
Ace of diamond: Shohei Ohtani template at the beginning

Asad sign in at ace of diamond world with ohtani template. start dominating the baseball world ( guys I will be weakly updating 7 chapters every day of week 1 chapter). please support and comment if you like this story

AKG_1436 · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

chapter 63

"Cast beautifully!"

"Well done! Asad! "


"All of them are straight balls in the middle, but they can't hit any of them, and the ball speed is willful!"

When Asad and other teammates returned to the rest area.

I got a lot of praise.


The other side.

Mimensi's momentum became much lower.

At last.

It was the coach who reacted first.

He tapped the railing with his horn.

"What are you doing here?"

"Don't hurry up and defend?!"

A roar.

Let the players come to their senses immediately.

"Yes . . .!! "

Coach Mimensi looked quite serious.

"You have to adjust your state!"

"Just stick to the defense!"

"There will definitely be a chance to overtake!"

"Chiba Ryu's decisive iron rule - actively deal with everything!"


On the pitch.

Seido's 6-stick Miyuki walked to the batter's seat.

In the past, he had someone on the base to play well, but this time he also played an amp when there was no one on base.

And it's still a second base!

"Oooooh oh!!"

"There was an An hit at the beginning of the second inning!"

"Hopefully, the offensive will continue!"

The audience looked at the upcoming 7-stick Jun Isashiki with the greatest expectation.

"Boom out!"

"Come on!"

There was a huge cry of support.

Jun Isashiki hit the ball high in the outfield.

But just then, it fell.

It was eventually caught by Mimensi's outfielder.



At the same time, Miyuki, who saw the opportunity, immediately rushed out from second base!

In baseball games.

After the batter was killed.

Runners on base can steal bases.


If it is an infield-wide catch, it will definitely be difficult to steal the base.

Because the distance is too close.

No matter which bag you steal, you will be 100% killed.

But if it's an outfield-wide kill...

Especially this so-called 'outfield' is still quite far from second base...

That's perfect for robbery!

Like at the moment!

When Miyuki saw...

The ball played by Jun Isashiki fell in the deepest part of the right field!

Just know!

This is a great opportunity to steal third base!

And Miyuki!

That's exactly what happened!

And also stolen the stronghold successfully!



"At least I didn't waste this out-of-game number!"

"Isashiki is good! Beautiful sacrifice high fly! "

"Played beautifully!"

The audience who supported seido praised it one after another.

But Jun Isashiki was so embarrassed that he was a little embarrassed.


"Shut up for me!"

"Don't mention it again!"

Jun Isashiki shouted loudly.

But none of the audience paid attention to him, but 'boasted' even more.

Looked at.

Jun Isashiki hurried to flash people.

No way.

He is only alone, where can he say hundreds of people?


After that, the batter was 8 batters in Hakushu.

But because Asad, Yuki, Miyuki and others all hit the ball to the outfield area before.

Even the eliminated Toru Masuko and Jun Isashiki hit the ball far away.


Mimensi 's catchers saw Seido as a team that relied on long shots to score.

And then.

The pitcher was given the command to take an outside corner.

Mimensi's pitcher nodded and then followed the catcher's instructions to throw the ball.

Right now!

Miyuki rushed from third base to home plate!


The Mimensi catcher was stunned for a moment.

By the time he reacted, Hakushu had already completed the touch, and the baseball landed very well.

As a result, the catcher could not pick it up in time.

By the time the pitcher picked up the ball, Miyuki had already arrived at home plate, and even if it was passed to home plate, he didn't have time to hit it.


The Mimensi catcher decisively changed his response.

"Pass first base!"

The pitcher did not reply, but passed the ball as quickly as he could to the first baseman.

At the same time.

Miyuki's foot stepped on home plate.

The Isashiki, on the other hand, is still some way from first base.

"The hitter is out!"

The first base referee loudly announced the result.


"Get the second point!"

"Senior Hakushu, beautiful touch!"

"Miyuki also runs very fast, if it is slower, you won't be able to return to home plate!"

Seido's support group shouted excitedly.



It's 9 sticks Furuya .


A bang!

Baseball was slammed into the outfield fence by Furuya!

Almost flew out and became a home run!


"What a pity!"

"Why didn't it fly out?"

"What a difference, a thousand miles lost!"

In the sighs of the audience.

Furuya ran smoothly to second base.



It's 1 stick Asad.

"Boom !"


"Boom !"

The seido support group and passers-by shouted in unison.

The players in Mimensi looked a little ugly.

This feeling of being the enemy of the whole world is simply terrible.


"I'm not going to let you hit a home run again!"


"Outfield An will not fight for you!"

Mimensi's pitcher looked focused and his attention was raised to the extreme.


He took a deep breath.

After adjusting the state.

He threw the ball with all his strength.



A ball that doesn't even have a speed of 120km/h is like a turtle crawling in Asad's eyes!

Plus [ohtani power]!

Let Asad be able to swing the metal rod to the desired position in an instant!


A pleasant sound of metal crashing sounds!

The baseball was instantly bombarded into the air!

All the audience couldn't help but raise their heads and follow the baseball movement!

"It will..."

"Will it fly out?"

Countless viewers thought so in their hearts.

