing down to his stomach.

Shi Lang took off his clothes as he sat in the middle of the room and turned off the lights. The window of the room was open, but no one could see it from the outside. His body began to heat up. Slowly, he felt as if millions of ants were crawling over his body. However, he could sense that his blood was being cleansed.

If someone was to ask Shi Lang, was it really going to improve ten times? He would have replied, the one who made this pill underestimated the effect, as for by what degree? He did not know. His body was being cleansed, and it was estimated that the process will last the whole night.

Shi Lang looked forward to the morning to come.

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